Good to see ArenaNet has fixed matchmaking

Good to see ArenaNet has fixed matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Argon.1563


Rather than 5 of the same profession, now theres only 4. Good job on slighting improving the matchmaking system, Anet!

Sarcasm, of course. We lost this match terribly, because Dragonhunter is so ridiculously overpowered still, and PVP is currently an analogue of “Which team has the most DH? They win.”

Matchmaking has been broken since the dawn of time. Why are we shy of 4 years into this game, and still facing team comps of 3/4/5 of the same profession.


Good to see ArenaNet has fixed matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator


We’re going to go ahead and close this thread, as match-up threads are not permitted on the forums.