Guru-State of the Game is a joke
there is a huge gap between eu and na atm
a good eu pug can probably take down the best team on na its not because u are bad
u just dont have any decent players to play against so u naturally not as good as us.
so ye u should not have a spot in the state of the game atm till na evolves to be decent.
u can just break the game.
the meta on na is so broken you guys think it works cuz you are playing against kitten teams
so ye.
and i agree about the rest with spades.
These comments are funny. So a lot of these arguments about who should be in this discussion are taking the “no true scotsman” approach and saying that only those currently playing at the highest levels can have any meaningful input on the subject. Currently, the EU scene is most likely more competitive than the NA scene but that is because a large number of competitive NA teams have left the game. These players saw the massive problems with the game over a month ago and left.
The meta might have shifted a bit over the month they have been gone but the fundamental issues with the game haven’t changed. The meta shifts to what works and has no regard for what is broken or the game flaws which cause the meta to be the way it is. Knowledge of the meta does not necessarily make these flaws clearer to a player nor does a slightly outdated idea of the meta make these flaws impossible to ascertain.
Being good at the playing the game and being able to speak objectively and intelligently about balance are two entirely different things and many people could do one or the other but not both. To be honest I think the previous State of the Game showed that many players fall in the first category and not the second. We had a collection of “top” EU players and they didn’t delve into any of the major balance issues which creates the lynchpin of the current meta.
If anyone can fill me in on this Godly EU Meta, I’d love to know what it is….
If anyone can fill me in on this Godly EU Meta, I’d love to know what it is….
5x shatter mesmer
All your base are belong to us, EU have over nine thousand good teams, i’m afraid NA doesn’t stand a chance.
there is a huge gap between eu and na atm
a good eu pug can probably take down the best team on na its not because u are bad
u just dont have any decent players to play against so u naturally not as good as us.
so ye u should not have a spot in the state of the game atm till na evolves to be decent.
u can just break the game.
the meta on na is so broken you guys think it works cuz you are playing against kitten teams
so ye.
and i agree about the rest with spades.These comments are funny. So a lot of these arguments about who should be in this discussion are taking the “no true scotsman” approach and saying that only those currently playing at the highest levels can have any meaningful input on the subject. Currently, the EU scene is most likely more competitive than the NA scene but that is because a large number of competitive NA teams have left the game. These players saw the massive problems with the game over a month ago and left.
The meta might have shifted a bit over the month they have been gone but the fundamental issues with the game haven’t changed. The meta shifts to what works and has no regard for what is broken or the game flaws which cause the meta to be the way it is. Knowledge of the meta does not necessarily make these flaws clearer to a player nor does a slightly outdated idea of the meta make these flaws impossible to ascertain.
Being good at the playing the game and being able to speak objectively and intelligently about balance are two entirely different things and many people could do one or the other but not both. To be honest I think the previous State of the Game showed that many players fall in the first category and not the second. We had a collection of “top” EU players and they didn’t delve into any of the major balance issues which creates the lynchpin of the current meta.
Pretty much this. It’s not necessarily who is currently taking better advantage of “what works” it’s about getting players that are clearly competent and articulate to be able to pose questions and solutions to problems plaguing the game.
I’m not going to call any names but the last SotG was pretty wasteful. So much opportunity and yet, quality players discussed stuff that was really not important at all (sans a couple comments).
But, carry on. This thread is the most win I’ve seen on these dead forums in some time. If it gets locked, I will cry.
This thread is so troll LOL. +1 good stuff
this battle will be like Manny versus Floyd Mayweather, I know it will never happen but if it did the viewership would be through the roof. Make this happen now!
Olympic style drug testing on the dirty euros or no deal
They’ll never stand for it.
“You no takes my bloods.”
Please mods, don’t close this thread.
Americans make the game, Europeans take the game and Asians break the game.
Americans make the game, Europeans take the game and Asians break the game.
right now asian are doing pve. lucky you
Please I beg you EU pvp gods, come to NA and show us how to play
I hear you, my child.
If one wishes to master the ways of the EU gods, one must learn my paypal.
From there we may proceed.
I apologize for my bad english
Java is from the US, they are 1 month behind in the meta.
