Hard to play as an engineer

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Hey guys,

I am a long time mmo player who mostly spended his years with pvp in games like; swg,wow,rift and now gw2… I can easily say that gw2 is the best game i have ever played and i am loving my engineer..
Considering there are no gear tiers in spvp ( maybe there is i dont know) i am having a hard time facing a warrior or thief 1vs1. I have a tank build with 2k tougness and 20k health also i am using flame thrower and elixirs but they finish all my health in 2-3 seconds including evading attacks and trust me i am a good player. I know it should be hard to balance all these clases with many options but i should be able to hold my ground while on this build? what you guys think?

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


You should totally take a look at this awesome Engi guide.


Even if you don’t use the build, there are some really good ideas in there.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


How is a melee killing you in 2-3 seconds including evades if you run FT? You have a low re-use knockback and a low re-use instant cast aoe blind usable while stunned.

Not to mention you ought to be running rifle and then you also have a low cooldown root, ANOTHER low cooldown knockback, and a jump.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


I am using all of em and fyi i am on a rifle built with extra toughness from flamethrower, when warrior jumps at me i use rocket boots also and root but when and if he gets to me and eventually he will somewhere during a fight, he shouldnt be bursting my health down in 2 seconds while i have my flamethrower on for 200 extra tougness and popping elixirs for extra defence, thats all i am saying..

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Re: the TANKCAT build…it will not be as strong in sPvP, since it relies on confusion from the prybar attack (toolkit buton 3), and confusion in sPvP is only 50% of what it is in w3 or PvE.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


I think your build needs some tweaking. I don’t think that flamethrower trait is very viable in pvp since the flame thrower is only really used for utility (#3/4/5 abilities) and then switched back to another kit/weapon. The flame thrower auto attack is pretty much worthless in spvp outside of a very small number of situations.

If you wanna talk indepth engi builds you can send me a tell if you see me online. I won’t try to force you into “standard” builds but i could maybe help you make a more effective version of your current setup.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


allright bro i will do that thanks a lot..

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


the whole idea is to be able to hold my ground for 2-3 seconds because even if you are the best kiter you will get caught somewhere during a fight, i am doing pretty good against most of the classes but when a warrior or thief use their quickness buff i shouldnt lose all my 20k health in 2 seconds as if i dont have any defence on with light armor thats the issue because i am on a tanky build with 2 k toughness …

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: SameHH.1048


Weird warriors and guardian can never kill me in 1 on 1 while on my engi you wanna know why? Because Engis are the best CCers in this game, you only need to keep them away using your arsenal:
-Skills #2 and 4 with tifle (when traited you get 20% less CD so you could always use them after 8-15 seconds)
-Battering ram (warrior got close and personal? just launch your hidden ram and then cripple with the toolbelt skill)
-using flamethrower? Air blast (then by this time you can use #2 and 4 on rifle again)
-elixir gun has acid bomb to get away then criple with #2
-rocket boots and slick shoes
-warrior knocked you down and is about to use frenzy +HB? easy, elixir S.
-want more dodges? you can trait to get 50% more endurance regeneration and use elixir R (refills endurance and breaks out of stun so you can basically do 4 dodges in a row!)

You can always go on an empty server in pvp with a friend and test counters to warriors and thieves and I encourage you to do it and test all of your skills and utilities.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Weird warriors and guardian can never kill me in 1 on 1 while on my engi you wanna know why? Because Engis are the best CCers in this game, you only need to keep them away using your arsenal:
-Skills #2 and 4 with tifle (when traited you get 20% less CD so you could always use them after 8-15 seconds)
-Battering ram (warrior got close and personal? just launch your hidden ram and then cripple with the toolbelt skill)
-using flamethrower? Air blast (then by this time you can use #2 and 4 on rifle again)
-elixir gun has acid bomb to get away then criple with #2
-rocket boots and slick shoes
-warrior knocked you down and is about to use frenzy +HB? easy, elixir S.
-want more dodges? you can trait to get 50% more endurance regeneration and use elixir R (refills endurance and breaks out of stun so you can basically do 4 dodges in a row!)

