Guardian Bunkers in SoloQ
Bunker guardians can be and are killed all the time. Now I am not saying a well played one isn’t powerful but thats because of the conquest format. Ideally both sides would have one.
You should play a bunker guardian to understand them.
You’ll learn the tells of the class. For example, the guardian using Mace #3 (has the circle of shields around him) can block everything AoE bubbles that you throw at him, but as soon as it gets hit in melee gets locked into an attack animation.
Most Players who aren’t bunkers and who understand guardians can usually 1v1 kill a guardian (even if it takes a while).
They nerfed crit damage because zerkers builds were a bit too overpowered and was all everyone was playing.. And now there’s hardly anything to counter these bunker builds.. So what’s next a healing power nerf? I hope so.. Because these bunker builds are just silly, how are you going to attract new players to pvp if you get 3-4 new players join a map to try it out and come up against a bunker who can hold all 3-4 of them off for a considerable amount of time.. In my eyes it ruins PvP
GW2 combat is pretty dynamic, and that means that your effective dps will increase dramatically as you gain experience in the game. You’ll begin to save big damage cooldowns for after he dodges or blocks, and you’ll figure out how to interrupt his heal, or AoE a downed player as the guardian tries to rez, or bait out his powerful defensive cooldowns.
So the correct answer is that you don’t have enough dps to down him in a 1v1 yet. But you will.
That said, support guardians are very strong in teamfights. It doesn’t have anything to do with conquest, as there are builds that are better at simply staying alive on a point for extended periods of time. Support guardians are absolutely critical to any organized WvW group, or team deathmatch community-organized event.
Edit: it also has nothing to do with the crit damage nerf in PvE, since PvP crit damage was not lowered.
They nerfed crit damage because zerkers builds were a bit too overpowered and was all everyone was playing.. And now there’s hardly anything to counter these bunker builds.. So what’s next a healing power nerf? I hope so.. Because these bunker builds are just silly, how are you going to attract new players to pvp if you get 3-4 new players join a map to try it out and come up against a bunker who can hold all 3-4 of them off for a considerable amount of time.. In my eyes it ruins PvP
they dont nerf crit at pvp
They are very strong, but not if there’s more than 1 in a team as there’s very little damage coming back. Can still win against a team with 1, but would have to outrotate them / be very good with your burst. Just don’t get stuck trying to 1v1 a bunker guard on a point they already have, nothing easier on my guard than just tanking one person and many players with limited experience will try it.
I understand your arguments but you go on about team play, GW1 was team play.. They’ve made each character on gw2 more solo. The fact that one class in a 1v1 fight is practically unbeatable is surely something they need to look at?
You all say, if there’s a bunker and your on your own dont bother.. Well thats pathetic, why are they even allowing that kind of gameplay in PvP? It’s not organised PvP its SoloQ people wanting to fight more on their own.. This bunker crap is just ruining that experience.
OP said he’s new. Best reply is to really try out the class so he can experience the weaknesses for himself.
1v1, Bunker Guardians are not the problem. They are the problem in team fights.
But as for 1v1, how about you attack the following weaknesses (1) range (2) boon strips (3) Low offensive damage — if you knock him off point you don’t even have to kill it? There are other weaknesses, and tells that you really have to play one to experience.
Its killable in this patch if you do have the dmg.
Its way better than last patch. Last patch you pretty had to leave him unless you had condi necro.
you can decap point with engi, no reason to kill guard)
you can decap point with engi, no reason to kill guard)
+1. Decap engi is the anti bunker. Except when it’s on foefire mid point. And even then you can decap if you do it right.
Guardian is the longest decap then cap while keeping them alive though. Too much stability, agis, and blocks. But still fun to do. You can only decap foefire from a bad bunk. I still maintain decap engi is not useful, but kitten good fun for annoying the hell outta people.
Guardian is the longest decap then cap while keeping them alive though. Too much stability, agis, and blocks. But still fun to do. You can only decap foefire from a bad bunk. I still maintain decap engi is not useful, but kitten good fun for annoying the hell outta people.
If a decap engi uses minefield to easy strip stability, it’s good bye to guardian bunkers. Yes, if he takes hallowed ground it can be a bit of a pain, but not many guardians do that and it’s only temporary protection anyway with a really long CD.
Most guardians are very predictable. As soon as their stability runs out, they’ll start using block skills like shield of wrath and shelter, and try dodging around randomly. As a decap engi, you just need to wait a few seconds for these antics to end and then casually knock them off point. Game over.
Conditions are the best way to deal with Guards. Yes they have a lot of removers, however you can eventually wear them down. Playing against a team with a skilled necro(s) is one of the most frustrating things to do. A good engi(s) can also be a problem.
Heavens Rage
Bunker guards are actually ok. The issue though in general that bunker specs across all classes are too powerful. People can spec bunker and still do a lot of damage. That isn’t a good thing.
If you’re having problems with a bunker guardian then run a condition build. Conditions are a huge counter to pretty much any kind of Guardian due to their lack of condition clears.
Stormbluff Isle
Welcome to anet game design.
Bunkers are essentially the monks of GW2 random arenas. If they have one and you don’t you lose, simple as that.
You either have 2 people waste 5 minutes to kill him, while the rest of your team is outnumbered. Or you ignore him and be forced to hold far, where you’re at a disadvantage.
Or just cheese it and go engi.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2 sPvP.
Where Bunker Guardians have dominated the meta since launch and no one has ever considered changing that.
Not only are they immortal 1v1, they also make their team nigh-immortal once they join the fight.
Probably the most conceptually broken class in the game. No wonder 40% of WvW guilds are made up of Guardians.