Guru - State of the Game Summary

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


Would anyone be kind enough to post a summary of what was discussed during today/tonight’s session?

Thanks in advance!

Durrrrr [EU]

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


In the comment section?

My hair.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


A picture is worth a thousand words, and I think this picture can sum of the state of the game.


Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


Would anyone be kind enough to post a summary of what was discussed during today/tonight’s session?

Thanks in advance!


-the mists need to be more profitable, more money means more effort being put into pvp.
-mesmer portal needs to go cuz it restricts compositions into being pigeon holed to bring mesmer
-spvp needs to be more solo ques for stuff and more friendly to casuals
-balance on classes is really good better than other mmos but there is still some bad counter play with certine classes
-more people should be playing paids tickets need to be easier to get and anet need to find other BETTER things to make money of most suggested thing was cosmetics like skins .
-the game needs more features, game modes and overall just more support from anet to be successful

-also NA and EU still hatin =D

i keep saying this and ill say it again everything takes money! …money money money
mmos are exspensive they need to make spvp more profitable it needs its own section in the cash shop

a perfect example of a good cash shop for a game like gw2 is team fortress 2’s cash shop its optional but achievable

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

(edited by Kline.9561)

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


video? pleeeease

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Syko.3726


Basically, all they talked about: basic keybinds needs to be changed, helseths hair, EU>NA, helseths hair and..that’s all

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Lowellollipop.5817


i keep saying this and ill say it again everything takes money! …money money money
mmos are exspensive they need to make spvp more profitable it needs its own section in the cash shop

That would be awesome!

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


Basically, all they talked about: basic keybinds needs to be changed, helseths hair, EU>NA, helseths hair and..that’s all


it crit me for 9999

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


video? pleeeease

it will probably be posted soon

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: tetrodoxin.2134


video? pleeeease

it will probably be posted soon

Just go to the GW2GURU channel at

All streams are watchable as vids after they went live
The SotG starts with part #2.

Anet hates [your class], since [other classes] got buffs while [your class] only received nerfs.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

You didn’t miss anything, discussed what was already discussed on forums. Tourneys are the worst type of game ever, mesmers are op and a necessity to any comp (need portal pve only, and tune down TW), rez signets seems to be fine, price of tickets too high, NA vs EU (Eu wins), Helseth’s hair and NA meta 5 month behind EU’s.

Snow Crows [SC]

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


You didn’t miss anything, discussed what was already discussed on forums.

i still think that its important to have these kind of videos though, they convey these things said on the forums in a much more clear way while being conversed among a group of people who have experience and understand them effectively. cutting out the criticism with out constructiveness and the trolling

text only gets you so far i think these videos will help the devs see in better light what the community is trying to say…. more videos i say.

not to mention i think they tackled one thing that isn’t brought up in the forums enough

spvp needs to be more financially viable!!!! things take money to make

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


I watched it and I started thinking “Who is Helseth?” I ended thinking, “Thank God this Helseth guy was on there.”

That guy brought up amazing point after point. Solo queue being the biggest issue which is what I’ve been saying since the start. Hopefully DEVs watch this because they all had some great points.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


I watched it and I started thinking “Who is Helseth?” I ended thinking, “Thank God this Helseth guy was on there.”

That guy brought up amazing point after point. Solo queue being the biggest issue which is what I’ve been saying since the start. Hopefully DEVs watch this because they all had some great points.

which goes into the subject of casual players, you can balance around both the top players and casuals
but without the casuals you don’t have a player base and spvp NEEDS players
this game needs to be more friendly to new players more inviting and fun for casuals as well.
you can make modes for casuals and hardcore players and make both sides happy

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Jacobin.8509


I and others was critical of the last cast, but this one was excellent. The discussions about the tourney system / tickets / solo queue / transparency were 100% correct.

They didn’t hold back and it is very much worth the watch.

(edited by Jacobin.8509)

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


They talked about many important things that I hope the devs will listen and act to. For example that we would like the UTILITY-SWAPPING back.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: DevilsGlare.7658


They talked about many important things that I hope the devs will listen and act to. For example that we would like the UTILITY-SWAPPING back.

Nobody wants comp wars.

If we ain’t laughin, we ain’t winnin.
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


They talked about many important things that I hope the devs will listen and act to. For example that we would like the UTILITY-SWAPPING back.

Nobody wants comp wars.

personally think you should play what you walk in with
now this wouldn’t be as big a deal if all the classes had more viable builds/comps then just a handful we do now. that and class swapping during mid fight needs to go too imo

honestly i think there are other things they should focus more on like coming out with a more robust and varied pvp system more features, maps, game modes then go hardcore on balance

cuz it just feels like were playing bare bones pvp…. one game mode, no ranking etc..

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


I watched it, nothing new, nothing special.

Helseth is the boss. Make him stream.


Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I cant say i didnt like this Podcast. At least it was more interested than the previous one.
I have some points.
I tottaly agreed with PvP skins on the gem shop, having its own section in PvP, solo ques
and how the balance is right now.
I dont agree with Vain when he said classes should be more difficult to play than there are now.IF this game is gonna be an E-sport, all classes should be easy to handle when u play them for at least 3hours. I agree, all classes are to easy to learn, but increasing difficulty wont bring too much excitement on new players.

I didn like when the guests started talking about mesmers portal and stuff, and the fact that 2 of them were main a mesmer, and they started to QQ about it, and at some point Java said “its your fault you’re bad L2P”

I liked whole environment, and especially the moment whit the EU,NA clash. xD. I’m looking fowrward to that.

Last thing, i aggree that Tournament tickets should be removed from the game. You cant believe how many teams would join paids if it wasnt for tickets.
I’m sure u can think of something else to make as of how to distinquish frees from paids..

p.s. EU 4 LIIFE!

Desolation ( EU )

(edited by Hawke.6943)

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


good watch, ty for doing this.

PTR for everybody is a great call, if for nothing else than to give ANet better feedback or report on exploits before they go live. PTR is also a great PR tool for upcoming features.

if they do allow utility swapping again, i would like to be able to keybind utility swaps so it feels more like a real feature of the game. i knew about weapon swapping, but i didn’t even know about swapping utilities mid-tourney until i started watching streams.

i enjoyed all 3 perspectives on the dreaded “meta”. especially that high level players feel there is more flex to team comp than is presently represented.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


I cant say i didnt like this Podcast. At least it was more interested than the previous one.
I have some points.
I tottaly agreed with PvP skins on the gem shop, having its own section in PvP, solo ques
and how the balance is right now.
I dont agree with Vain when he said classes should be more difficult to play than there are now.IF this game is gonna be an E-sport, all classes should be easy to handle when u play them for at least 3hours. I agree, all classes are to easy to learn, but increasing difficulty wont bring too much excitement on new players.

I didn like when the guests started talking about mesmers portal and stuff, and the fact that 2 of them were main a mesmer, and they started to QQ about it, and at some point Java said “its your fault you’re bad L2P”

I liked whole environment, and especially the moment whit the EU,NA clash. xD. I’m looking fowrward to that.

Last thing, i aggree that Tournament tickets should be removed from the game. You cant believe how many teams would join paids if it wasnt for tickets.
I’m sure u can think of something else to make as of how to distinquish frees from paids..

p.s. EU 4 LIIFE!

The skill difficulty was probably in reference the difference across classes. I.e the difficulty to achieve the same damage output. Think “thief v Ele” etc etc. adding some more skills shots similar to how an Engi or Ele has to play instead of the often complained about Mesmer, thief or GS warrior burst. Some more ground targeting, less homing abilities would be good for the game. It promotes more skillful play.

Classes in thier current state are ok, but could be tweaked. Similar to other competitive games, they need to be easy to pick up but hard to master not just a set “rotation” with little risk and high reward.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: DevilsGlare.7658


Thanks for being very understanding fellas!
I think Xeph said it best when he stated that these SOTG’s are simply a players perspective and opinion on what might help out with the progression of the game. I know I definitely pushed on some topics that might have made people go absolutely nuts, but you guys all seem to be super receptive about it. Yes people may not agree, but nobody is in here trying to flame me for my personal opinion!

Thanks guys, it does mean a ton!
<3 Vain

If we ain’t laughin, we ain’t winnin.
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: DevilsGlare.7658


I cant say i didnt like this Podcast. At least it was more interested than the previous one.
I have some points.
I tottaly agreed with PvP skins on the gem shop, having its own section in PvP, solo ques
and how the balance is right now.
I dont agree with Vain when he said classes should be more difficult to play than there are now.IF this game is gonna be an E-sport, all classes should be easy to handle when u play them for at least 3hours. I agree, all classes are to easy to learn, but increasing difficulty wont bring too much excitement on new players.

I didn like when the guests started talking about mesmers portal and stuff, and the fact that 2 of them were main a mesmer, and they started to QQ about it, and at some point Java said “its your fault you’re bad L2P”

I liked whole environment, and especially the moment whit the EU,NA clash. xD. I’m looking fowrward to that.

Last thing, i aggree that Tournament tickets should be removed from the game. You cant believe how many teams would join paids if it wasnt for tickets.
I’m sure u can think of something else to make as of how to distinquish frees from paids..

p.s. EU 4 LIIFE!

The skill difficulty was probably in reference the difference across classes. I.e the difficulty to achieve the same damage output. Think “thief v Ele” etc etc. adding some more skills shots similar to how an Engi or Ele has to play instead of the often complained about Mesmer, thief or GS warrior burst. Some more ground targeting, less homing abilities would be good for the game. It promotes more skillful play.

Classes in thier current state are ok, but could be tweaked. Similar to other competitive games, they need to be easy to pick up but hard to master not just a set “rotation” with little risk and high reward.

Exactly this, and I wish I could had you over my shoulder helping me explain it a bit better!