You can always go on an empty server in pvp with a friend and test counters to warriors and thieves and I encourage you to do it and test all of your skills and utilities.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


I know all of those Same m8, i didnt ask for help here; i am open for discussions and i agree that engineer has all kinds of utilities to get away but i said that i am on a tank build with 2000 tougness, i like to be able to hold my ground a little on a fight so i guess you missed the point there but overall as i said before even if you are the best kiter you will get caught eventually during a fight if most of your utilities are on cd so the idea of the post is about (sorry to say this but) either making toughness more efficient or nerfing the burst damage of some classes..

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


so the idea of the post is about (sorry to say this but) either making toughness more efficient or nerfing the burst damage of some classes..

So it had nothing to do with the title of your thread which seemed to be about the difficulty of playing an engineer?


Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: SameHH.1048


I know all of those Same m8, i didnt ask for help here; i am open for discussions and i agree that engineer has all kinds of utilities to get away but i said that i am on a tank build with 2000 tougness, i like to be able to hold my ground a little on a fight so i guess you missed the point there but overall as i said before even if you are the best kiter you will get caught eventually during a fight if most of your utilities are on cd so the idea of the post is about (sorry to say this but) either making toughness more efficient or nerfing the burst damage of some classes..

Well you can;t be a bunker and still use rifle, you gotta use pistol+shield and a full bunker build (i could give you my build it is really good) but if you want toughness and still want to kill you’ll have to go with condition and confusion build other than that you’ll have to roll a glass cannon with rifle.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Well when you use shield, you get 90 extra toughness but with flamethrower you get 200 extra toughness… eventhough i wanna agree with what you say, holding a shield doesnt give you enough protection; thats why I decided to go with flamethrower build, when the melee is on me i swith on the flamethrower which is more efficient than a shield but i get bursted down in 2 second, that’s unaccaptable with the toughness numbers that i have on imo..

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: SameHH.1048


Well when you use shield, you get 90 extra toughness but with flamethrower you get 200 extra toughness… eventhough i wanna agree with what you say, holding a shield doesnt give you enough protection; thats why I decided to go with flamethrower build, when the melee is on me i swith on the flamethrower which is more efficient than a shield but i get bursted down in 2 second, that’s unaccaptable with the toughness numbers that i have on imo..

You do not roll a certain weapon or utility just for the stats, but because of the tools it gives you, with the flamethrower you only get air blast to keep warriors away but with shield you get a protection against projectiles and a knock back with #4 and a stun or daze with #5 so shield > flamethrower for a tank build and to tell you the truth the flamethrower sucks I know alot of people like it but it just suck in spvp and if you want you could try the tool kit! except for its auto attack which is kinda useless, it gives you cripple, bleed, confusion, 3 second block, and a 1200 range pull!

P.S. toughness isn’t that good so an extra 200 won’t do anything (you need like 500 to see a difference)

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


You don’t need a shield to be a bunker build, but putting 30 points into the crit/cond dmg tree with a power based bunker build isn’t worth while. Your build needs tweaking, please post your whole build if you want some actual advice or you can keep saying your build is fine and everything else is broken when most engis are having a much different experience.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


This game isn’t about passive defense. If you try to spec in such a way that you can sit there and take damage passively you are never going to do well because the game isn’t set up that way.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Well when you use shield, you get 90 extra toughness but with flamethrower you get 200 extra toughness… eventhough i wanna agree with what you say, holding a shield doesnt give you enough protection; thats why I decided to go with flamethrower build, when the melee is on me i swith on the flamethrower which is more efficient than a shield but i get bursted down in 2 second, that’s unaccaptable with the toughness numbers that i have on imo..

You do not roll a certain weapon or utility just for the stats, but because of the tools it gives you, with the flamethrower you only get air blast to keep warriors away but with shield you get a protection against projectiles and a knock back with #4 and a stun or daze with #5 so shield > flamethrower for a tank build and to tell you the truth the flamethrower sucks I know alot of people like it but it just suck in spvp and if you want you could try the tool kit! except for its auto attack which is kinda useless, it gives you cripple, bleed, confusion, 3 second block, and a 1200 range pull!

