Guru-State of the Game is a joke
that devilsglare guy is challenging, saying scrubs and being a little dick?
i mean… wasn’t he 1 of the 3 helpers or something that would improve PvP? but it feels like he’s a random guy just saying stuff on the forum without thinking about his consequences and know in what for position he is?. i think xeph is a really nice guy and mannered but i haven’t seen him lately in tournaments for +4 weeks certainly. i play paid like almost everyday and haven’t seen TP in a while. but im pretty sure if xeph goes back in the game he would know what is balanced or not.
but i would like EU vs NA ^^ i’ll participate too :P
btw, no troll best thief eu <<< like danto best guardian !!!
Huh, good run i guess. What most of you dont understand, we all (eu and na) wants the game to progress and go e-sport as soon as possible. But a-net needs our help too.
Flaming and calling each other w/e, its not gonna help anything and specialy its not gonna grow your kitten at all. You all look like some kids argue’ing while playing a football match in the school valley.
Facts are:
1) EU and NA are same, meta’s are different or not, doesnt matter.
2) EU and NA needs to give togheter to the community to help it grow.
3) EU and NA have alot of good teams running now and more and more are starting forming. So we need to support them as much as we can. Couse when you fight only 2-3 teams and que’s dont pop, you’ll regret your selfish’ness.
Most important fact is: This is a f’n game b9tchis.
ps: Stop speaking about Xeph or anyother, you or anyone else doesnt matter who represent EU or NA or w/e, it matters that they discuss the issues we have.
I dont usualy care about kittens and i play this game to have fun with my 8+ years old guild members, but having a stable and constructive community behind a game will help us all alot.
2nd ps: My dog-cat is a beast!
EU meta has Teefs, NA has Thiefs.
>implying guild wars 2 pvp means anything on any level
how cute.
round 2 here
READY …..GO !!!
In all honesty, what’s your Elo bro?
there is a huge gap between eu and na atm
a good eu pug can probably take down the best team on na its not because u are bad
u just dont have any decent players to play against so u naturally not as good as us.
so ye u should not have a spot in the state of the game atm till na evolves to be decent.
u can just break the game.
the meta on na is so broken you guys think it works cuz you are playing against kitten teams
so ye.
and i agree about the rest with spades.Please I beg you EU pvp gods, come to NA and show us how to play
You realize how backwards and stupid you sound because you dont know the NA scene. Since we have no one to que against, we play the same top 10 teams everyday, unlike you guys who have many more above average pugs that you play against. So with that, our top teams I guarantee are stronger then your top teams. We hardly face pugs.
Can’t believe that attitude Aces started this thread with….Who is vain? Same can be said vice versa. Who is super squad? Idk who that is. I dare you guys to come NA. All this talk lmao lemme talk with some arrogance then. I watch your streams looks like I can play blindfolded over at EU. And QP’s dont mean much either. Specially if you have 50 more pugs to play against all the time.
“Best Guardian NA”
Gronzy. That is all.
I apologize for my bad english
Java is from the US, they are 1 month behind in the meta, all the US teams got stomped when they came in EU.
Xeph is a cool guy, but i haven’t seen TP in paid for more than 1 month, and the meta changed a lot meanwhile.
And who is ‘’Vain?’’
It’s just my 2 cents, but i think that doing this kind of thing is pretty arrogant, at least win a lan event and prove that you’ve a deep knowledge of the meta before talking.
Maybe it’s just me thinking that it’s arrogant, it’s a subjective opinion, and i might be wrong. The main problem i have with this kind of things is that it might end up like the other time, where that guy Meteor said a bunch of stuffs that weren’t true.
I don’t think i need to explain why having a bunch of people, (that may or may not have the knowledge) talking to a big crowd, could mislead the community into believe in something that is wrong.
And who are you? There are a lots of better mesmer in wrost teams, yes that means what you think: you are being carryed.
You are right in some points, but you forgot many things, like the respect to the people for example.
PD: Pz from US changed the meta one time and made the necro usefull with a powerfull build.
PD2: Anet has not idea about current meta, imbalances, good players, good teams, and how to improve the game. Its being shown in all things they do.
Good luck and have fun!
Back to the topic.