I stopped reading there.
Btw PZ hasn’t been around for the past month but did you see one single american complain about Java being on the SotG? Nope, you’ll eat your words my friend.
p.s. who the kitten is danto? stop that kittenry and get off my map
p.p.s. SotG is for people who don’t know what’s going on in the game, AKA you and ArenaNet.
p.p.p.s. SHOTS FIRED!
Booty Bakery [yumy]
This post really blew the kitten up! haha
I think the only thing we can really say is EU teams are on more equal footing with one another. Either due to the top teams not participating in all paid queues or skill being closer together. Not really anything about relative skill between EU and US.
And Ace of Spades comments definitely affects his team because the challenge has been made. They have to decide if they are going to accept, back out or bench him.
It’s only game, why you heff to be mad?
Best thread EU +1.
Keep it rollin’.
wheres cute lil teldo in all this? I miss his cute accent and whining when he gets blown up, i want to know his thoughts.
why xeph is beyond my reasoning
but lol na, you don’t even have a carrot business
carrots ftw
oi europe is the best m8.
ps: m8
From what it seems, Europe has more people who try to “innovate.” Don’t quote me on this though.
That’s my experience with most NA mmos I play. We NA’s generally seem to like going for the biggest stick we can find, and stick with it. Whether or not it’s the optimal strategy isn’t an issue, we think it is, so it is.
Part-time Kittenposter
The game is a joke.
This thread is a win.
This thread > the game.
Danto = best Trolldian in the World
LoL @ people who take this game pvp serious. That’s why its a esport and there is a whole whooping of maybe 100 people at peak times in hotm, with all servers being combined*Rolls Eyes*.ROFL get real, We don’t even have proper rankings or ladders.
I will admit tho, this might actually get some people to actually want to pvp in the game even in its horrid state.
SS is mad. Shut up. Go vent elesewhere. Problem solved.
One month behind the meta, like the EU meta is supposed to be the real deal.
Ace of Spades, my name is “QT Vain” and I steal all of your EU viewers on Twitch.
You may ask, “Why is that?”My response… Cause I teach you kids how to play the game.
BTW, who the kitten is “Super Squad”?
are u sure ? i just watch ur stream to see what NA tactics u Play . in europe we discuss it , compare with other tactics and we Counter it. we see Advantages and disadvantages. ur Setup runs daggadaggaele, warrior, necro, guardian, mesmer mostly u Play a 2 Point hold tactic if u win the fight u go for the 3rd . in europe they Play for 3 Points at the beginning to put the pressure on the defending Team mostly european Teams use scepterdaggaele for the enemy Closepoint, but i will enjoy watching NA-meta vs EU-meta and see how u wanna Counter that.. or u just adapt it… i Like NA-People but sure u guys Play differently especially thiefs and eles. eu Topteams mostly dont Play daggadaggaele. Eu is stronger because there are atm more competitive Teams doing paids and u already can see from the qpladder. just calculate top 100 us and top100 eu qp together and compare and u see eu Plays more. of course qp doesnt say anything about individual playingstyle but i think eupeople try more tactics crazy stuff out. that#s just my opinion and hey vain and zoose u Play an awesome daggadaggastyle and i like it to watch…
thats my opinion and I watched streams from qt, pz, onibawan, paradigm, cursed etc…
Awsome thread! InB4 close!
Europe (desolation) gogo!
thing is there is currently no real measurement for skill in the game – neither rank nor qp suffice for that, as they just show your dedication to the game.
and the level of teams and players in the game is ok – but there is not a huge gap in between teams and pugs currently.
there’s nothing except grinding qps/gear/rank in the game for spvp atm.
if you want to talk about skill and actual developement custom arenas, ladder system and a spectator mode have to make their way into the game.
things that need to be looked at imo are burst, healing and quickness well besides all the bugs currently reciding in the game.
Hi, I’m Virrelia from the EU, I have nothing to contribute but I absolutely love this thread already and I just gotta say too many people take stuff too serious.
Think about it.
Well for one, being deliberately combative in your topic title and your text and calling out individual dedicated players for their “lack of knowledge” is not going to win points whatever your concerns. Especially when you accuse bros like Vain and Xeph.
