Have fun
Yea except Orr is/was the same way, and still is :o
I agree. I am giving it a week break to see if all the higher mmr players move on. Apparently, at diamond last season, I had low mmr. Now I am stuck in the mmr death spiral. Low mmr = teammates with low mmr = losses = lower mmr. Funny though, played most of my games last yesr with Blajeen who was ranked in Legendary, and he invited me over and over.
I am back to CS:GO! So much fun! I don’t even know why I left CS:S for GW…. (ah yes it was GW1… totally different game to GW2). Anyway CS:GO trumps GW2 right now….
You’ve always set yourself as a company that listens to its customers.
Well ArenaNet, here’s your chance to prove that.
The current situation is a direct result of Anet listening to customers. In season 1 the forums were swarmed by ppl complaining that it is difficult to advance in league when you are matched against equally skilled players and constantly geting 50% winrate. Ppl also didn’t want to have less skilled players in their team (the other team had them too but hey, NOT IN MY TEAM)
So how did Anet solve this? By putting highly skilled players in one team and less skilled in the other one and matching them against each other. Now everyone within a team is equally skilled and it is easy to advance in league when you win every match. It might even out after a while but until then many ppl quit because there is no reason to play if you lose 80% of the time (but hey, we don’t want noobs in pvp anyway so this is not a problem, right?).
The current system is perfect and exactly what everyone wanted so what is the problem?
(edited by Blue Hare.8612)
See you Trek, you are a hero for quitting until its fun. The forum post on it was much appreciated. You are a true hero of gw2.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I understand where the OP is coming from. I stopped playing PvP a few days ago. PvP is just not fun any more, I can’t even see what some classes are doing because of the ridiculous amount of swiftness, quickness, super-speed, evade speed etc. Most of the matches just feel like I’m reacting rather than playing. There are too many big differences between some of the classes in terms of balance, that Anet refuses to see and in fact makes worse with each patch.
Everything went to hell after elites were introduced because a lot of skills were not thought through properly, especially with regards to counterplay. They have tripled the number of classes that require at least 2 players to take down. This use to be four but they smashed Mes to bits, even skills that had nothing to do with chrono bunker. It has become clear to me that PvP will become even less fun until whoever it is making these decisions is replaced.
See you Trek, you are a hero for quitting until its fun. The forum post on it was much appreciated. You are a true hero of gw2.
I just checked some of your other comments in other topics, you’re trolling is actually pretty funny.
How dare you
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.