Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Can the Devs come out and confirm that they are just giving all of us GW1 fans the finger and saying thanks for your moneies, now go away?

Or can they do better and come out and say : we’re developing a game type inspired by GW1 and it won’t require you to throw more money at a company you probably don’t have any more faith in?

Cause… I still want my AAA Esport PvP… and they really pretty nearly had that in GW1 if their team sizes were just smaller… so they scrapped everything they had that was good and went for something new, and bad.

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Free.6501


Ur not alone but I guess all we can do, is waiting until someone makes an official statement. Btw browse the Forum next time, cause many ppl made similar posts.

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Just install Guild Wars 1 again. There are still people playing GvGs there.

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


I made a new one because I think I’m meaner about it, and I don’t believe in letting the Devs off easy.

During Beta and since there’s been a lot of critical feedback of the Devs for how they f*ed up PvP. It started constructive and articulate, but the devs never listened.

It takes time and effort to give logical reasons for WHY the devs are wrong, and when they just ignore it…

But spamming them with popular opinion? That might break through.

Your game is kitten. Start over, look at the source material for inspiration or your next attempt will be kitten too, should probably higher some new people too.

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


To OP, yes, you’ve been had. We’ve all been had.

Therefore, this:

Just install Guild Wars 1 again. There are still people playing GvGs there.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


KarlaGrey I haven’t tried GW1 in a while but here’s my objection:

I played Prophecies, and it was fun. When Factions came out i had mixed feelings. The good was that the metagame had been shaken — the bad was the duplicate skills, they started to simplify things in a way I didn’t care for.

… pretty sure they just continued with the bad and slowly did less of the good.

I admit I should go try it before I judge, but from what I can tell all the talent left anet.

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


GW1 in its current form is indeed but a shadow of its former, pre-nightfall, self, but it is still the better alternative. And it has all the infrastructure you can possibly ask for, with the player numbers increasing rather than decreasing.
You can always come back to GW2 once all the missing things will finally be implemented, and after the bugs/crappy balance will be taken care of.

You might have issues finding a team of 8 players for gvg though…perhaps try looking for them in the lfg or lfp thread sections at
Gvg aside, RA is more competitive than GW2 tournaments in its current form, though.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Can the Devs come out and confirm that they are just giving all of us GW1 fans the finger and saying thanks for your moneies, now go away?

Or can they do better and come out and say : we’re developing a game type inspired by GW1 and it won’t require you to throw more money at a company you probably don’t have any more faith in?

Cause… I still want my AAA Esport PvP… and they really pretty nearly had that in GW1 if their team sizes were just smaller… so they scrapped everything they had that was good and went for something new, and bad.

If GW1 would’ve had a smaller Team-Size, it would’ve been nothing like what it was: The whole thing why it worked was based around Teams of 8. Why do you think they realized that fast that 6v6 AdH was just not working and reset it back to 8v8 in no time?

Also, everything you mentioned will get better with time: They said that they want to add sth. like GvG and with CA’s and spectator-mode, we already see a big improvement in sPvP – Players and Teams are coming back to play, we see shoutcasters that spectate Matches, the Numbers are way higher etc.

Just be patient, young Padawan! ^^’

@KarlaGrey: Random Arena better than GW2? Are you serious? RA and TA was a joke, GW1 doesn’t work with anything less than 8 Players per Team (and with more than 8 neither)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


TA was amazing, it just never got the love it deserved. IF it did, it would be, without doubt, the most popular arena, also because of the relative ease of forming teams, and the fact it required less people/strategy.
The 4v4 worked quite well, but it did require specific balancing different from the 8v8 one. Needless to say, many broken things that came about in TA often made their way to gvg.

Having said that, they’d first need to fix some of the glaring issues certain skills/skill combinations were causing due to a 4v4 format. But they did so in codex arena, so I honestly see no reason why it would have been impossible in TA.

Also, I say RA is also more organized than GW2 tournaments, because that is the general feeling I have as someone who still plays both on a regular account. Though perhaps I should rephrase it to ‘more team-oriented’, but that can be said for all of GW2 pvp anyway.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dinster.7063


Bro, dont tell Karla, that TA or RA is a joke xD He s from Virtual dragons, I believe he has spent 3-4 more times on RA/TA, rather than GvGing =)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Dunno Karla. Back in my day they released a title for winning enough TA games in a row. We qued with a monk, a warrior, a degen necro and a criple shot ranger — I think we had a disconnect somewhere past 80 wins.

We actually had teams try to snipe us and stuff. Was pretty silly.

Still doesn’t come close to my 8v8 memories. (I actually liked Halls more than GvG. I only did GvG so I could feel l337, you could get a lot more creative with a HoH team build. GvG I felt pretty locked into 1 boon prot, 1 heal monk, 1 runner (I prefered ele/mo), 2 warriors… that left you 3 slots to innovate with, and odds are pretty high one of those was a hex necro. Tombs on the other hand… hell Blood Spike is my fondest glory day, I wrote that, and I’ll always look back and smile — even if it wasn’t nearly as good as many of the other spike’s out there, it was cute.

I don’t care how many players you put into GW2 you’re never going to have the kind of careful skill selection that leads to builds like Blood Spike. This game draws nothing from Magic the Gathering.

