(edited by Ixl Super Ixl.7258)
Guide 2 is up! Veteran moves guide
You might have just made my life a lot better.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
haha good to know
very nice, thank you!
Glad to know it’s helping
Nice guide, Super. Great to see high ranked players helping out.
Great video, hopefully it gets a lot of attention. Looking forward to future videos.
Nice guide, Super. Great to see high ranked players helping out.
Think you forgot to sticky it.
I like this, learned some vantage points and helps the community as a whole. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of these.
Thx for the guide and pls sticky it so it doesn’t get lost!
Thanks everyone, I will make a guide for foefire and khylo once I finish my exam this week. I will try to point out as many scenarios/ splits as I can and how to counter them.
Thanks everyone, I will make a guide for foefire and khylo once I finish my exam this week. I will try to point out as many scenarios/ splits as I can and how to counter them.
Great news, because this video was very nice. Simple, but impactful. Learned a few guard movements
Really nice I wanted to write this in guide form but videos are much better.
You need to add several things tough in my opinion:
- what to do when you loose. How to regroup how to push (stealth push, how to push against what setup)
- How to react vs a decap engi. With your guide new players will just send people back to kill him fast to help the closebunker which wont work and loose them the game. (decap bunker is quite common nowadays and keeping your closebunker there is kitten). You should kill him fast with 2 dmg and send your second bunker mid.
- It would be nice to have alittle more information about teamcompilations. The thing where you talk about thief, guard and ranger/engi is really nice. You need to add the movement of the other 2 player also imo (would really help new players.)
- The thing that the engi pushes far after close and therefore is not really good in a setup which needs support in mid probably etc. is really nice moar of that. Would be nice with the other 2 missing roamer/teamfighers too.
- The team positioning at keep was interesting. But you could go in more depth with positioning, and even explain targeting.
Keep it up and nice work
Will make sure to include these points as well as many other points in the foefire guide, thanks for the feedback! meta still evolving so i will wait till monday to make the foefire guide so It can be more helpful.
Also about the engineer bunker, I am not sure if i explained it good enough in the video.
But like said in the video if 1 pushes your close you kill it with 2 players , if 2 pushes your close you kill it with 3 players, unless they push with 2 bunkers, that way you can push 4 to middle, leave 1 to bunker close point and win the middle really fast with 4 damagers as the enemy will only have 2 players in middle and these 2 will not be bunkers. from that point you can easily snowball close after winning middle, hope that clears it.
Really nice
I wanted to write this in guide form but videos are much better.
Hold, write it please.
Videos are awesome when you are seeing it for the first time, but it gets horrible when you need to recap a specific part of the information.
Plus, depending on internet connection and reading speed. Reading is usually faster.
I’ve actually wrote everything on a notepad before making the video to make sure i cover all the points i was thinking off, here are the notes, sorry about the grammer and spelling, it was just a rough notes, i edited my post with these notes
dont see the notes but would be happy bout
Even if you have 5 good players who are skilled individually,
they will still loss if they can’t rotate and communicate properly. So i will start with opening, most new and even experienced players will always be arguing about what to send to close and what to send to mid and far. It is very simple, it all depends on your team setup. i will talk about some of the openers. So lets
start with forest, again it all depends on your team setup. most good setups will have a roamer mainly a thief, a guardian and 3 other classes.
if you do run such setup, the best way is to have
1 player capping close, 1 guardian middle, however the best way for a guardian to go to middle is from beach, incase a team is pushing a guardian will not be bursted down easily, and so this way the guardian can see if the enemy team is pushing your close. that guardian must also autoattack with staff, if he gets in combat while autoattacking it will mean the enemy is pushing in stealth.
That way the guardian can tell the rest of the team how many players are pushing, but you need to remember that this doesn’t always work as enemy players can stealth
to your close point this can be done by blasting smoking fields and other stealth skills. as most guardians run staff, the best way to detect enemy players pushing is to drop a symbol and
and autoattack with staff
will get you in combat and if you do get in combat you would know that the enemy is pushing in stealth.That way you can communicate with your team and tell them that enemy team is pushing in stealth
So to continue with the opener, 1 close 1 middle, now the 3 other players in your team, if you have a team fight focused setup, best way for the 3 players is to push to middle from the back
if you have a bursty setup you can also kill svanir/ chieften on your way but that can be risky. having 3 players push from the back would mean the enemy team would need to adjust
if they have 1 player at the back he is basicly toast. you would also have advantage as your range such as necro is casting freely on high ground.
if the enemy team pushes your close
with 1 player
you should react to it by sending 1 extra player to kill it that way you can snowball middle, if they send 2 you should send 2 back, just make sure you outnumber your enemy at
close at the start while your guardian is tanking middle. sometimes teams will push with more than
1 player and it might actually be that both of these 2 players that pushes your close are bunker, if that
does happen, best way to react to it is to keep your most tanky player at close while having 4 players kill the
2 players in middle that way you can secure middle, after securing middle you can collaps on these 2 bunkers
and eventually kill them both which will leave you with 2 nodes.
