Guide to make this game attend the next MLG
No, it needs to be free to play.
Otherwise it won’t attract enough players, simply because when you pay money for the game, you are making a commitment. When it’s free, you can just try it out with your friends, keep playing it more and more, spectate pro-matches and even start spending money on cosmetics and “fun stuff”.
But yeah, something needs to be done.
When people who paid money stop quitting then they can think about making it free.
pay me back the game, THEN make it free.
Add a solo-queue or gtfo. You can bring in all the players in the world, if they have to ALWAYS find 4 other people to play with or get stomped, then why, why would they stay.
All of this sounds fancy, but without a solo-queue system where lone wolves can be happy, then none of this matters. There is a reason why 40 man Raids in WoW got turned into 10-25 and why 5v5 arena was the lowest populated. People like to pop in, show skill, pop out, get rewards/ranks.
pay me back the game, THEN make it free.
You agreed to buy the game, it is now yours.
If you want money, try sell it yourself.
pay me back the game, THEN make it free.
You agreed to buy the game, it is now yours.
If you want money, try sell it yourself.
wow you are suggesting something illegal. EULA anyone?
i bought it , doesnt mean i like they took money then they put it f20 because they want to be cool.
if i think to riot, who gives riot point (real money coin used in game) even for some offline server issues and this greedy anet can’t listen to community who, sometimes , but lately quite often, is right about stuff to help the game..well i feel sad
Fully agree with a F2P pvp mode and an urgent need for solo queues.
The only way to profit off of a F2P is if you sell items/gear that make you better (i.e. P2W).
Some of the most successful games currently are completely free to play with only cosmetics and conveniences as cakittenems, with absolutely nothing that affects your power in a match.
Also, a F2P PVP mode would for GW2 would most certainly generate a decent amount of retail purchases – many of the people that get the game for free for the PVP Mode would end up buying the PvE mode later on.
I would like it to be F2P pvp only, so you can´t leave the mists when you don´t buy the full version. Maybe this would attract some pvpers and people who like it will buy the full game.
don’t want to be mean or anything, but if you take a look at dev tracker, you’ll find TONS OF DEVS’ POST REGARDIN FREKING PVE CRAP.
So it’s not they have vacations ( that would be perfectly right) or anything, they simply don’t care.
They simply don’t care about the PvP part of this game, nothing more, nothing less.
I really can’t understand how current paid players could have played “competitive” pvp in this ridicolous state.
And anyway, regardin’ naito suggestion: it would be a financial disastre to let a part of this game to go f2p.
They would lose more brand equity than they would gain by having more players to play PvP, at least so soon after release.
Maybe they’ll be able to do it after a year or two, but currently, it’s impossible.
The only thing they can do is to make more people playing PvP by:
1. Giving PvE rewards in PvP
2. Giving exp point by playing PvP
3. Giving the possibility to carry PvP skins into PvE
4. Changing current tournament system ( frustrating if you lose in the first match, especially in paids, moreover it requires 40 players to even start, it’s ridicolous).
5. MATCHMAKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ( too much difference from frees to paids, it’s frustrating when you get facerolled so hard).
6. Changing the meta to a less burst-bunker oriented one ( conquest is already not-so-appreciated as a game mode, if you also have this crappy-annoying meta where you or don’t ever die or die in a sec, then you can basically stay on your WvW and destroy castles all the time, it would be more fun and would require more strategy).
End of the story.
I hope something happen.. we are not even playing anymore.. there’s just no point. +1 Naito, keep believing bro.
(edited by Khayn.6475)
He’s right. Profits for both sides.
good idea.
+1 naito.