GW1 HAD team combo’s and interactions.

GW2 Has combo fields and finishers – the devs trying hard to give us interaction and just not understanding their game. Then it has a short cool down immobilize on one character followed by a teammate with a burst channel on the other — that’s the combo that actually gets used w-a-y more than your stupid fire field.

edit: I use firefield as just one random example. Yes yes I know might stacks. Some combo finishers are worth picking up, but it’s not MtG, it’s not GW1.

(edited by ryston.7640)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Yes, that title is called Gladiator, and it used to be rather prestige, just like the champion title, due to the difficulty of obtaining it (1 point per consecutive 10 wins). How sad it is now restricted to RA alone, and has also been utterly watered down in the process (read GW1 wiki on the changes, if interested).

I could discuss the sheer amount of builds I’ve faced and/or played during my 6 years of TA, but that’d be a major thread derail. Needless to say, the arena was as diverse when it comes to build selection as gvg/ha were.

P.S. Bloodspike was a rather cheesy team setup until a rather late date because the spells used on spiking wouldnt trigger prots. But with a patch changing life steal to damage, the spike is officially dead. I don’t think you should promote it as something amazing, because such builds were by far the easiest kind to run in a coordinated manner, and to an effect rather disproportional to the skill input.

Last but not least, next to its (now sort of extinct) tactical aspect, it is the concept of backline-frontline-midline that made GvG, and GW1 as a whole, as special as it was. As you mentioned, teleports are the abomination of that concept (or at least, largely contributing to it) because they completely trivialize positioning.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


That’s why whenever I try to look up a modern blood spike build I get these awful convoluted things that look nowhere near as good as my origional!

Cheesey was the name of Guild Wars 1 Unique builds though. I was with EmbryoPvPstyle when he emailed anet and asked if using spirits to create walls would be considered ability abuse. (they said no, we did it on a relic run. It was… well you know what became of that!)

Derail away, the OP doesn’t mind.

Blood Spike was authored in response to their patch nerfing spirit spam. The new rule said that whenever a new spirit x was made, the old one would die. This meant that 1 ranger could effectively provide free mana to his whole team. At first it was going to be an attrition build, but I noticed the opportunity presented by life steal mechanics and a friend pointed out what a difficult time infuse monks would have under Quickening Zephyr (while we would have infinite manna).

It just sorta came together. Call it cheesey if you want, I’m proud of it.

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Haha, at this point, everything looks like fun, even if I’d probably be raging vs it at the time the build was played.
I’m no longer a balance zealot I used to be anyway, so my tolerance threshold has increased a lot when it comes to cheesy/lame builds.

Edit: Heh, I made a lovely list of the first few cheesy/lame builds that came to mind, but got owned by some random network hiccap. gg
here we go again..

Boon days:
Tripple hammer warriors with pets and bestial mauning. (the earliest instances of pet abuse next to iway!)
Hexways with spiteful spirit nec, E surge (I think) mesmer and a thumper.
Multiple thumpers with daze (poor man’s way to warrior).

ZB days:
Fear me warriors in all variations (from scythe with rend touch to axe with plague touch)
Old spiritway ritualists with hex necros – probably the most broken hexway of all.
Old reapers mark necros in hexways or ‘balanced’ setups
Dual thumpers with the old bsurge+bflash ele.
Old pious renewal derv healers with old mirrage cloak (pretty much unkillable) rolling with daze ranger, paragon and warrior.
Melee paragons with fear me and endless condition spam (no ff yet at the time)
Hexways with a pd mesmer (that was actually a hard-to-play-well hexway).
Hexways in general came in many variations, but usually they’d all have some form of degen and/or damage hexes (later on)

‘Contemporary’ days (woh/pnh days)
Dual unblockable chain sins with dual monks, one of which was a balth pendulum smiter maintaining the old strength of honour on the sins – self-explanatory gayness
Dual mo dual necs with some weirdo death/blood spec spamming ff (they’d do masive aoe damage each time they’d ff, and given it used to have a recharge of 2 seconds…)
Shove spike
Old rtl ele spike (usually people would run it during gpoint weekend events)
WoD spike with a sin and ion cannon smiter
Old (dual) turret rangers with -10 deb shots (think this was during the old pnh mo era)
Dual old warrior’s endurance warriors (aka infinite energy warriors).
Fragility daze mesmer with dervishes (the build even made its way to gvg and was consequently nerfed in the process, because it was that broken).
Signet of mystic wrath mo spike (a team full of bonded monks that could kill you, basically)
Train-the-ff-nec daze teams

There’s many more, but I’d have to consult my screenshot folder to be more specific.

Mind I use the monk perspective to order builds in specific time periods, depending on which mo elite was most prevailent at the time.
Monks themselves had a fair share of cheesy builds randing from the 7s pnh healers rolling in highly offensive setups, to healer covenant enchant spammers (bane of pressure builds) running contemplation of purity, balth pendulum smiters and of course shove smiters.

Man, I miss those days.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Guild Wars 1 Inspired PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Bushido.2184


Oh God now I want to reinstall GW1.

Leet Hacker (War) | Linüx (Necro) | Linúx (Ele)
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.