Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: zeep.9452


I’ve recently have had the displeasure of being in a game which was myself and NINE players from the same guild. Why was this so bad? Because instead of actually playing, they just ran around capping/uncapping points just so they could do their guild mission. The other team made sport of hunting me down during this, and it was unanimously decided that my team was the one that was losing. I’m sure this was never Anet’s intention with guild missions, but it still happened to me and no doubt other players as well. The purpose of this thread was to bring to your attention that this is happening, so that others could speak up about their own experiences and hopefully result in some change of the matchmaking system.

-The Charr Of Love


Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hmmm thanks for sharing this.
this does seems rather sad.

if they have 10 members instead of 9, you would not have to experience this.

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The guild mission system is just stupid. Only 10 for the PvP team and the 5 who are in the team that gets the mission done first get the commendations (hence the farming). No-one else in the guild has the opportunity to get commendations. Just a poorly thought out system.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: zeep.9452


Thanks for your thoughts, replying helps keeps the thread on the front page and visible for everyone!

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


That’s annoying.

Good news is that a lot of the guild teams are terribad zergers. They feel pro when they 3v1 you but always lose coz they cant comprehend the capture mode of the game

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: zeep.9452


That’s annoying.

Good news is that a lot of the guild teams are terribad zergers. They feel pro when they 3v1 you but always lose coz they cant comprehend the capture mode of the game

Did you not read my post?

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: abc.5790


That’s annoying.

Good news is that a lot of the guild teams are terribad zergers. They feel pro when they 3v1 you but always lose coz they cant comprehend the capture mode of the game

LMAO guild teams always used to queue unranked. I guess now they have little missions too. I think some of these guys are WvW guilds so expect the zerging. Although I know a lot of people belonging to WvW guilds that are also good PvPers. They usually don’t queue with their guildies.

I used to queue unranked for the rare and wonderful opportunity to go against a guild team in skyhammer

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Guild Missions interfering with solo PvPers

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


That’s annoying.

Good news is that a lot of the guild teams are terribad zergers. They feel pro when they 3v1 you but always lose coz they cant comprehend the capture mode of the game

LMAO guild teams always used to queue unranked. I guess now they have little missions too. I think some of these guys are WvW guilds so expect the zerging. Although I know a lot of people belonging to WvW guilds that are also good PvPers. They usually don’t queue with their guildies.

I used to queue unranked for the rare and wonderful opportunity to go against a guild team in skyhammer

spvp > wvw on every possible level