Some info about the screenshot below:
It was a 4×5 game with 2 pugs (main team is Radom, Purie and me), our fifth managed to re-connect almost at the very end of the match.
Also, look at the point difference: we were basically farming them after the first teamfight instead of controlling 3 bases and giving them ~500-50.
Aaaaand I managed to make 2 cups of tea meanwhile.
Screenshot is ~1-2 weeks old btw.
NA so gud!
there is a huge gap between eu and na atm
a good eu pug can probably take down the best team on na its not because u are bad
u just dont have any decent players to play against so u naturally not as good as us.
so ye u should not have a spot in the state of the game atm till na evolves to be decent.
u can just break the game.
the meta on na is so broken you guys think it works cuz you are playing against kitten teams
so ye.
and i agree about the rest with spades.Please I beg you EU pvp gods, come to NA and show us how to play
You realize how backwards and stupid you sound because you dont know the NA scene. Since we have no one to que against, we play the same top 10 teams everyday, unlike you guys who have many more above average pugs that you play against. So with that, our top teams I guarantee are stronger then your top teams. We hardly face pugs.
Can’t believe that attitude Aces started this thread with….Who is vain? Same can be said vice versa. Who is super squad? Idk who that is. I dare you guys to come NA. All this talk lmao lemme talk with some arrogance then. I watch your streams looks like I can play blindfolded over at EU. And QP’s dont mean much either. Specially if you have 50 more pugs to play against all the time.
whats up bro look above me legit ur teams are very good.
im sure u can stomp us..
maybe if we have 3 dc’s
i cant have a bad picture i dont know why,ask god.
It’s the QT team transferred to EU. Ofc their ranks are low.
Oh, and Radom wasn’t even on his main
That’s only 2 players from my team……? gratz I guess
“It was merely a setback!” <3
You beat 2 players from Qt by 200 points? you wont want to face the full team
He was so happy that he took a screenshot LMAO!
I think he did it mostly cause of the 4 man EU pug winning against the 5 man NA pug?^^ I don’t think it was specific against the Qt team.
The guardian is lvl 7 and from EU, q and sataar are absolutely awful players would rather bring stick figures atleast they would stand on the node. Why don’t we arrange this curse vs. qt thing danto so we can stop all the +kitten on the forums.
I gotta say that the ego in EU is so huge, and for no legit reason.
It’s pretty terrible when someone that has my girly hair has to say this but:
All of you little girlscouts need to stfu with this ekittening and play moar gw2.
lol, I was only trying to be nice >.<
I want your hair
2 players from qt and top 5 player in na apparently against a eu pug gj
why u heff to be so mad its only a game
i cant have a bad picture i dont know why,ask god.
this is simply gold, platinum DIAMOND and yeah na meta sucks
2 players from qt and top 5 player in na apparently against a eu pug gj
why u heff to be so mad its only a game
sits back in his throne made out of all the QP he has and a big number 3 picture behind me and continues to read this rubbish
thinks to himself i want to challenge everyone because im number 3 in NA
wishes i had a picture of every other game in eu we played realizing we lost 1 game EU because of massive lag spikes and they took one picture after 1 week because they finally got 1 win when we had a legit eu guard over there and didnt know he was a legit lvl 7
pees on leg a little from kalifas reply sense me and q lost to kalifa 3 times sence we left qt but beat them 9 times and we have had pugs for last 2 weeks and i dont mean pugs as in good players from other teams i mean map chat pugs that noone knows
puts stars on the forums
chuckles a little remembering the comments in the “OMG rank 3 NA” post from earlier ppl actually thinking im serious about believing QP mean skill
I remember you and q being kicked and replaced not leaving……but hey! continue farming those qp’s on our off nights!
As i recall we have only lost 3 games to you with vyndetta we haven’t lost to you guys in 2 weeks with our full team
popcorn keep it going na i am enjoying this
i cant have a bad picture i dont know why,ask god.
Back to the topic.
Some info about the screenshot below:
It was a 4×5 game with 2 pugs (main team is Radom, Purie and me), our fifth managed to re-connect almost at the very end of the match.
Also, look at the point difference: we were basically farming them after the first teamfight instead of controlling 3 bases and giving them ~500-50.