Secondly, what EU meta? I like this game and try to watch streams so I can become more knowledgeable in how I play the game. I initially favored your guy’s scenes when I followed teams like Paradigm and Super Squad but….what happened? I generally don’t see streams of you guys anymore, and I never see anything dedicated to discussing this evolved “meta” you guys don’t want dearly misrepresented. Its cool you guys have your own thing going but don’t be surprised when people shrug their shoulders at your complaints.
I ended up following the NA scene more with players like Vain, and others that were available at the time. They are pretty informative and helpful players that have tried to help out and inform this community in various ways.
More insight and knowledge on the part of the playerbase is what this games needs. You guys should organize a roundtable of top EU players to discuss the top issues yourselves and advertise it. Obviously these things take time but I’d watch it and others would to.
In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.
Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…
For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain
In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.
Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…
For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.
Vain just read and ignore this lol… the only thing this post does is show how incompetent these guys are.
Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger
I think the NA kiddies (btw I’m American) just proved the European’s own point with these childish responses. ggwp
Not to go off topic but is there any way possible to join a EU server? I really would like to go on there just to test the waters and see what their pvp scene is like.
I’m not trying to create any derision or anything but I brought up the point in another thread that I think pvp multi-servers across different countries would be pretty nice.
i thought saraactomey or whatever his name is said his team was #1 and has no competition
Guys, your team are have tomorrow BIG ?
I heard on EU servers they play purely RP PvP and spend the first 4 minutes of every match arguing in several languages as to what denotes “fair play”.
Seems a rather feminine form of meta to me.
i thought saraactomey or whatever his name is said his team was #1 and has no competition
No they arnt #1, Pz was #1 but they dont play anymore….. Since no ladder system and no rewards. Java the leader of pz will be in the discussion. I hope he asks some real questions, im sure he will hes a smart guy, unlike EU’s questions they basically spent the whole time saying you should ask us for advice because we are the top teams…………………………..
Mesmer / Elemntalist / Ranger
In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.
Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…
For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.
This is probably the biggest “lol” I had in a few months! Thank you for this. You think you can stomp any EU team 500-100 ?
First of all, no EU team would ever come to NA for a few simple reasons like the playtime hours, the ques aren’t as frequent, there aren’t as many teams to play against as in EU and so on. We instead have a few “no lifers” study your streams from time to time and see if there’s anything to learn.
Second of all, there is no actual full team here in EU that showed up in this thread and said “We can stomp NA easy mode, lol u bad”. It was only a few player’s opinions. You shouldn’t go around claiming to stomp any EU team if we were to come to NA.
Last thing, I already told you this in private, but I’ll say it here as well; every competitive NA team should try to come to EU instead, there are a lot more active teams here, the ques are more frequent and there is a general big clash of ideas regarding tactics and builds here all the time. I really think that it would benefit both sides a lot if this were to happen.
P.S. This thread is a goldmine.
P.P.S. I am the best Guardian in the World, don’t forget to quote me on that because it clearly isn’t a troll.
P.P.P.S ’murica! F£$k yeah!
A goldmine indeed. Take my words with a grain of salt, as I have quit GW2 over a month ago, just because PvP sucks terribly, but IMHO all the NA teams who are boasting high QP are full of themselves, there is NO real competition, it’s mostly just really bad pugs. I miss the beta days when we had some guild casts of guild vs guild tournaments (both EU/NA), whatever happened to that?
NA PvP is dead!
P.P.S. I am the best fat kitten norn Guardian in the World
Hello Danto! Nice thread you guys got there.
More reasons to why EU teams don’t bother to try out NA – latency and chest bug.
If it can happen to PZ, it can happen to you!
Let’s make that a quote!
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain
want to know what is a joke to me? see almost every team on paids with a guardian bunker and the rest with 4 guys burst.
that is a JOKE, 0 fun , all using same strategy doing the same kitten over and over again.
JOKE is the STATE OF GAME right now and arennanet dont give a kitten to that. dont change anything just promises promises
JOKE is see this game dying on pvp and dont care about it because spvp guys dont buy gems, dont give profits to this company that lye to everyone when say over and over that was a company that only thing abbout players….that is what i call a big JOKE
February is when lot of important things on spvp will change right? i say that is a JOKE
(edited by possante.8310)
In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.
Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…
For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.
This is probably the biggest “lol” I had in a few months!
Thank you for this. You think you can stomp any EU team 500-100 ?
First of all, no EU team would ever come to NA for a few simple reasons like the playtime hours, the ques aren’t as frequent, there aren’t as many teams to play against as in EU and so on. We instead have a few “no lifers” study your streams from time to time and see if there’s anything to learn.
Second of all, there is no actual full team here in EU that showed up in this thread and said “We can stomp NA easy mode, lol u bad”. It was only a few player’s opinions. You shouldn’t go around claiming to stomp any EU team if we were to come to NA.
Last thing, I already told you this in private, but I’ll say it here as well; every competitive NA team should try to come to EU instead, there are a lot more active teams here, the ques are more frequent and there is a general big clash of ideas regarding tactics and builds here all the time. I really think that it would benefit both sides a lot if this were to happen.
P.S. This thread is a goldmine.
P.P.S. I am the best Guardian in the World, don’t forget to quote me on that because it clearly isn’t a troll.
P.P.P.S ’murica! F£$k yeah!
Honestly, there is no team in particular I’m “calling out”. But, yes some of you would be in for a rude awakening. Whether you believe it or not, you represent your team even if your speaking for yourself. People say “Hey, that’s Danto from TCG.” when they see you streaming, posting, etc. When someone comes in here calling out NA, with no ground to stand on… Then expect to get flamed.
Now, this Ace of Spades guy (whoever he is) isn’t known… I had no idea who Super Squad was until today. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know 90% of the people in the last SOTG but that didn’t bother me. I knew that whoever was hosting it did their homework and tried to pick up some great candidates for it. I listened to it, and enjoyed it.
What IS the meta, EU players? Do you sincerely think you set the standard? Arrogance. To fill all you EU players in, NA used to send a bunker ele to side nodes and hold it down MONTHS ago. NA swayed away from that when people started figuring out the counters to it. Whatever works for you EU guys, doesn’t work for us, it isn’t our playstyle and tbh I haven’t met an NA player yet that gives a F*$K.
Why do most of these NA players take this personal? Cause you EU guys have such big ego’s (those that are on “top teams”) and seem to ALWAYS start the issue of NA vs EU. It’s this big loop, over and over again. Never will NA and EU grow together as a community if you guys continously bring up this reoccuring argument and not have any true factual information backing this up.
P.S. Word on the street is that “Super Squad” came to NA awhile back and got wrecked by some NA pugs. I heard it through the grapevine, so it must be true. Lmao….. EU comp players….
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain
(edited by DevilsGlare.7658)
Why do most of these NA players take this personal?
Because your ego is bigger than yourself.
P.S. Word on the street is that “Super Squad” came to NA awhile back and got wrecked by some NA pugs. I heard it through the grapevine, so it must be true. Lmao….. EU comp players….
Last time we went to NA servs was like 2.5 months ago, free tournament syncs, with 4 team members and one pug, won our games easily and decided that it was a waste of time. Therefore, I do not see what you’re talking about.
Anyway, still reading ’cause you guys are priceless. Keep entertaining me please.
You know none of this pride, QP, or Meta means a kitten thing. You are never gonna know who is good or how anyone measures up, till someone hosts a Public Major Tournament with Money and real Pride on the line. You all can talk all you want about how many views you have on a stream or how powerful your meta is. But once everything is on the line and its a first to 3 at the end of a tournament’s finals, we will see who will crumple under the pressure and who will be champions with the cash and sponsorship to prove it.
Besides it is great to see the community do great work. Even if they aren’t correct on some topics during the podcast
In all reality, what this all is going to come down to is when we can actually see EU vs NA go down. But, being that EU players seem to have the biggest kittening ego’s in the world, you better ENSURE you win. Of course, it’s gonna be kinda rough for you to win with my team spawn camping you and forcing a 500-100 victory NA style down your throat.
