As much as I wished GW2 would have awesome PvP and E-Sport Features, It’s a huge lack.
It have taken to long time and there is still missing vital features like.
- Rating/Ranking, QP is just silly- Time spent farming QP is not skill or doesn’t tell where you actually stand.
- Solo Queueing and Group Queuing for tournaments, it got to be there. Ranked/unranked, you want your pvpers to focus about doing tournaments and learning how to play instead of mashing 8vs8 in hot-join which you learn nothing in basically.
- So long time no spectate mode yet still said it would be there.
- The current game mode, ONLY one game mode which encourage having bunkers.
- Dueling, how can you not have this in yet or even considered it. If you tried to prevent it, it’s stupid because people already doing it, but they have to join an empty server.
- Seriously, for WvWvW and SPvP leaderboards are the worst Ive seen, we all know you can do better and why make fans having to make it for you, in WvW this works because players can update scores on servers, but with YOUR system in SPvP with QP they can’t, they must do everything manually because you need to update it yourself. Creds to Millenium for WvW leaderboards tho, its really good.
- As mentioned, only one game mode, need more and different, added a new map is not the solution, different game modes that don’t involve standing on a point
- Deathmatch/Arena, 2vs2,3vs3 and so on, people would love that with rating, those who don’t like it, simply ignore it and do what you like?
- Forums are terrible, would much more like a forum like you have on gw1.
- You need to get interest back to pvpers, atm you are hiding giving us pointless maps and fluff, we don’t need that, your focus on what is needed for this game is very bad, how could you make a new map over having all above.
- Tournaments, you need to shout out to crowd and start making these tournaments and give info to capture viewers.
- Make the game attractive to viewers and streaming, GW2 just gets lower on the list everyday.
- Custom PvP matches and all that.
I quit the game a few weeks ago and I would love to come back, but without what I mentioned above which all should have been there from the start I don’t see any further success in gw2, sad to see good and popular streamers leave.
To me there is no reason to turn back, unless you start to communicate and give us what everyone is crying about.
Thought you don’t wanna give false promises, if you can’t promise any of this, its Good Bye to any E-Sport feature and seeing your game turn into casual PvE game like other mmos.
I really wished this game would live up to what was expected, waited for this game for years and I wasn’t dissapointed when it came out or the responses from Arena Net on forum, but after months I lost faith in PvP things that “were” to come.
Game Modes, ranking, communication, E-Sport Features, leaderboards needs to come ASAP!
EDIT: Remove Downed state, it doesn’t belong in competitive PvP and seeing some are far superior than others, it’s just silly.
(edited by Darki.9204)