Aaaaand I managed to make 2 cups of tea meanwhile.
Screenshot is ~1-2 weeks old btw.NA so gud!
u farmed low ranked players. premade vs pugs blablabla.
tl;dr: bad boy.that prove how dumb u are..
this is ur top players on na
NA doesn’t know the meaning of sarcasm?
impressive. let me report you .
I remember you and q being kicked and replaced not leaving……but hey! continue farming those qp’s on our off nights!
3 wins out of last 12 we played gj bro. but if you actually think your team is better your in for a serious awakening when vyn gets back. that 25% win rate will drop below 10% and would be even less if you actually stay qing up instead of logging after we destroy you.
its sad in 2 weeks we played only 12 times but i guess thats what happens when ppl realize they are inferior players.
(dom, vain, hman are all top 3 of there class thats why i made the team we had but like java said to vain kalifa was the biggest mistake for that team and all your losses and quitting each night proves it)
“off nights” i think u mean when u lose and log lol kid your a joke living in a team i made amazings shadow. it makes me mad i have to not only beat u but bash u now also so lets see how long ur team lasts (or u last on it) with the constant ridicule ur going to receive from me. u are just another pz to me and u kalifa are cute’s power.
Since there is no competition in this game, the skill cap is so low someone can take the game and learn it for a week and be better than the top players in the top teams with the right training and strategies.
I say this because you need to train like koreans to be good at any esport since thats how real athletes train for sports. Practice with a strict routine for 12 hours a day with a couch and a number of other professionals.
Teams in LoL are pretty much in a joke of an esport compared to starcraft but even that is infinitely more competitive than GW2. GW2 has no spectators, GW2 has no real dedicated teams. GW2 has no sponsors. GW2 has no price money. GW2 is a pathetic failure as an esport unless Anet can get off their kittens and get involved.
Anet needs to sponsor free weekly tournaments with decent sized price pools((>$1000). They need to sponsor bigger tournaments every few months ( > 10000). This is just to get the game off the ground.
Anet doesn’t understand how esport works. Its not a game where money just comes if you have a game. Its putting money in and making a game last and then have rewards later. With money, comes players, with players come spectators with spectators come sponsors and with sponsors comes self sustained competition and more money and players into the game from the advertisement.
Also helps if the game gets more balancing once skills of teams actually reach a point where balance actually matters enough to keep people away even with a lot of money.
My team of randoms almost beat QT in final round 480-500. QT BAD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HUEHEUHEUHEUHEUH
(true story)
Lol natural as always troll you dont even do paids LMAO
Lol natural as always troll you dont even do paids LMAO
I don’t do paids often but we did almost beat you guys 480-500. Not trolling this time. Me, exe, lil crysis, D C E. forget the last guy.
And the only reason I don’t do paids often is because the q is 1000 hours long and I don’t have a team that plays at a specific time all the time.
(edited by NaturalPortman.9562)
Lol natural as always troll you dont even do paids LMAO
I don’t do paids often but we did almost beat you guys 480-500. Not trolling this time. Me, exe, lil crysis, D C E. forget the last guy.
he got u dam.
i cant have a bad picture i dont know why,ask god.
I remember you and q being kicked and replaced not leaving……but hey! continue farming those qp’s on our off nights!
3 wins out of last 12 we played gj bro. but if you actually think your team is better your in for a serious awakening when vyn gets back. that 25% win rate will drop below 10% and would be even less if you actually stay qing up instead of logging after we destroy you.
its sad in 2 weeks we played only 12 times but i guess thats what happens when ppl realize they are inferior players.
(dom, vain, hman are all top 3 of there class thats why i made the team we had but like java said to vain kalifa was the biggest mistake for that team and all your losses and quitting each night proves it)
“off nights” i think u mean when u lose and log lol kid your a joke living in a team i made amazings shadow. it makes me mad i have to not only beat u but bash u now also so lets see how long ur team lasts (or u last on it) with the constant ridicule ur going to receive from me. u are just another pz to me and u kalifa are cute’s power.