I just fail to see how the free to play mists would solve anything. Its not like the game was a bust and was not purchased. It sold over 2 million copies. The problem isn’t that there is a barrier to play, the problem is people tried it and realized it is the biggest waste of time in any MMO. Its completely segregated, no substantial rewards and they decided to only institute the least fun game mode in any game: conquest. Add that to the fact that the game basically penalizes you for being a solo player or someone who only plays with 1 or 2 friends(which is a giant population). Then add that they want you to play SPVP first which is a mess. It literally teaches you nothing about their boring conquest mode and instead has everyone running gimmicy burst builds with no bunkers to keep them in check(why would anyone run a bunker in hot join) so new players are bursted down by back stab, shatter and 100 blades and think “wow this game sucks”. If they are masochistic enough to stick around and have a friend join them they fight each round trying to get on the same team or end up fighting each other. Lastly if they are even more masochistic and still stick around they then solo or duo queue for tournaments only to get molested by the too teams in the world.
All in all it truly has nothing to do with the barrier to start PvP, 2 million or so people already did. Its the fact that this is without question the worst implementation of PvP in any promising game ever. Its a joke.
Priorities should be:
- Add a solo duo queue option for TPVP
- Add matchmaking so people play others with similar experience levels
- Make SPvP play like TPVP by rewarding players for, you know, actually playing freaking conquest.
- Add rewards that actually carry over into other parts of the game so players don’t feel like the game is a complete waste.
- Add more game modes so that the people who find conquest boring (which is pretty much everyone) can play things they like (mind blowing concept I know). Also conquest is destroying build diversity. There are tons of viable builds you just can’t run when a game is designed for standing still in a circle.
I appreciate your post and your skill level but the issue isn’t that people aren’t starting to PvP it’s that they tried it and immediately said “this is garbage”. I had a full friends list of people I recruited to play this game and 100% are gone having said that exact statement.
P.S. : I typed this on my phone so if parts are nonsense I’ll fix it later.
Also what someone stated above is exactly the reason why they would Never do it. It tarnishes your brand and trivializes the game when it switches to F2P (even if its only for 1 section). The stigma that comes with F2P would have outlets immediately saying the game failed,
(edited by felivear.1536)
I just fail to see how the free to play mists would solve anything. Its not like the game was a bust and was not purchased. It sold over 2 million copies. The problem isn’t that there is a barrier to play, the problem is people tried it and realized it is the biggest waste of time in any MMO. Its completely segregated, no substantial rewards and they decided to only institute the least fun game mode in any game: conquest. Add that to the fact that the game basically penalizes you for being a solo player or someone who only plays with 1 or 2 friends(which is a giant population). Then add that they want you to play SPVP first which is a mess. It literally teaches you nothing about their boring conquest mode and instead has everyone running gimmicy burst builds with no bunkers to keep them in check(why would anyone run a bunker in hot join) so new players are bursted down by back stab, shatter and 100 blades and think “wow this game sucks”. If they are masochistic enough to stick around and have a friend join them they fight each round trying to get on the same team or end up fighting each other. Lastly if they are even more masochistic and still stick around they then solo or duo queue for tournaments only to get molested by the too teams in the world.
All in all it truly has nothing to do with the barrier to start PvP, 2 million or so people already did. Its the fact that this is without question the worst implementation of PvP in any promising game ever. Its a joke.
Priorities should be:
- Add a solo duo queue option for TPVP
- Add matchmaking so people play others with similar experience levels
- Make SPvP play like TPVP by rewarding players for, you know, actually playing freaking conquest.
- Add rewards that actually carry over into other parts of the game so players don’t feel like the game is a complete waste.
- Add more game modes so that the people who find conquest boring (which is pretty much everyone) can play things they like (mind blowing concept I know). Also conquest is destroying build diversity. There are tons of viable builds you just can’t run when a game is designed for standing still in a circle.
I appreciate your post and your skill level but the issue isn’t that people aren’t starting to PvP it’s that they tried it and immediately said “this is garbage”. I had a full friends list of people I recruited to play this game and 100% are gone having said that exact statement.
P.S. : I typed this on my phone so if parts are nonsense I’ll fix it later.
exactly they need a complete overhaul before they try to add new players. When diehard gw2 pvp fanbois are quitting why do people think those that werent even interested in the game to start with will enjoy boring conquest mode over and over? Either way they are in trouble, they have probably a years worth of work to make the game fun (new maps, new modes, solo/premade separation, match making, ladder, custom servers, observer mode, etc)