Haste reduction with no compensation?

Haste reduction with no compensation?

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


What happened to boon hate?

What happened to boon stripping?

Where did the Bunker busters go?

I never liked haste, and tbh I’m glad to see it nerfed, but not giving the classes anything in recompense is just…whats the phrase I’m looking for – short sighted? poorly thought out? bad design? Dumb? Come on, seriously – how could you not see how this would effect play against bunkers?

Here’s a suggestion btw – stop doing SotG’s in the middle of your patch cycle. You talk and talk and talk about all these things that sound amazing, but never show up in the next patch. Keep your SotG’s to the very beginning of the cycle, and talk about kitten you’re planning on releasing in the next patch.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Haste reduction with no compensation?

in PvP

Posted by: Med.6150


This is seriously getting out of hand. They nerfed a mechanic that was incredibly overpowered and should have never made it into the game. This is the first major change to PvP mechanics and it should be welcomed and celebrated, because that means there’s still hope that they might change a few more fundamental things.

Asking for compensation now is simply wrong. The presence of haste was skewing the whole picture and now that its effect is reduced, many things will become clearer and based on that data, we can then make changes to classes.

Haste reduction with no compensation?

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


With the removal of 100% haste, pvp should be much funnier now.

Yes, pvp warriors and bunkers will need more fixing than ever now, but it was a change for the better.

Haste reduction with no compensation?

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


With the removal of 100% haste, pvp should be much funnier now.

Yes, pvp warriors and bunkers will need more fixing than ever now, but it was a change for the better.

I agree – I don’t lament the loss of haste, I’ve never actually slotted the ability tbh (though I do use the crit haste trait because, well, why wouldn’t you?). I lament the ability to quickly deal with a bunker. Haste should have been nerfed, and there should have been the addition of effects that primarily target bunkers – Boon hate, boon stripping (targeted or otherwise), maybe armor pen…you know, stuff that will allow DPS classes to have fun fights based on skill (IE, less overall burst and damage), but still actually threaten bunkers.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Haste reduction with no compensation?

in PvP

Posted by: Vence.6974


If they can’t think of anything…just increase its recharge rate and decrease the debuff time

The Yellowflash of GW2

Haste reduction with no compensation?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


They need to nerf by half the debuff applied from using a haste skill.
its really a double nerf. both to the direct damage, but the duration increase is also a debuff increase. So they should really reduce that debuff effect to 50% what it was before.