Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: Khalin.7280


Sorry I had to put “fails” in the title. I don’t want to seem like I’m crying for attention and I’m sure many of you are only reading this because it says “fails.”
Well I hate to disappoint but this post will only be filled with disappointment so we should get along fine.

The thing about PvP in this game is that it was clearly intended to be a game in which one could PvP both seriously and casually and have a lot of fun with it. It’s also fairly obvious that it was intended, at least in the beginning stages, to be a fairly big esport. I expected that from the outside looking in.

Well I was wrong, sad to say. I could say that this game is just not fun to play, but that’s a very subjective statement. I can say that without a doubt, this game lacks CC beyond the point of reason.

CC makes PvP. This should be common wisdom in the PvP developing world by now but apparently it’s not. There’s a reason th at CC is so important in PvP; it makes DPS balances less relevant. People can overcome each other by outplaying each other with their CC and as such the damage you do becomes much less important. However, this game lacks CC. There are slows that aren’t very noticable, and the rare very short stuns and roots.

In MMO action based combat, for CC to be noticeable it has to last for quite a while. This is not the case in games like MOBAs where fights aren’t as protracted, but even they have longer and more CC than Guild Wars 2 does.

The weird thing is that this game had more CC and space control abilities in Beta, but many of them got taken out. Why?

Regardless, I just really wanted to like this game. It has everything I ever wanted in an MMO. Jumping, dodging, terrain, tourney system, beautiful scenery, exploration rewards, good models and variety in race choice. It lacked stealth mechanics but that wasn’t a need.
What was a need were good mechanics for PvP. I feel very let down. I haven’t played this game for a while and I’m pretty unlikely to start.

I sad.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


You dont seem to understand. This game does not need more CC, if you eat a 2 second stun, and fail to break out of it, you will get crushed by a good player. If you are standing still in this game, you are free lunch. Every class already has CC, if they added more guardians would be the most OP class in the game since they can make all of their allies immune to CC, free to rampant on the enemies. Not to mention the fact that CC can be chained on one target to bring them down very quickly.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: ddrake.5436


asking for more CC is an excuse for a bad player to complain that PvP is too hard or without it makes PvP fail. Instead you should attempt to make an effort to understand the game mechanics and how more CC would infact ruin the game. Just because your reaction time is horrible does not mean you need CC to give you time to think, what this highlights is that you need more practice at PvP. your shortfalls because you play PvP once in a blue moon should not give you the right to say PvP fails without more CC.

No we do not need any further CC and the CC we have is as intended.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: josephsora.4579


I think WoW pvp is more suitable to you. If you haven’t played it just go have a try. There are tons of cc, and most of them last longer than 3s, and you can easily chain cc until your enemy die even with DR. Honestly I never played a game that my character out of control most of the time until dead, WoW is the first one. May be you love this kind of gameplay, but I can say having my character out of control most of the time is not fun.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I don’t really agree that the game needs more cc, but the OP makes some valid points—for example, I used to run my engineer with tool kit + kit refinement for permanent AoE cripple, which was great, except it just didn’t help me win fights. Gap closers, dodge rolls used for mobility, and heavy AoE damage just negate it most of the time. I survive much better using flamethrower—one knockback, one blind—than I do with perma-cripple and the best block skill in the game (tool kit 4).

That said, I still don’t agree that the game needs more cc overall. I think it’s good for the best burst professions to have less access to cc, actually—I prefer having to choose between cc and damage instead of easily doing both.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: Zosk.5609


Having useful CC “ruins” makes a game less skillful by adding another type of strategy and level of complexity.

You sound like children when you declare everything you enjoy to be “skillful” and everything you don’t like to “remove the need for skill”. Nobody is buying it and it’s completely transparent.

CC, BTW, doesn’t necessarily mean losing control or complete control of a character. (Knockback, Snare, Root type effects). There’s actually a lot of CC in this game it’s just mostly ineffective like Healing because the game currently is mostly just about running around like chickens trying to execute your DPS rotations on targets. The only real CC use seems to be to stun or trap the target your currently assisting/bursting down.

Going to need a lot more depth if you want a competitive game that supports group vs group or larger fights.

Guild Wars 2 PvP and why it fails

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


Having useful CC “ruins” makes a game less skillful by adding another type of strategy and level of complexity.

You sound like children when you declare everything you enjoy to be “skillful” and everything you don’t like to “remove the need for skill”. Nobody is buying it and it’s completely transparent.

CC, BTW, doesn’t necessarily mean losing control or complete control of a character. (Knockback, Snare, Root type effects). There’s actually a lot of CC in this game it’s just mostly ineffective like Healing because the game currently is mostly just about running around like chickens trying to execute your DPS rotations on targets. The only real CC use seems to be to stun or trap the target your currently assisting/bursting down.

Going to need a lot more depth if you want a competitive game that supports group vs group or larger fights.

Hmm. When I fight necros I have to save interrupts for their life siphon,watch for marks and save my burst for when I know they’re DS is low. When I fight a thief I have to know when to burst by keeping track of stealth timers. Eles by watching attunements. The list goes on. If you’re only trying to go through a rotation, or playing like a decapitated chicken I can understand why this PvP system can seem frustrating.