Now i will talk about when to kill svanir or chieftn, if you watch spvp streams of top players you would see, that most teams don’t actually go for these 2 mobs.
it is risky to kill these as it will mean you are outnumbered on the otherside. The best way to deal with this is to time it right, the best timing is just after you full wipe your enemy
at close / middle. as they are respawning you will have time to kill 1 of these mobs, but you have to ensure that you have a player keeping an eye on your close and another player keeping an
eye on middle.
Now, point defenders, for the love of god do not afk on your close point. by point defenders i mean classes that are good in 1v1 situations, if you have a player who is running
such build, best way is to let that player cap close, after capping close you must push far instantly, there will be 3 scenarios in this, the enemy capper would push your close,
if that does happen DO NOT FOLLOW HIM. Make sure you swap points iwth him rather than you defending your point, this is mainly because you can get decapped at your close and
than enemy team has 2 nodes. if the enemy capper goes to middle you can decap far, if your team is taking alot of pressure than you must leave it decapped and go help your team instantly,
otherwise full cap the point and make your way to middle that way you have 2 nodes and middle neutral. ofcourse there is always a risk in this as oyur team will be outnummbed for 15-20 scnds
or so but if you have a bunker setup than it shouldn’t be a problem.
Thiefs are great for decapping enemy nodes, if you do play thief always communicate with your team to count numbers, you can always push and decap undefended nodes,
but you have to make sure it is undefended otherwise you will get stuick with a 1v1.
Now to guardians, having a guardian who knows how to rotate with his team is very important, guardians must always be in team fights as they are great for support,
if the team fight is moving away form your guardian who is defending a point, that guardian must leave that point and rotate with a different player, guardians are also
great at keeping a point decapped for sometimes in a 1v2 situations.
Now pushing far at the start, this opener is only affective if you have 1-2 classes that can dissengage from far if they are out numbered, mainly warrior and thief. if you push far
and you are outnumbered on this map than you are making a bad move, and you have to dissengage to middle, if its a 2v2 than ofcourse you can stay at far and keep it decapped.
ty super nicely done!
Awesome guide Super! Love seeing you stream! Best of luck for your exams!
Thanks !!!!!!!!!
This is the best thread I have read on any game forum, thanks Super!
wonderful guide, vote for sticky!
for the next video, I will add rotations/tactics from actual high level games that i played vs [CM] and [shad] on foefire and will point out where the rotation went wrong/right to make it more fun to watch if that will help.
Can you bring out a chalkboard and draw stuff like they do in cartoons?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Well done.
Personally, I would love to hear more about other classes. Gurdian, ranger and thief was explained well, but some of the others were barely metioned.
If you do not run with a thief as an example, what class can do his job and would they approach it the same way?
What if you don’t have a ranger? Are there other classes well suited to watch a node for the guardian?
(edited by Reesha.7901)
Very very nice. I’m sure a lot of new and/or casual players will appreciate the effort.
Thanks, I will make sure i mention the other classes for the next video. Will try to cover all points by the end of the 3rd video that i am working on
hey super – super guide^^
maby in next video you can say some basics for teamfight too?
see it always again how people dont even go on fokus target and things like setup a burst or positioning in teamfights – simple things like why it is no good idea for a glassrange to stay on node in teamfight when have a guard there^^
or when is a good idea to leave a fight^^ – cause see often 1v1 fights on far for minutes and the guy from my team cant even neut it but fight forever
I can try to make another video which only includes team fights / which targets to focus 1v1s and stuff like that
im sure you can
and i think for new players it would be a great help
btw i like your work and since i had you last week in my matchup-team soloQ i think you rly know wtf you talking bout cause you carried this match hard^^
As a newcomer to the sPvP scene this was very helpful, hopefully the number of “stop queuing” and “wow you suck” type messages will decrease after I try implementing the tips in this video. Thanks, and please make some more!
Januarry – I play Ele sometimes because I hate my existence
[oPP] – Over Powered People
yeah, people should tell you what you’ve done wrong instead of telling you that you suck, I will post my second guide tommorrow or tuesday
New video is up- This 1 is about plays that may not be seen on stream when matches are shoutcasted but they are very important.
Thanks man, is always refreshing to see people like you.
Super there is no 1vs1 against a knight in this video
tried this port with mesmer blink in clocktower but kitten this doessnt work so i guess this is a bug and should be fixed^^
Stop relying on Signet of rage + Rune of lyssa and i might be impressed. Or stop relying on warrior
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
How do you handle a very point aggressive thief?
One that shadow traps far and will hound the point the instant that guy leaves his point.
Stop relying on Signet of rage + Rune of lyssa and i might be impressed. Or stop relying on warrior
Leave signet of rage alone.
However, I have a question: do you suggest to keep the rotate view commands bound on the key?
because he doesn’t know it himself
for camera, I only have 1 command and it’s lookback command, rest i use my mouse to rotate.
for camera, I only have 1 command and it’s lookback command, rest i use my mouse to rotate.
But it must be hard to control both your movement and your aim at the same time as a nade engi then, right?
because he doesn’t know it himself
well it’s definitely not easy, engineer is 1 of the hardest class to master but you get used to it in time