Good Work Anet this is so balanced

Good Work Anet this is so balanced

in PvP

Posted by: DiegoChiyuki.6041


Lost grace the pvp in this ranked.


Good Work Anet this is so balanced

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Matchmaking at its finest!

Good Work Anet this is so balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Foefire is a rather special flake because its way, way too easy to snowball if enemies make one particular mistake. I am betting it happened exactly the same as my last match there:

- We take home and fight on mid as usual, wipe enemy team in rapid succession.
- We go 2v1 on far, followed by 2v2, followed by 3v3, etkittenil its 5v5. Basicly, complete tunnelvision.
- They die one by one for a while yet keep coming back to that point, we push door and wipe them again.
- All of us rush lord and kill/stomp him in 5 seconds due to low hp and completely ignoring the 5 players trying to kill us in the meantime.

We won 500v40 or something.

This is 75% a map/game mode design flaw and 25% idiots. The main problem is that yes, you could argue that they should have spread out and capped the two undefended points but you see, that would have made them lost anyway. That is the issue with foefire. Not the matchmaking.

Good Work Anet this is so balanced

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


I’m inclined to think comments made regarding the number of placement matches are valid. 10 matches is not enough to accurately place division. Additionally, we have gone from 6 divisions to 5. Which means there is a much broader skill range residing within bronze. This goes a long way to explaining some of the “issues” folks have encountered.

Last season was first full season I played. Starting at Amber and progressing to Diamond was not easy, and then sure was a lot of numpties in lower divisions, but it did get better as you progressed.

This season it seems, unless playing in Legendary, there is a good spattering of numpties at every level.

MM still can’t figure out that 2+ of any class is not a good composition. And so, the complaints and frustration continue.

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

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