If we ain’t laughin, we ain’t winnin.
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943



The skill difficulty was probably in reference the difference across classes. I.e the difficulty to achieve the same damage output. Think “thief v Ele” etc etc. adding some more skills shots similar to how an Engi or Ele has to play instead of the often complained about Mesmer, thief or GS warrior burst. Some more ground targeting, less homing abilities would be good for the game. It promotes more skillful play.
Classes in thier current state are ok, but could be tweaked. Similar to other competitive games, they need to be easy to pick up but hard to master not just a set “rotation” with little risk and high reward.

Exactly this, and I wish I could had you over my shoulder helping me explain it a bit better!

AAh..i got it now..i’m sorry I didnt understand it the first time..
Well yes..i tottaly agree..
Like it takes soo much to kill someone as an ele, rather than a thief or a warrior..
But dont forget the logic behind it…eles arnt supposed to do be a bursty class in the first place.

Desolation ( EU )

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


btw, when they said “PTR for everybody” am I supposed to take that as there is a super secret PTR that goes on now with only certain players? Is this a thing, or did they mean “we need a ptr”.

If there currently is a PTR with upcoming changes and only a handful of people get in, then no wonder all of their patches are complete and total garbage with nonsense that makes it through every…single…time.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


I cant say i didnt like this Podcast. At least it was more interested than the previous one.
I have some points.
I tottaly agreed with PvP skins on the gem shop, having its own section in PvP, solo ques
and how the balance is right now.
I dont agree with Vain when he said classes should be more difficult to play than there are now.IF this game is gonna be an E-sport, all classes should be easy to handle when u play them for at least 3hours. I agree, all classes are to easy to learn, but increasing difficulty wont bring too much excitement on new players.

I didn like when the guests started talking about mesmers portal and stuff, and the fact that 2 of them were main a mesmer, and they started to QQ about it, and at some point Java said “its your fault you’re bad L2P”

I liked whole environment, and especially the moment whit the EU,NA clash. xD. I’m looking fowrward to that.

Last thing, i aggree that Tournament tickets should be removed from the game. You cant believe how many teams would join paids if it wasnt for tickets.
I’m sure u can think of something else to make as of how to distinquish frees from paids..

p.s. EU 4 LIIFE!

The skill difficulty was probably in reference the difference across classes. I.e the difficulty to achieve the same damage output. Think “thief v Ele” etc etc. adding some more skills shots similar to how an Engi or Ele has to play instead of the often complained about Mesmer, thief or GS warrior burst. Some more ground targeting, less homing abilities would be good for the game. It promotes more skillful play.

Classes in thier current state are ok, but could be tweaked. Similar to other competitive games, they need to be easy to pick up but hard to master not just a set “rotation” with little risk and high reward.

Exactly this, and I wish I could had you over my shoulder helping me explain it a bit better!

Thanks Vain. After listening to your own random SOTG the other day it had me thinking and agreeing with it and I pretty much just recycled that into the post above. I haven’t heard the latest SOTG that we are posting about right now, it’s on my to do list for tomorrow though.

Pretty sure I’ll agree with most of it though. I think most of the top players have a good handle o. It, even if they are forced by the current game mode and meta to run the same class comp that everyone else is using, but that’s a by product of the game right now.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: leashmaygoss.2140


A picture is worth a thousand words, and I think this picture can sum of the state of the game.


Booty Bakery [yumy]

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


to Vain.

flame ur hat ur ideas flame more leave my time warp alone they already ruined my moa flame some more take portal i dont use it anyway additional flame.


wc (thought i was thinking)

but really i like SOTG anything that can possibly make this game better im interested in, u guys did great. i wanted to see you tell java he was wrong more just because but other then that you stated your opinion and u were the only one in the NA SOTG so im glad you talked the most.

next time java disagrees with you tell him to take it to fofire.

to hailseth
great hair hailseth i agree with pretty ppl nomatter what u said really. i think at one point u said something about nerfing mesmers so you can make a thief i was about to disagree but your beauty make me agree with u.

to java
wait if he doesnt play the game does he read these forums?
anyways glad u participated i hope after that you remembered how great GW2 was and you reunite PZ. if you stop raging at teammates and just have fun you guys will do great and the whole community does really want you guys back even if we troll sometimes its all in good fun bro.



Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


spvp needs to be more financially viable!!!! things take money to make

It’s easy. Solution:

Open up the Heart of the Mists and make it free-to-play (people cannot leave the Mists without purchasing the game). Expand the cash shop to give cosmetic PvP gear like weapon skins, armor skins, outfits wearable in-combat, unique and interesting finishers, etc.

Making Heart of the Mists free-to-play will make the game so much more accessible to the general gaming community, much like how League of Legends does it.

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


spvp needs to be more financially viable!!!! things take money to make

It’s easy. Solution:

Open up the Heart of the Mists and make it free-to-play (people cannot leave the Mists without purchasing the game). Expand the cash shop to give cosmetic PvP gear like weapon skins, armor skins, outfits wearable in-combat, unique and interesting finishers, etc.

Making Heart of the Mists free-to-play will make the game so much more accessible to the general gaming community, much like how League of Legends does it.

this ^^^^

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit