Guardians in PVP and WTF with buffing them?
Reading todays release notes, why the hell would you buff Guardians even more? They are so OP in PVP already, what you should have done is simply only let the cooldown on traps fire when a trap was triggered or after 30 secs and then the previous trap disappears. Really don’t get why the Devs don’t see them as being far, far too OP..
Maybe in your bronze division.
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
OP says he read the patch notes but I get the feeling he didn’t understand what he read.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
This crap again? Traps are not OP.
If you rush into a node defended by a DH and you don’t anticipate trap spam, you made a mistake.
Carry your stability and your immunes etc, rotate through the DH cooldowns, and then pick him apart.
Yes, he will possibly keep you busy on point long enough for his friends to show up. If he’s bunkery, don’t waste time trying to 1v1 it.
Same thing happened last time core guard was buffed. People were getting killed by a dh stacking traps and then came to the forums whining about dh buffs making them broken.
Chalk it up to human perception error.
OP says he read the patch notes but I get the feeling he didn’t understand what he read.
I think he should read it again, then hop in game and look at the names of the Virtues when DH is slotted, and look at them again when it doesn’t have DH slotted.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
This crap again? Traps are not OP.
And yet when scrapper gyros acted exactly like the DH traps with going on cooldown after used and dazing, they nerfed them 100ft below the ground. Hm. Odd.
This crap again? Traps are not OP.
And yet when scrapper gyros acted exactly like the DH traps with going on cooldown after used and dazing, they nerfed them 100ft below the ground. Hm. Odd.
traps had multiple nerfs. they just got nerfed again. the daze is gone now.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Reading todays release notes, why the hell would you buff Guardians even more? They are so OP in PVP already, what you should have done is simply only let the cooldown on traps fire when a trap was triggered or after 30 secs and then the previous trap disappears. Really don’t get why the Devs don’t see them as being far, far too OP..
1) Guardians do not have traps (Dragonhunters do). Traps were nerfed slightly in today’s patch.
2) Guardians virtues got buffed. Dragonhunter’s virtues stays as they are (i.e. the buff doesn’t affect them). I tested it.
3) This means Dragonhunter got nerfed slightly and core Guardian got buffed. Good thing if you want my opinion.
OP, reread the notes.
Core Guardian got buffed,
DH Guardian’s traps got a nerf, dh is not effected by the core buff,
Thinking guards got a buff, you died to one, and complained on the forums… You just placebo’d yourself.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
This crap again? Traps are not OP.
And yet when scrapper gyros acted exactly like the DH traps with going on cooldown after used and dazing, they nerfed them 100ft below the ground. Hm. Odd.
Exactly this, I play scrapper, bit hard to stay out of melee range when melee is all you’ve got, why nerf other classes but let DH (still a fecking guardian, but lets play semantics) continue to be totally OP in a melee situation.
To the div saying reread the notes, I read them and understand them thanks, just because its a class you play, no need to be a kitten.
Oh I love that they buffed burn guards, in all but a single match today there were 3+ DH of regular or burn variety. GG ANet, way to take a class that you admit is overpowered and over represented and buff them further. Your playtesting group must be outstanding!
Oh I love that they buffed burn guards, in all but a single match today there were 3+ DH of regular or burn variety. GG ANet, way to take a class that you admit is overpowered and over represented and buff them further. Your playtesting group must be outstanding!
-players demand more build variety from anet
-anet gives more build variety
-players complain about the build variety
Oh I love that they buffed burn guards, in all but a single match today there were 3+ DH of regular or burn variety. GG ANet, way to take a class that you admit is overpowered and over represented and buff them further. Your playtesting group must be outstanding!
-players demand more build variety from anet
-anet gives more build variety
-players complain about the build variety
Spotted the Guardian player!
More build variety is great, making another OP build on the most played and most winning class (according to ANET) is just bad design. Not a difficult concept to grasp I would think.
Oh I love that they buffed burn guards, in all but a single match today there were 3+ DH of regular or burn variety. GG ANet, way to take a class that you admit is overpowered and over represented and buff them further. Your playtesting group must be outstanding!
-players demand more build variety from anet
-anet gives more build variety
-players complain about the build variety
Anything anet does is automatically wrong on principal.
