Harsher penalties for 4v5's?

Harsher penalties for 4v5's?

in PvP

Posted by: LangerIsMyName.8063


Hey guys. Just a quick forum post to get some other people’s thoughts. I consider myself a pretty active sPvP player as of lately, more specific tPvP. Anyway, am I the only one who thinks that there needs to be a harsher penalty for people that disconnect/leave in tPvP matches? Don’t get me wrong, I understand stuff happens, and anyone can D/C at anytime, but when I queue up to do my morning matches and 2 games in a row I am at a 4v5 disadvantage, it becomes really frustrating. I think a harsher penalty will cause people that just have bad connections to not play tPvP, and not put other people at a disadvantage. If they want to play tPvP they will either need to upgrade their internet, or stick to hotjoin. I mean, I had a guy that was playing using his 3G as a mobile hotspot this morning…..not okay


Minotaurius. I dabble

Harsher penalties for 4v5's?

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


no because sometimes people are so bad you don’t even want to play with them.

Harsher penalties for 4v5's?

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.2536


no because sometimes people are so bad you don’t even want to play with them.

That can be done by AFKing or playing with 1% effort. Given those alternatives Alt+F4 may as well be treated as a DC.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Harsher penalties for 4v5's?

in PvP

Posted by: corin.1298


OP is selfish. This is online gaming. Please tell me an online game where your team didnt suffer because someone dced. Stop acting like your not used to this. How is it fair if someone who doesn’t have perfect internet can’t enjoy maybe his favorite aspect of the game? You didn’t pay for his game. Anyways, their is already very strict penalties that prevent people from playing for a day or two if they dc 3 times in ?3days? (unsure).
Maybe you should get some teammates with perfect internet just like you and do very well, since you know, rating matters to you apparently and it seems kind of backwards that you play soloq and expect solid wins all the time. Hell, Dcs are JUST AS BAD as that thief on your team thats constantly running far and getting rekt everytime, or that warrior who runs around between points just to get 1v1 fights, and believing he’s being useful. And this happens ALL THE TIME in soloq.

Harsher penalties for 4v5's?

in PvP

Posted by: LangerIsMyName.8063


I am not saying that they should never play pvp ever again, far from it actually. I think PVP is the funnest aspect of this game, but when it is something like solo q, if someones internet cant keep up, why should I have to suffer? They can still play hojoin if they want to pvp, or do wvw. I feel bad when it happens to the other team, I’m not trying to be selfish here, thought more people would think the same thing as me. Your telling me you have never had a d/c that affected you in a match?

Minotaurius. I dabble