Guild wars 2 E-sport?

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: BoneFire.6784


Does this game have a chance?
I haven’t seen any information regarding this in months..

Anyone have any info on this that I may have overlooked?

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


First month of release isn’t generally a timeframe that e-sportsdom would be considered. There are still numerous bugs to work out, as well as balance changes. Most people can’t see passed their hatred for balance issues and downed state, so I think most would say no, it doesn’t have a chance. They’ll be right if ANet decides not to fix anything, but what are the odds of that?

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Until they rework Guardians and some nerfs on Mesmers, then sure. Most other classes are fine anyways.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: BoneFire.6784


@animosity Yeah, I just want to hear something, even if it’s little.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: madatom.5218


every longterm issue that WoWs arena esport scene had, has been created day 1 in guild wars 2

the entire system need to be overhauled that focuses on actual teamplay then sitting on a node spamming AoEs against guardians who can carry an entire team

pub games are a nightmare, its blatantly obvious node based maps was a terrible idea since every pub chases enemies off the nodes anyway

i dont know why there isn’t a TDM mode yet
i cant fathom why there’s a map with cannons and sharks, seriously THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA, WHOEVER MADE THIS IS BAD AND SHOULD FEEL BAD
and whose idea was it to introduce siege weapons in what should be a player vs player game anyway?
class balance is so bad

you literally took all the horrible features of WoW arena and League of Legends and stuck it in one game

maybe if you looked around for actual criticism instead of going to reddit who downvote opinions that they dont like you wouldn’t have these issues in the 1st place

for gamemodes, take a look at what hirez has done with tribes ascend, TDM, Objective game mode and arena, these are not difficult things people, these are very basic gameplay concepts

for balance, the risk vs reward needs to be seriously reevaluated, some classes are just too hard to play and are underpowered compared to others, underpowered to the point there’s no place for them in tournaments

the ideology of “you can stack classes and still be successful” is fine and dandy in pve but a complete disaster in pvp, its too easy to simply reroll flavor of the month class stacking will be horribly rampant, its funny because i actually made a post about this during BWE3 how FOTMs will ruin the pvp game… unsurprisingly it devolved into a greatsword warrior is OP thread

and finally things need to be more latency tolerant, oceanic players are at a severe disadvantage unless they play one of the brainless FOTMs

you created great gameplay that is simply being underutilized in a very poorly constructed attempt at a “casual pvp esport” such a thing is an oxymoron, you cant make a casual game an esport at the sametime

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


8v8 is more susceptible to FotM, but that isn’t e-sports. 5v5 is more about e-sports, and sorry to break it to you but skilled players don’t generally lose to HB, PW, or HS. FotM works in 8v8 and PUG tournies, but I doubt it’ll go very far in competitive matches. Just look at LoL. Tons of FotM champs there, but you don’t usually see them in tournaments unless they are -actually- good champs.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Zedd.3140


Funny thing about this thread popping up now, since i wrote an article about it a few days before….

Anyway, i don’t think so. I don’t feel as if GW2 has what it takes for a game to become an esports platform. GW1 had a chance and blew it, but GW2 … not with these kinds of mechanics in my opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, i’m really enjoying the game, but i don’t think it’ll fly as an esports bird.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Qtin.6940


E-sport ? in the current state of the game ? Nop, not gonna happen. sPVP needs alot of work.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Veldan.4637


you created great gameplay that is simply being underutilized in a very poorly constructed attempt at a “casual pvp esport” such a thing is an oxymoron, you cant make a casual game an esport at the sametime

I think all we need is ratings. Then casuals could get teamed vs casuals, and top teams vs other top teams. Everyone could have fun and challenging matches and balancing could be done for the top play. Arenanet only needs to actually care, and add stuff to PvP…

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

The formats are casual, not an esport. These are two completely different things.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Vecna.8197


I think so. When people get good enough some good teams will come about. Definitely can be competitive enough.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


sPvP are like battlegrounds. To have it in competitive PvP is pathetic.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


It does feel like they marketed the game saying “E-sport, pro gaming!” but then in actuality made the game to cater to more casual PVPers.

Just my opinion, but I wouldn’t expect this game to ever make it as a real e-sport, not even close to as good as WoW as an e-sport, and that is not a compliment for WoW….it’s a slap in the face for GW2.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: kiro.8125



every longterm issue that WoWs arena esport scene had, has been created day 1 in guild wars 2
the entire system need to be overhauled that focuses on actual teamplay then sitting on a node spamming AoEs against guardians who can carry an entire team
pub games are a nightmare, its blatantly obvious node based maps was a terrible idea since every pub chases enemies off the nodes anyway
i dont know why there isn’t a TDM mode yet
i cant fathom why there’s a map with cannons and sharks, seriously THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA, WHOEVER MADE THIS IS BAD AND SHOULD FEEL BAD
and whose idea was it to introduce siege weapons in what should be a player vs player game anyway?
class balance is so bad
you literally took all the horrible features of WoW arena and League of Legends and stuck it in one game
maybe if you looked around for actual criticism instead of going to reddit who downvote opinions that they dont like you wouldn’t have these issues in the 1st place
for gamemodes, take a look at what hirez has done with tribes ascend, TDM, Objective game mode and arena, these are not difficult things people, these are very basic gameplay concepts
for balance, the risk vs reward needs to be seriously reevaluated, some classes are just too hard to play and are underpowered compared to others, underpowered to the point there’s no place for them in tournaments
the ideology of “you can stack classes and still be successful” is fine and dandy in pve but a complete disaster in pvp, its too easy to simply reroll flavor of the month class stacking will be horribly rampant, its funny because i actually made a post about this during BWE3 how FOTMs will ruin the pvp game… unsurprisingly it devolved into a greatsword warrior is OP thread
and finally things need to be more latency tolerant, oceanic players are at a severe disadvantage unless they play one of the brainless FOTMs
you created great gameplay that is simply being underutilized in a very poorly constructed attempt at a “casual pvp esport” such a thing is an oxymoron, you cant make a casual game an esport at the sametime

you’re the one who should feel bad for being so clueless and bad.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Qtin.6940


You cannot use the monetization system for YouTube or other services. In order words, you cannot make money from our products.