Keep thinking whatever you want sataar, if the “top three players of their classes” all agreed they wanted to kick the fail excuse for a necro “qwho” and pick me up they must have had some reason for it. If you’re so great sataar why did we all agree that you were the weakness on the team? was it because you can’t win a 1v1 and are constantly losing our home node? Is that why you declare yourself the “original roaming mesmer” because you need your teams support to kill anything? Keep making up numbers on how many times you’ve lost to us to make yourself feel better. You’re also pretty much admitting that your entire team gets carried by vyndetta. We lost to you buy about 20 points playing with a mesmer that didn’t have a clue and I logged because it was 2 am and I unlike u have a job and have to work in the morning. No one takes you serious sataar and most people hate you, you’re skill capped as a player so keep thinking you’re good.
You mean when we were trying that new condi comp? oh yeah i remember but then again we were new to those classes if we had our man comp i doubt it would of been that close but then again if you think you will get lucky again just que for paids tonight
i’ll be waiting
NA making a good show of themselves^^ Clearly they win over EU in the Drama Wars <3
This is ridiculous
This entire thread has turned into a flame fest. EU, congratulations. You think your better than us. STFU, GTFO, WTFC. i’m sick of coming on here and seeing you guys having your heads up your kitten and saying “we’re better than u.” Your meta is different than our meta by a bit. Good for you. At some point, we’ll see whose is better
NA, quit feeding the kittening trolls. QT, you guys are better than this. I know that, everyone here knows that
(Either that or this troll fest is a complete joke and I’m the only one who doesnt know…)
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Yeah man im done with this
NA making a good show of themselves^^ Clearly they win over EU in the Drama Wars <3
The losers are both the EU and NA players that still take this game seriously and think their results at this point in time mean anything.
(Either that or this troll fest is a complete joke and I’m the only one who doesnt know…)
Welcome to reality, sir. But, shh, NA <<< EU.
I see no problem taking it seriously at trying to get better.
If Anet follows through (which, in case you didnt know, they have on most things they said they would. And we all know they’re working on a PVP patch so just wait) this game can really BE Something. I’m not talking LoL popularity (yet) but I honestly think this game can match WoW’s popularity with a bit of time, effort and fixes to pvp.
Relax people. Help IS coming. the game has been out for 6 months and you are all QQ’ing the game is hopeless. God these forums are a wreck…
@DXIEdge on twitter.
9 wins us 3 wins u guys.
and i said top 3 of there classes i didnt say they were top of there classes.
and out of the 3 wins u guys have against me sence i left the total number of points lost by is less then 100.
12 games in 2 weeks. we stay q up we pug because we know we are good we dont need a full team. we already showed you in 7 straight games with vyn what our main team does to u so if we lose when we pug it doesnt bother us.
but kalifa noone has been scared of QT since you came around the fear of cute was when it was my team your living in my shadow kid. who have u beat lately? pugs grats man. we stomped ptc pz jbuo we were beating everyone then they all quit.
then q was out of qt not because of skill but because he made dom so mad because he was a smart kitten it was a popularity call not a skill call. just because you are cute’s peeon (yes they do need a fall boy for when they lose and u are a perfect fit for that spot)
but since u been here pz stomped u guys when u wernt dodging them we would beat them every round but lost 1 time in kylo the only loss we had with our full team cause everytime they played u guys first or second map they would crush u and we had to play that redic comp they had on kylo (but we did beat them twice on kylo, i repeat we lost 1 game with our ne team)
again when u lose dont stop playing why u think in the mist the new joke is how many tournaments will QT not play because they are dodgeing, and how long will cute stay on for before they log after a loss.
and saying ppl hate me is a joke i keep this game entertaining ppl love me. without sat there is no forums there is no mist there is no drama no entertainment no new crazy strats being tried no new upcoming teams.
without kalifa there is still everything i just mentioned and more
im saying it here first “if CUTE plays a top EU team CUTE will lose because of kalifa” so to all the EU ppl after u win do not by any means take that game as a lack of skill from NA we are good i promise.
you guys are all bad. I am so good that sataar kicked me out of his party
you guys are all bad. I am so good that sataar kicked me out of his party
i never kicked u. we won like 4 straight paids with u then we had a team mate come back from what i remember. u are great though i cant wait until everyone sees how good everyone is instead of having the elitist mentality that only they are good.