Gw2Guru Livestream 02/07 12 PM PST (8PM GMT)

Gw2Guru Livestream 02/07 12 PM PST (8PM GMT)

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


Today at 12 PM PST (8PM GMT) there will be a livestream about PvP.
Eyes and ears on:

" Who will be attending?
We’re joined by players from top competitive teams (and occasionally by a developer… or two) with the hopes of generating genuine and constructive discussion regarding the current state of the game.

This time around we’ll be joined by ArenaNet Developers Jon Peters and Jonathan ‘Chaplan’ Sharp.

General Information:
Host: Grouch
Date/Time: February 7th, 2013. 12 PM PST (8PM GMT)
Duration: Around one hour.
Special Guests: ArenaNet Developers Jonathan Sharp and Jon Peters
Players Participating: Java from Team PZ (NA) and Lowell from Super Squad (EU)
Where: We’re making the transition to You can find us at "