YouTube will often note that someone has monetized copyright content, and they will summarily (and properly) close the videos or close the accounts of those involved. You don’t mention if you were using the monetization system, but if you were, you should close the video and re-upload without monetization, or you should disable monetization through the YouTube interface.

Now, I should say that this policy may be adjusted in some ways, in the future. We will be sure to let people know if the policies change. But at the current time, that is what is stated in the Guild Wars 2 Content Terms of Use and that is what should be observed.

From Gaile Gray few days ago.

No E-sport videos from fans, like ppl casting sPVP games and stuff, ArenaNet removes any video on youtube from ppl trying to make money off of youtube.
I highly doubt anyone would spend time editing videos, casting games, creating any E-sport event for free.

(edited by Qtin.6940)

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


You think balance makes a game an e-Sport?

DOTA2 isn’t balanced. Sit down and compare heroes side by side. How does Crystal Maiden compare to a Shadow Demon? A Riki compared to Morph or Lone Druid? At the International 2 you saw the same heroes every single game. Morph, LD, SD, DK, Enigma, etc. Balance means little when you have the ability to play those “broken” heroes and use them against your opponents

So what if Guardians/Mesmers are the best classes in the game? It’s not like playing a mirror match is boring. Those classes are very fun to play and you can do so much with them. That is never boring. Both sides can use them and both sides will play differently.

Player base, sponsors, spectators make an e-Sport. They won’t ever live without being able to generate revenue. And the only way to do that is to have a large enough community to broadcast to and make money off marketing.

DOTA2 has an amazing spectator mode. Stats everywhere for players to follow, chase cams, free movement, instant movement, etc. It’s amazing. Combined with the support of Valve, it will become a staple in the upcoming year at events.

Until GW2 has a working spectator mode, the game will never become an e-sport. Balance is one of the last things needed to be successful, especially in a game where everyone can play the most powerful classes.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


You can’t even remotely compare having some heroes being better in DOTA (out of a pool of /hundreds/ of heroes) to having underpowered/overpowered professions/traits/builds and so on in a game with 8 professions.

How big a joke do you think this game would look if everyone flocked to the same 2-3 professions on every team? Or if you had a team of all guardians?

To complete your analogy you would need GW2 preventing tournament teams from having more than 1 of any profession to force you to use some diversity in a similar way DOTA does the same thing to prevent an entire team stacking the same hero (for whatever reason).

But to be honest, I don’t think that would be a horrible change for 5v5.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


That just furthers my point about imbalance. There’s how many Agility heroes in DOTA? Yet you always see the same ones at the high-end tournies. Morph/Lone Druid/Anti Mage/Naga.

Everyone does flock to the same professions. The amount of classes really doesn’t matter. You act like mirror matches aren’t fun to watch. If anything, wouldn’t a mirror match show who the truly better team is? There’s no “omg your class is so broken” excuse.

I know watching/playing RMP mirrors in WoW was entertaining and every single high level RMP played differently.

But I agree with the last part. That you should be limited to 1 type of class per team to prevent stacking.

(edited by Daays.4317)

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


As the game currently is, it will never become an e-sport.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Byrko.6145


you would need GW2 preventing tournament teams from having more than 1 of any profession to force you to use some diversity

That might work pretty well to alleviate many balance concerns/complaints. It would also serve to increase the ‘reward’ for investing the time to max out the potential of lower ‘risk/reward’ classes.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Read the dev post in the other thread. He basically said that they are letting the metagame develop and are fixing bugs and balancing issues first. Once this is done, a lot of esport features will be rolling out rapidly. I would say this game definitely has a chance as an esport. We can’t forget that it is not even a month old yet.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Untouch.2541


Currently no.
It;s way too early to judge, there’s no meta at all yet.

They need spectator and ranking to even have a chance.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


You think balance makes a game an e-Sport?

DOTA2 isn’t balanced. Sit down and compare heroes side by side. How does Crystal Maiden compare to a Shadow Demon? A Riki compared to Morph or Lone Druid? At the International 2 you saw the same heroes every single game. Morph, LD, SD, DK, Enigma, etc. Balance means little when you have the ability to play those “broken” heroes and use them against your opponents

So what if Guardians/Mesmers are the best classes in the game? It’s not like playing a mirror match is boring. Those classes are very fun to play and you can do so much with them. That is never boring. Both sides can use them and both sides will play differently.

Player base, sponsors, spectators make an e-Sport. They won’t ever live without being able to generate revenue. And the only way to do that is to have a large enough community to broadcast to and make money off marketing.

DOTA2 has an amazing spectator mode. Stats everywhere for players to follow, chase cams, free movement, instant movement, etc. It’s amazing. Combined with the support of Valve, it will become a staple in the upcoming year at events.

Until GW2 has a working spectator mode, the game will never become an e-sport. Balance is one of the last things needed to be successful, especially in a game where everyone can play the most powerful classes.

ahahahah pls more BS pls. dota2 not balanced? really u could write this? lol you don’t deserve anything. u should stop playing.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator


A developer has already addressed this in a separate thread. Please refrain from posting duplicate topics.