Oh I love that they buffed burn guards, in all but a single match today there were 3+ DH of regular or burn variety. GG ANet, way to take a class that you admit is overpowered and over represented and buff them further. Your playtesting group must be outstanding!
-players demand more build variety from anet
-anet gives more build variety
-players complain about the build variety
Spotted the Guardian player!
More build variety is great, making another OP build on the most played and most winning class (according to ANET) is just bad design. Not a difficult concept to grasp I would think.
So how exactly buffing core Guardian virtues makes the burn variant of Dragonhunter OP? Mind explaining to us this magical trick?
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
OP, reread the notes.
Core Guardian got buffed,
DH Guardian’s traps got a nerf, dh is not effected by the core buff,
Thinking guards got a buff, you died to one, and complained on the forums… You just placebo’d yourself.
This is exactly right. DH got a nerf by replacing the trap daze with slow. Very skilled DH players save the trap activation for mid combat when they can use it to interrupt key skills. Now they can only get a slow out of it, which won’t interrupt a key attack or heal. DH traps are more like instant (or nearly instant) PBAoE Magic bombs. It’s kinda silly to call them traps. They are rarely used this way.
At the higher skill levels, the trap daze is the bigger threat, as the damage can mostly be avoided. At least, that’s my experience.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
(edited by Archon.6480)
You know what, I don’t even mind the daze, its the fact that they can have more than one at a time that bugs the kitten out of me. Anyone on this thread tried playing a scrapper and going up against DH’s? If you play a ranged class and are saying they are not OP, well done, have a medal, but your view is useless to this thread. I don’t mind any other class, but the traps are OP, it really is that simple. I can even suggest an instant fix that wouldn’t mean them losing the daze ability, which is to only allow them to fire one at a time and CD doesn’t start until it has been fired off or 30s pass (then the first one disappears), that would fix the issue. I just can’t believe the developers can’t see this is simple to fix and would make even the total noobs think again about using this class to sit on a point.
… DH is very strong, that’s obvious. I am pretty sure Rev and Druid will still eat them and I would think hammer scrapper should be able to give them a beat down…
Does DH really own power hammer scrapper? I think not…
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
I can hold my own against a DH, but the point is, the DH doesn’t need any skill to hold, Scrapper does simply due to the insta traps and AoE they cause. Put more than one of them in a team and no chance. I will go up against any other class no problem, sometimes I will win, sometimes I’ll lose, but its always a good 1v1. DH, its just frustrating as hell (nearly as bad as a thief that just keeps running, although thief realising they can’t just disappear is always amusing to watch). kitten it, you got me off topic now.
I can hold my own against a DH, but the point is, the DH doesn’t need any skill to hold, Scrapper does simply due to the insta traps and AoE they cause. Put more than one of them in a team and no chance. I will go up against any other class no problem, sometimes I will win, sometimes I’ll lose, but its always a good 1v1. DH, its just frustrating as hell (nearly as bad as a thief that just keeps running, although thief realising they can’t just disappear is always amusing to watch).
kitten it, you got me off topic now.
Doesn’t take any skill to hold…… mean like how in season1-3 scrappers were able to bully Dhs off points easily? Now that it’s more of a 50/50 chance with scrapper’s toned down, now it’s doesn’t take any skill? Talk about narrow class perception.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Lucentfir.7430)
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a DH player… It takes NO skill to play a DH, even you have to admit that..
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a DH player… It takes NO skill to play a DH, even you have to admit that..
over 8k+ hours playing Guardian, you bet your bottom I’m a DH player. The only DHs I think that don’t take skill are full trappers, and full trappers get decimated by competent players. Why don’t you go ask eles and thieves if Scrapper takes skill to play, even more so Fresh Air Eles :]
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
I’ve met a lot of player that try to play scrapper, its not often I meet one that I can’t beat, whereas I have a DH that takes zero skill to be able to beat even semi competent players. 8k + hours, well done, bet you still just stand on point, so you can probably less than halve that time as you may as well go make a cup of tea while ‘playing’.
