Good race and class for pvp
so you want us to do all the work for you?
race matters not at all in pvp.
classes are fairly well balanced, with warrior, necro and engy the least forgiving. meaning, pick one you like and practice.
An OP thief will suit you.
Asura mesmer will always do well.
play sylvari ele and you will have much fun :P
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus
An Asura Thief or an Asura Mesmer.
Take the smallest Asura available and dress it with plain and non-flashy gear.
I would go for the undead race for pvp because they have will of the foresaken
I would go for the undead race for pvp because they have will of the foresaken
nah Dreanei for Gift of the Naaru!
but back on GW2,
Asura for everything (except norn for clonespam mesmer) if you’re after an advantage, otherwise pick your favourite.
asura are smaller (which instantly makes you less of a target in hotjoins)
they also have the hardest to read animations where as a norn have big sweeping obvious animations.
i personally hate asura so i forfeit the advantages in place of not playing as an ugly three-toed midget.
If you’re desperate for simply seeing the highest numbers, you’ll probably have the most success with a full zerker Thief or Mesmer as you can rely much more on stealth and deception for survivability.
Personally I’d recommend you find a class who’s mechanics you enjoy and head over to their specific forums for related advice, they are all viable and effective in both PvP and WvW.
I would go for the undead race for pvp because they have will of the foresaken
nah Dreanei for Gift of the Naaru!
Human free pvp trinket OP, pls nerf blizz.
Female sylvari mesmer!
What happens when you combine awesome, elegant and sexy?
You gt threads complaining about how OP mesmers are.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Well, I have tried all the professions in sPvP, but have the most experience with Guardian. So, take what I write here with a grain of salt…
RACE: I have heard and read from people about the advantages of Asura in PvP. In fact, there is a post about giving them some disadvantage on this very forum: I have not seen a post about any other race needing a disadvantage, so take that for what it is worth.
PROFESSION: A lot of what you want from PvP will depend on what you get from the various professions. I do believe that currently some of them do much better in PvP than others do. Whether or not Arenanet balances this out in the future, I cannot say.
Elementalist: One of your better choices for a PvP profession. They are mobile, can heal, evade, damage, bunker, are VERY hard to kill and have access to 25 skills due to their attunement mechanic. Their skill ceiling is rather high as you have to know when to swap your attunements, but properly played, they are a PvP nightmare.
Ranger: Arguably the best profession for PvP at the moment. They have great ranged power, have evades on their melee weapon sets so they can melee without taking damage and without having to dodge, have access to multiple crowd control abilities from their pets, and can even send their pets on you from far away while staying beyond your range to damage them.
Thief: Although many people will tell you that Thieves are no good for sPvP as they cannot cap a point while stealthed, you can always cap the point after you have dispatched your opponent and nothing kills faster or easier than a Thief. You get stealth, fast attacks with no cooldowns that hit HARD, melee attacks that you don’t need to be close to get off as they will just teleport you to your target to attack, evades on your weapon skills so you can evade damage while dishing out your own without having to use your dodges, and you can reset any fight you are in to get your advantage back in it. Of all the professions I tried, the Thief was the easiest to run with as all of its skills are designed for max damage with max evasion.
Mesmer: Another profession that can be difficult to play, but well played is a nightmare to fight. They can burst down most other professions quite easily with skills that are on very short cooldowns. They can summon up to six clones to shatter on you and confusion is on of the best conditions in the game as it punishes you for attacking while the Mesmer and their clones continue to whittle away at your health until you are dead. Even healing hurts when facing a Mesmer.
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”
Engineer: Another profession that can really do a lot in sPvP. The current meta is to run an HGH Engineer, but they can also be quite effective as bunkers. Like the Elementalist, they have access to more skills than the other professions do and they can swap their weapon kits with no cooldowns on them allowing them to get maximum benefit from “on swap” weapon sigils and traits. Their skill ceiling is also quite high, but they have access to most conditions and LOTS of crowd control at their beck and call.
Necromancer: Necromancers have come a long way since the game started. Most people play them as “Condition-mancers”, but I have also seen effective minion masters, well-Necros, and life-stealing power Necros played as well. Necros do have it rough when it comes to escaping though, and you will really need to be able to dispatch your opponent as you will probably not be able to get away should the fight turn against you. This is probably my least played profession, so I cannot really offer much more insight than this.
Warrior: The Warrior is generally regarded as being the least effective profession in sPvP at the moment. Although I have seen some really good bunker Warriors, they do need some attention for sPvP. Currently, melee classes that don’t get the nice teleports and evades that Rangers and Thieves get are rather hopelessly doomed against all the speed, mobility, and kiting that the ranged professions currently possess. I know that all professions can be ranged and melee, but I think you will find that both the Guardian and the Warrior lack just a bit on the ranged side. Currently, ranged professions have multiple abilities and speed boosts to effectively kite a melee profession nearly indefinitely while the Guardian and Warrior only have a few skills to close gaps with. Warriors at present only really make good bunkers and I have seen some really good ones keep people off of a point for quite some time until help arrives.
Guardian: My most played profession and the one I really like playing the best. Guardians unfortunately suffer like Warriors in not really having a good ranged option. They are primarily a melee class and while they make EXCELLENT bunkers, it is quite easy to disengage a fight from a Guardian and they are quite easily brought down by ranged professions. It often takes two or three of them to do so, and you are some kind of tough, but you will be very lucky to actually get many kills with one.
So, that’s my insight. Your mileage may vary. Hope it helps.
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”