Personally, I have nothing against these EU teams. These outlandish claims make it extremely hard to show any amount of respect to EU teams though…
For the EU guys that are in here supporting the OP, how about you grab your team and come play with us? You run your mouths too much. Quit giving off the excuse that “paids don’t pop NA”. If you want to keep talking, grab your sack and prove your worth over here. Scrubs.
This is probably the biggest “lol” I had in a few months!
Thank you for this. You think you can stomp any EU team 500-100 ?
First of all, no EU team would ever come to NA for a few simple reasons like the playtime hours, the ques aren’t as frequent, there aren’t as many teams to play against as in EU and so on. We instead have a few “no lifers” study your streams from time to time and see if there’s anything to learn.
Second of all, there is no actual full team here in EU that showed up in this thread and said “We can stomp NA easy mode, lol u bad”. It was only a few player’s opinions. You shouldn’t go around claiming to stomp any EU team if we were to come to NA.
Last thing, I already told you this in private, but I’ll say it here as well; every competitive NA team should try to come to EU instead, there are a lot more active teams here, the ques are more frequent and there is a general big clash of ideas regarding tactics and builds here all the time. I really think that it would benefit both sides a lot if this were to happen.
P.S. This thread is a goldmine.
P.P.S. I am the best Guardian in the World, don’t forget to quote me on that because it clearly isn’t a troll.
P.P.P.S ’murica! F£$k yeah!Honestly, there is no team in particular I’m “calling out”. But, yes some of you would be in for a rude awakening. Whether you believe it or not, you represent your team even if your speaking for yourself. People say “Hey, that’s Danto from TCG.” when they see you streaming, posting, etc. When someone comes in here calling out NA, with no ground to stand on… Then expect to get flamed.
Now, this Ace of Spades guy (whoever he is) isn’t known… I had no idea who Super Squad was until today. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know 90% of the people in the last SOTG but that didn’t bother me. I knew that whoever was hosting it did their homework and tried to pick up some great candidates for it. I listened to it, and enjoyed it.
What IS the meta, EU players? Do you sincerely think you set the standard? Arrogance. To fill all you EU players in, NA used to send a bunker ele to side nodes and hold it down MONTHS ago. NA swayed away from that when people started figuring out the counters to it. Whatever works for you EU guys, doesn’t work for us, it isn’t our playstyle and tbh I haven’t met an NA player yet that gives a F*$K.
Why do most of these NA players take this personal? Cause you EU guys have such big ego’s (those that are on “top teams”) and seem to ALWAYS start the issue of NA vs EU. It’s this big loop, over and over again. Never will NA and EU grow together as a community if you guys continously bring up this reoccuring argument and not have any true factual information backing this up.
P.S. Word on the street is that “Super Squad” came to NA awhile back and got wrecked by some NA pugs. I heard it through the grapevine, so it must be true. Lmao….. EU comp players….
1. I never said anything against any NA team, in fact I support what some of you are doing for your PvP community and I said so in my first post.
2. You keep assuming that you will stomp the EU teams while I’m trying to have a constructive discussion with you.
3. That is not the EU meta. What arrogance are you talking about? Only a few players expressed harsh opinions on NA’s regards and you can’t possibly think that all EU teams are like that.
4. Because of a few singular cases you think that the whole EU and NA community will never grow together. Not only is this childish, but you have the arrogance to think that the whole of EU is a bunch of egocentric elitists and that NA is far too better for them to work together.
5. I gave you a suggestion to improve and help both sides and yet the only thing you could come up with was flaming EU and SS even more. Very mature of you.
You’re giving us a very good impression of NA, good job.
You know none of this pride, QP, or Meta means a kitten thing. You are never gonna know who is good or how anyone measures up, till someone hosts a Public Major Tournament with Money and real pride on the line. You all can talk all you want about how many views you have on a stream or how powerful your meta is. But once everything is on the line and its a first to 3 at the end of a tournament’s finals, we will see who will crumple under the pressure and who will be champions.
Besides it is great to see the community do great work. Even if they aren’t correct on some topics during the podcast
Ok, this is fairly entertaining, works well with some popcorn and beer.
Keep it up.
PS: Danto best Guardian Universe, NEVER FORGET!
PS2: Xilis, where are my carrots at?
PS3: Twokio, y so silent?!
in soviet russia, meta eats you