Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Fosco.1948


This is not a ‘suggestion’ post, nor is it an A-net bashing QQ post.

I am simply confused and pretty frustrated with the state of GW2’s pvp scene and I thought I’d express some of my concern here on the forums.

This game was released in August of 2012, years after several major mmo’s have implemented ranking systems, match-making systems, and player versus player tournaments with multiple maps and play styles. Yet here we are, in now the third week of September 2012, with not even a word on the direction ArenaNet intends to take in developing this game as a serious, competitive e-sport.

A lot of people might say: “But the game has only been out three weeks! Just give them time! They’ve said they have plans, and that one dev even made a post saying he’s gonna let us know! Just be patient – its not even the first month.”

I say these are features that should’ve been in the game at launch or at least specifically outlined and patched in soon after. You simply cannot launch a game in today’s crowded mmo market that doesn’t at least cover the basic functionality of pre-existing games.

Nissan would not design a 2012 model without cup-holders. Not because cup-holders are necessary to the integrity of the car, but because every other competitor has them and it would look absolutely idiotic to release a car model without such a small convenience.

It is absurd that this game, which has touted itself as trying to become the first ever mmo e-sport, doesn’t even have a way to duel. There’s no way to legitimately practice 1v1…in a pvp focused game.

I’m watching a lot of people go back to MoP because this lack of functionality. This sort of stuff is baffling and leaving players like me, that keep telling their friends ‘just wait it out’ to get supremely frustrated. I don’t even need to go into the laundry list of features we need, all of that stuff is painfully apparent. WTF is going on??

TL, DR: Structured pvp should’ve been built in with the myriad functions its missing at launch. It is inexcusable that the game was launched missing basic functionality, particularly in a game that aspires to become an e-sport.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


I second this, If things don’t change I’ll be one of those players going back to MoP.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


I second this, If things don’t change I’ll be one of those players going back to MoP.

Even if things don’t start too change I will never go to that kitten game.

On another note please look at ArenaNet’s Esport subreddit for GW2

Things will change in the future, and all these features are coming. Trying to fit them all in at launch would have only slowed the game down when it could have been released.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Tommyvern.1943


That’s a wonderful link, but why is the community suggesting things that shouldve been in place at launch and have been in other, competing MMOs for years?

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Diablo 3 didnt launch with an Arena system , even its a 2012 game or Blizz product .
Personaly i am fine them , if they delay arena-paid tournaments – duels till the start of Octomber
It gives more time to the players know its class weakness/strenght +create meta games + gives suggestions what classes need nerf or buff on the forums + gives Arenanet time to watch on the free tournaments some top players and how their class fight another

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


They need to collect data on the classes and balance before Arena. As is now half the classes stand a snow balls chance in hell. I personally am willing to wait til the first major patch for arena if it means ALL classes are viable. Anyone remember RMP in WoW. I would prefer that to not be the case in GW2. Pandas? Now THAT makes me chuckle. I’d rather slide side saddle down a ten foot razor blade into a pool of alcohol than ever play WoW again.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Krustydog.1043


They need to collect data on the classes and balance before Arena. As is now half the classes stand a snow balls chance in hell. I personally am willing to wait til the first major patch for arena if it means ALL classes are viable. Anyone remember RMP in WoW. I would prefer that to not be the case in GW2. Pandas? Now THAT makes me chuckle. I’d rather slide side saddle down a ten foot razor blade into a pool of alcohol than ever play WoW again.

Or get a lap dance from an overweight stripper with 2 cheese graters strapped to her butt cheeks.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: SuperCow OPP.9567

SuperCow OPP.9567

I’d love a way to 1v1 duel or just mess around with a friend.
It would also be nice if they had some sort of ELO or ranking ststem for sPVP tournys.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Oh boy, the OP just spared me a few moments of my time and said everything I was about to say. Thanks for that.

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: Veldan.4637


Trying to fit them all in at launch would have only slowed the game down when it could have been released.

Which is what they always claimed to be doing, with their “when it’s ready” …

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Trying to fit them all in at launch would have only slowed the game down when it could have been released.

Which is what they always claimed to be doing, with their “when it’s ready” …

Well, that’s the truth. If you looked at the link I posted. If Guild Wars 2 were to launch with ALL of those features, this game would not be out yet, because they would not be ready. The best thing you can do is wait. Personally I would rather have a working ELO system than a glitched and exploitable one

At least the developers here are being somewhat active with their posts.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Guild Wars 2 As a Competitive Game and Potential E-Sport

in PvP

Posted by: DangerMonkey.3158


sPvP and WvW is essentially designed for something to do once you hit 80, and done all of the pve content.

seeming as majority of players are under 80 (i’d say MAJORITY of players are between 40-60 now) all resources should go into the pve aspect to make the meat and potatoes of the game 100%.
I’m not saying they should neglect sPvP completely, because thats all I do. But from a business perspective, PvE is definatley where its at atm

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