P.S. toughness isn’t that good so an extra 200 won’t do anything (you need like 500 to see a difference)

So i guess you get my point this time, i am saying that toughness should be more efficient because thats the only stat you get defence from so considering this game doesn’t have any dedicated healers or tanks, every class should be able to tank or heal efficiently when geared accordingly, thats all i am saying

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


This game isn’t about passive defense. If you try to spec in such a way that you can sit there and take damage passively you are never going to do well because the game isn’t set up that way.

i am not saying i should stand there and eat all the damage for like 10 seconds, all i am saying is when you are toe to toe with a melee class you should be able to hold your ground for 2-3 seconds to get away again but if you lose your health in 2 seconds than whats the point of having toughness at all??

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: SameHH.1048


Well when you use shield, you get 90 extra toughness but with flamethrower you get 200 extra toughness… eventhough i wanna agree with what you say, holding a shield doesnt give you enough protection; thats why I decided to go with flamethrower build, when the melee is on me i swith on the flamethrower which is more efficient than a shield but i get bursted down in 2 second, that’s unaccaptable with the toughness numbers that i have on imo..

You do not roll a certain weapon or utility just for the stats, but because of the tools it gives you, with the flamethrower you only get air blast to keep warriors away but with shield you get a protection against projectiles and a knock back with #4 and a stun or daze with #5 so shield > flamethrower for a tank build and to tell you the truth the flamethrower sucks I know alot of people like it but it just suck in spvp and if you want you could try the tool kit! except for its auto attack which is kinda useless, it gives you cripple, bleed, confusion, 3 second block, and a 1200 range pull!

P.S. toughness isn’t that good so an extra 200 won’t do anything (you need like 500 to see a difference)

So i guess you get my point this time, i am saying that toughness should be more efficient because thats the only stat you get defence from so considering this game doesn’t have any dedicated healers or tanks, every class should be able to tank or heal efficiently when geared accordingly, thats all i am saying

Again like the guy above said that the game isn’t about passive defense so you need to use what you have to help your Engi survive, use med kit and bomb heal trait with bomb kit + use the trait that gives you regeneration when using a kit so this way you’ll have almost constant regeneration. And as I have said you could go to an empty server with a friend and test various builds and use whatever suits you!

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


If you are fighting a quickness class and you let them quickness burst you you will lose most of your health in 2-3 seconds. That is just the way the game is set up right now. There is no solution. No class can tank a quickness burst and not die very fast.

The counter to quickness burst is active defense. Wait for them to pop quickness then use use a block or a dodge or a teleport or something like that to get out of the way.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Well when you use shield, you get 90 extra toughness but with flamethrower you get 200 extra toughness… eventhough i wanna agree with what you say, holding a shield doesnt give you enough protection; thats why I decided to go with flamethrower build, when the melee is on me i swith on the flamethrower which is more efficient than a shield but i get bursted down in 2 second, that’s unaccaptable with the toughness numbers that i have on imo..

You do not roll a certain weapon or utility just for the stats, but because of the tools it gives you, with the flamethrower you only get air blast to keep warriors away but with shield you get a protection against projectiles and a knock back with #4 and a stun or daze with #5 so shield > flamethrower for a tank build and to tell you the truth the flamethrower sucks I know alot of people like it but it just suck in spvp and if you want you could try the tool kit! except for its auto attack which is kinda useless, it gives you cripple, bleed, confusion, 3 second block, and a 1200 range pull!

P.S. toughness isn’t that good so an extra 200 won’t do anything (you need like 500 to see a difference)

So i guess you get my point this time, i am saying that toughness should be more efficient because thats the only stat you get defence from so considering this game doesn’t have any dedicated healers or tanks, every class should be able to tank or heal efficiently when geared accordingly, thats all i am saying

Again like the guy above said that the game isn’t about passive defense so you need to use what you have to help your Engi survive, use med kit and bomb heal trait with bomb kit + use the trait that gives you regeneration when using a kit so this way you’ll have almost constant regeneration. And as I have said you could go to an empty server with a friend and test various builds and use whatever suits you!