I’ve met a lot of player that try to play scrapper, its not often I meet one that I can’t beat, whereas I have a DH that takes zero skill to be able to beat even semi competent players. 8k + hours, well done, bet you still just stand on point, so you can probably less than halve that time as you may as well go make a cup of tea while ‘playing’.
So what you’re saying is you can’t beat semi-competent players with a Scrapper but you can do it with a DH? Maybe those player picking up scrapper aren’t invested in it or care to learn it more because it’s not meta anymore since FotM musical chairs? I’ve played the game way more than just 8k hours you know, on many different classes, but why even bother? Your salty bias’d hate for DH isn’t going to convince your opinion otherwise, so it’s probably a waste of time to keep this up right?
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
I’ve met a lot of player that try to play scrapper, its not often I meet one that I can’t beat, whereas I have a DH that takes zero skill to be able to beat even semi competent players. 8k + hours, well done, bet you still just stand on point, so you can probably less than halve that time as you may as well go make a cup of tea while ‘playing’.
It’s pretty clear that you don’t play DH and you’ve already soiled yourself by claiming DH got a buff, when it was the opposite.
Only bad players sit on point and don’t contribute to their team. Worse players don’t know how to outrotate the sitting player.
And you’re a scrapper.. how can you not, at the very least, bunk the point vs a DH?
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
This crap again? Traps are not OP.
And yet when scrapper gyros acted exactly like the DH traps with going on cooldown after used and dazing, they nerfed them 100ft below the ground. Hm. Odd.
traps had multiple nerfs. they just got nerfed again. the daze is gone now.
They can still be double popped and the daze got replaced by slow.
You know what the daze on gyros was replaced with?
Absolutely positivly freaking nothing
You know what class is still strong? Engi!
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.
tfw people playing scrapper say it takes no skill for others to hold points
im done
you guys are living on mars or something man, y’all are fools
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Please don’t pull out “you must be x class player” or whatnot. It is sad when you separate players based on class, as if players can’t have deep understanding on both classes at the same time.
So a engi main can’t distinguish between a core class and an elite spec change.
Oh as a guard/engi main engi has much more auto play and is easy to play scrapper. Passive invuln saving you from bursts? Can’t get much easier.
Thread is incorrect, someone lock it.
What a ridiculous statement, thread is not incorrect, you just wish it to be.
Isn’t it funny how all those “telling” me that DH isn’t OP funnily enough play DH.. Wonder if they realise the irony in their statements? One DH I can deal with (as I said before), when you come up against 3 in 2 matches in a row, there is definitely an issue (especially as solo/duo wasn’t supposed to be about class stacking). I have a ranger who plays with me and even he says they are massively OP. Oh well, at least its only the DH’s that seem to think they aren’t OP.. Either way, imagine playing a class that boring..
Oh, I don’t bunk a point as although I could, that’s just boring af.
Lucentfir – Who gives a kitten about meta? This game is supposed to be fun, but when you get a class that can just sit there and do not a lot and still win, there is something wrong and the only class that can do that is DH, so yeah, there is something wrong..
What a ridiculous statement, thread is not incorrect, you just wish it to be.
Isn’t it funny how all those “telling” me that DH isn’t OP funnily enough play DH.. Wonder if they realise the irony in their statements? One DH I can deal with (as I said before), when you come up against 3 in 2 matches in a row, there is definitely an issue (especially as solo/duo wasn’t supposed to be about class stacking). I have a ranger who plays with me and even he says they are massively OP. Oh well, at least its only the DH’s that seem to think they aren’t OP.. Either way, imagine playing a class that boring..
Oh, I don’t bunk a point as although I could, that’s just boring af.
Lucentfir – Who gives a kitten about meta? This game is supposed to be fun, but when you get a class that can just sit there and do not a lot and still win, there is something wrong and the only class that can do that is DH, so yeah, there is something wrong..
I rarely play my DH and I can tell you they are not OP. Daze on traps can be a pain if you don’t have a way to trigger them w/o harm (clones/pets/Elixir S…etc). One thing people did a couple years ago (which worked more often than not) was to adapt and endure. Change something in your build or your play style to adapt to it. I know that with “meta” builds its easy to pick one up, win/lose and complain about things being OP when you lose while not changing the build because “meta is life”.