Guy you dont get it do you? i played a game called tera in which you get away or dodge every attack you face if you are skilled enough, this game is not like that, you have stats that gives you buffs, you have only 2 options to dodge attacks and if you are out of endurance none, so dont tell me about passive defence bs, we have stats and we make builds accordingly if they dont make any difference than they are useless thats all.. i use all the engineering utilities and they are great thats why i said i love my engineer but if i wanna be more tanky and the game gives me that option with stats, i should be able to. I am not sayin stats should do everything like in wow but toughness equal to defence and i lose offensive stats to get it so it should help.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


If you are fighting a quickness class and you let them quickness burst you you will lose most of your health in 2-3 seconds. That is just the way the game is set up right now. There is no solution. No class can tank a quickness burst and not die very fast.

The counter to quickness burst is active defense. Wait for them to pop quickness then use use a block or a dodge or a teleport or something like that to get out of the way.

Trust me m8 this game is better than what you described and should be, if what you said is true and a quickness class can kill everything in 2-3 seconds than i am correct on making this post:) that is also means that stats doesnt make any difference.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Quickness has a massive cooldown and a short duration. If you use all your escapes before they use quickness you can expect to probably die.

I wish they would remove quickness but if they did honestly you would just get pwned faster with the way you play because the classes would be buffed otherwise and if you refuse to learn to use active defenses to avoid burst effectively you are going to die either way.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


theres no excuse for being killed hit by a haste-bullscharge-100b combo. besides lag or it being a messy 8v8.

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: SameHH.1048


Yes I do not get what you want. Are you saying you want toughness only to keep you alive against burst? That’s not gonna happen. And really if you want endurance use elixir R and put 30 in the last trait line to get 50% more endurance regen and use elixir S against HB.
Anet has designed the game like this and you need to play it as it is and not as other games did, here you need to use utilties and skills to stay alive because toughness isn’t enough while in other game it might be.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Quickness has a massive cooldown and a short duration. If you use all your escapes before they use quickness you can expect to probably die.

I wish they would remove quickness but if they did honestly you would just get pwned faster with the way you play because the classes would be buffed otherwise and if you refuse to learn to use active defenses to avoid burst effectively you are going to die either way.

You might be right but that is the reason why 80 percent of the people has a thief or a warrior as a main, easy to kill easy to play with, i also have a warrior and with a swing of my mace i slam 6 people down and kill them with another blow it is fun but if engineer and other classes are not viable than the game will be very one dimensional soon.Its not like i never killed a warrior but I have fought with a decent warrior , he jumped at me and i evaded the main furry attack than rooted him and i took him to half health than he jumped at me again when my abilities were on cd and i was full health and i was down in literally 2 seconds that shouldnt be happening when i have 2k toughness thats all i am saying because i lost on my offensive numbers to get that stat.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Engi is perfectly viable. I mean this in the nicest way possible but if you are having trouble on an engi in sPVP it’s you not the class.

And you are exaggerating horribly. Hammer (which is presumably what you’re talking about – mace dps is even lower) doesn’t kill people in two blows and warriors don’t kill anyone in anywhere near 2 seconds without quickness.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Numot.3965


A big part of playing engineer effectively is positioning yourself correctly in the fight.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


Engi is perfectly viable. I mean this in the nicest way possible but if you are having trouble on an engi in sPVP it’s you not the class.

And you are exaggerating horribly. Hammer (which is presumably what you’re talking about – mace dps is even lower) doesn’t kill people in two blows and warriors don’t kill anyone in anywhere near 2 seconds without quickness.

Jesusss come onnn for god sakes, what kinda people are you? you trying to make me quit the class?? read the post again i said i love my class i just wanted to say that toughness doesnt make a difference that was all, i am doing pretty good with it, otherwise i wouldnt play it now would i? the topic should have been toughness my bad.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


ITT: OP asks for advice and then decides to ignore it completely or brush it off as invalid.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


ITT: OP asks for advice and then decides to ignore it completely or brush it off as invalid.

what are you kidding me? i said thank you and that i will msg you when you are online didnt you see that?

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


ITT: OP asks for advice and then decides to ignore it completely or brush it off as invalid.

what are you kidding me? i said thank you and that i will msg you when you are online didnt you see that?

I somehow never saw that post, so I’ll take that back, but it did seem like you were overall doing that to others comments.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


If you build tanky, a Thief will probably be your easiest overall matchup 1v1 unless they are running a condition build. Rifle is your friend against both warriors and thieves, for no other reason than #3 followed by #4 for the knockback.

Flamethrower is good, but it’s sometimes hard to get those particular professions to stand still long enough for you to get all the burns off you want. I tend to gravitate back towards Toolkit because it usually dispatches of thieves pretty easily, but only if you trait for it.

Toughness makes a HUGE difference against particularly Thieves, but it all depends on the number. I’ve learned that just getting toughness doesn’t mean as much as trying to hit that key amount… I think around 2700 armor is a good balance overall, and you’ll notice a lot of burst negated, not to mention, there are two traits in the first 10 of Toughness/Vitality that let you get protection buffs pretty regularly to also deal with this.

To the OP, these forums tend to be pretty aggressive overall, I’ve played Engineer as my main for around 600 matches now because it was a challenge and fun but still a very good class… 600+ as guardian, about 30 as Thief and Warrior. PST me if you want to trade any ideas or advice.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


ITT: OP asks for advice and then decides to ignore it completely or brush it off as invalid.

what are you kidding me? i said thank you and that i will msg you when you are online didnt you see that?

I somehow never saw that post, so I’ll take that back, but it did seem like you were overall doing that to others comments.

Well i dont think i was; two things would have been helpful here, constructive critisism and suggestions like your post in which i thanked for but these people didnt do neither, i am open to discussions thats why i am here but if someone says you are not good enough to play an engineer before getting all the facts straight than i would disagree thats all. The point of the post is toughness and its effectiveness no need to attack people with so called help.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Khronos.7283


If you build tanky, a Thief will probably be your easiest overall matchup 1v1 unless they are running a condition build. Rifle is your friend against both warriors and thieves, for no other reason than #3 followed by #4 for the knockback.

Flamethrower is good, but it’s sometimes hard to get those particular professions to stand still long enough for you to get all the burns off you want. I tend to gravitate back towards Toolkit because it usually dispatches of thieves pretty easily, but only if you trait for it.

Toughness makes a HUGE difference against particularly Thieves, but it all depends on the number. I’ve learned that just getting toughness doesn’t mean as much as trying to hit that key amount… I think around 2700 armor is a good balance overall, and you’ll notice a lot of burst negated, not to mention, there are two traits in the first 10 of Toughness/Vitality that let you get protection buffs pretty regularly to also deal with this.

To the OP, these forums tend to be pretty aggressive overall, I’ve played Engineer as my main for around 600 matches now because it was a challenge and fun but still a very good class… 600+ as guardian, about 30 as Thief and Warrior. PST me if you want to trade any ideas or advice.

thank you m8 very helpfull

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: jadjay.8701


Im not sure what you are going for with your build and im lazy so i didnt read the entire thread but I have recently rolled an engineer just to try it out and i gotta say it is definetly not squishy, i dont see how you die in 2 seconds to a thief or any other class unless you are a sleep, with the shield skills (or rifle knock back+root in your case), elixirs, supply crate and med packs i can hold out on a node almost indefinetly against 1 or even 2 opponents.

id say drop the flamethrower, maybe you like it but i find its not all that great. the damage is nothing to write home about and it doesnt give you that much in the way of survivabilty exept a knock back and 200 toughness which may look good but in reality 200 toughness is just a drop in the bucket not even enough to negate a thiefs single auto-attack. also id replace your rifle with pistol/shield they are far superior for bunker builds. if you couple the shield 4 (3 seconds of blocks + Burns to your foe if you trait it), with elixir S (3 seconds of involnerability), shield 5 (2 second stun), elixir B (10 seconds retaliation), Tool Kit 4 (3 seconds of Blocks), Med kit tool belt skill + med packs and supply crate the thief will simply leave your node in frustration or keep fighting uselessly, this is when i /laugh at them. sure i cant kill anyone but they cant kill me either and thats my job.

Hard to play as an engineer

in PvP

Posted by: smug.3895


trust me i am a good player

This quote and the problem you are having seem to contradict each other. I suspect that I am not getting the point of your post.

I’m not sure what you want. Some people gave very legitimate suggestions to counter thieves and warriors (like warriors can only burst you on long CDs, so let them burst and use a skill to get out while they are still bursting), but I guess you’re not interested in that.

So… is your main point that toughness does not make enough difference? Was this thread made so that we can agree with you on this point? Or is it toughness and its effectiveness in relation to engineers?