IMO if you are not willing to adapt, or haven’t made a good attempt to adapt (including changing the build or duel/spar friends who run similar builds to learn ways around stuff), then you have no right complaining as you haven’t tried to make the situation better.
Its like saying you run of real life money too fast…have you tried to adapt (make a budget / spend less / eat out less)? If not, then you have no right to complain as you have made little to no attempt to make the situation better.
All boils down to you can either try to git gud or go home.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
What, so change from a hammer to a pistol, hmmmm, methinks you haven’t really thought out your reply. As I said, I can play against any other stacked class and not really have the same issues, as for practice, yeah, I practice loads with other guild members and they say the same thing as me, even those that play DH say they are OP for what they are.
Also, from what you are saying, I need to adapt my build just for DH’s, are you freaking serious? You do realise what you are saying don’t you?
Your analogy would be good if it made any sense in this case, which it clearly doesn’t. I used to find Engi boring before HoT, even though it wasn’t exactly difficult.
What a ridiculous statement, thread is not incorrect, you just wish it to be.
Isn’t it funny how all those “telling” me that DH isn’t OP funnily enough play DH.. Wonder if they realise the irony in their statements? One DH I can deal with (as I said before), when you come up against 3 in 2 matches in a row, there is definitely an issue (especially as solo/duo wasn’t supposed to be about class stacking). I have a ranger who plays with me and even he says they are massively OP. Oh well, at least its only the DH’s that seem to think they aren’t OP.. Either way, imagine playing a class that boring..
Oh, I don’t bunk a point as although I could, that’s just boring af.
Lucentfir – Who gives a kitten about meta? This game is supposed to be fun, but when you get a class that can just sit there and do not a lot and still win, there is something wrong and the only class that can do that is DH, so yeah, there is something wrong..
You mean like how people used to stack Scrappers and in S1 and S3, or stack any FotM class for that matter? Sure enough if you give merc amulet back, you’d see more warrior, necros and mesmers on the scene then DHs, but go ahead keep on it narrow class perception guy “SCRaPpEr takz sO ManY muCh skiLL thEn DH” it’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it but don’t mistake it as written in stone fact, DH is strong now, due to the way ANET tailored patches and removed amulets. The real issue is just in general class stacking.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
No, class stacking only seems to be an issue with DH’s, the fact that a DH main doesn’t agree says it all as doubt you’d want your skills nerfed, it still doesn’t mean I am wrong though..
No, class stacking only seems to be an issue with DH’s, the fact that a DH main doesn’t agree says it all as doubt you’d want your skills nerfed, it still doesn’t mean I am wrong though..
And again I guess it wasn’t a issue in the previous seasons? Where everyone would run Double Scrapper, Double Revenants, Double Necro, etc? I’ve played my class through thick and thin, and as I said before it’s your opinion, I wouldn’t pass it along as fact.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
I didn’t play previous seasons as wasn’t really into pvp that much, so you tell me.. The fact that DH is overpowered has nothing to do with what season we are in, it is just a fact.
I didn’t play previous seasons as wasn’t really into pvp that much, so you tell me.. The fact that DH is overpowered has nothing to do with what season we are in, it is just a fact.
Explains your bias and narrow perception i’ve played through S1-S4 on DH and reached legend in 3 seasons solo, the fact that DH is strong is because they tuned some of the other classes and removed amulets like Mercenary (Power/Toughness/Vit/Condi) and Cleric for ele bunker support. DH was pretty non-existent due to the fact Scrapper had MUCH more sustain and projectile hate and bully people off points, while Ele also hated on them with projectile hate and AoE heals and practically made them ignorable. And people would stack the meta classes just like they’re stacking DHs now. Also people agree 1 DH isn’t much a problem, it’s when there’s more than 2 on a team where it starts to get hectic as other posters would say.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
So, basically you are agreeing with me, Dh’s are OP in groups and you even say that DH is strong. I wouldn’t mind if it took some skill to play that way, but it really doesn’t..
If you’re worried about skill to play go play a core spec. Otherwise you’re just as guilty of the stuff you’re accusing other classes of being. You won’t though since you like being carried by your build.
Gwaihir, I think you don’t know what skill means. Core/meta isn’t skill, I am telling you that as you don’t seem to get it.