Helseth about SoloQ

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987



i know not everybody likes him , but i think he is right about the soloq and league systems

spread the word to all streamers and players, we need to make this happen

leagues without soloq would be terrible

grouch pls

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I would hope a “King” would be able to speak elegantly enough to make his thoughts clear in less than 17 minutes….but he is totally right.

It needs to be possible for solo players to succeed. Otherwise people just simply won’t be able to play enough if they want to compete.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: tico.9814


Soloq is a must in a league system.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Without a solo queue, the whole concept of a league is a failure. ANET hasn’t released the details yet, so hopefully they do the right thing.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

does anet say that you cant soloQ in league system?

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


does anet say that you cant soloQ in league system?

They haven’t said either way whether there will be a solo queue and a team queue or just a joint queue.

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Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

sorry does the league system will be something like a arena or a system?

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Did anyone say there was no solo q in the league system? Or are you guys just assuming things because Helseth decided to talk about it?

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Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Did anyone say there was no solo q in the league system? Or are you guys just assuming things because Helseth decided to talk about it?

we assume there is no soloq because it was asked before the leauges were announced and we didnt get it , and imo it would have been just logical to announce soloq in the same blogpost as leagues, because its a big and long awaited /wanted change and since there was no word about it , alot of ppl assume that anet still think we dont need seperate soloq / teamq

thats why we must show/remind anet every day that the majority want it or we may not get it

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

I have play over a 3000 games in pvp and really never i see anyone goes afk or left because they see a premade team.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

I have play over a 3000 games in pvp and really never i see anyone goes afk or left because they see a premade team.

good for you because in over 3000 games i have seen this quite a lot , i will take screens from now on , maybe grouch will belive me then too

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

You can ask Justin for metrics~

Imo, since Anet hasn’t changed it for almost a year(few months left) then that means it’s a great success no?

Why would you change something that’s a great success?

It’s unreasonable.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Quadox.7834


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

You can ask Justin for metrics~

Imo, since Anet hasn’t changed it for almost a year(few months left) then that means it’s a great success no?

Why would you change something that’s a great success?

It’s unreasonable.

Because it isn’t and it won’t be when leagues come.

Yaniam [Mesmer]

^ Usually only characer that i play on

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

I have play over a 3000 games in pvp and really never i see anyone goes afk or left because they see a premade team.

good for you because in over 3000 games i have seen this quite a lot , i will take screens from now on , maybe grouch will belive me then too

I have see people going afk or leave because we lose with big difference but people leaving or going afk from the start for that reason no never.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Anet probably just waiting to see how much the PvP population grows from going F2P before making a decision on solo queue. What we say doesn’t matter. If the community can’t support it the community can’t support it.

… I still want tengu.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


Separating queues is a heavy design decision that impacts

- players pool
– queue time
– team composition: can you teamQ with 4, 3 or 2?
– players networking / exposition to teams: by mixing solo and teamQ good solo’ers can be spotted more easily.

In terms of matchmaking, the issue is the algorithm, not the splitting of queues, ie: mixing solo’ers and teams shouldn’t impact your chances of win.

In terms of ladder and leagues though, that’s another topic.

Not sure how things will work out, but I think we’ll get two ladders at least, one for solo and one for teams.

But, 1/ will the top leagues be populated by players playing as teams only and therefore confining the solo’ers to “sub leagues”?

And 2/ do players playing as teams also progress on the solo ladder (because if so, then the top spots in both solo and team ladders are most likely to be the same!)

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


Anet probably just waiting to see how much the PvP population grows from going F2P before making a decision on solo queue. What we say doesn’t matter. If the community can’t support it the community can’t support it.


A lol of people are perfectly OK with long waits and good for them. But a lot of players are not. You gotta do what you gotta do. You can’t magically spawn 1000 ppl.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Separating queues is a heavy design decision that impacts

- players pool
– queue time
– team composition: can you teamQ with 4, 3 or 2?
– players networking / exposition to teams: by mixing solo and teamQ good solo’ers can be spotted more easily.

In terms of matchmaking, the issue is the algorithm, not the splitting of queues, ie: mixing solo’ers and teams shouldn’t impact your chances of win.

In terms of ladder and leagues though, that’s another topic.

Not sure how things will work out, but I think we’ll get two ladders at least, one for solo and one for teams.

But, 1/ will the top leagues be populated by players playing as teams only and therefore confining the solo’ers to “sub leagues”?

And 2/ do players playing as teams also progress on the solo ladder (because if so, then the top spots in both solo and team ladders are most likely to be the same!)

Fun fact: Matchmaking was better when there was team queue vs solo queue, at least for me.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


What does soloq players have to have a chance to succeed even mean? It’s fully possible to win roughly 50% of your games or slightly more in the current merged queue solo. I played both the old solo queue and merged queue a lot and to me the main difference is the match quality not the win rate. Not saying that isn’t a significnat concern having better quality matches in the merged queue I just dont think people are going to win a lot more then they do now if they changed back to the old system. If you can win aroudn 50% of the time solo that to me should be good enough for most people.

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Liam McColgan.7689

Liam McColgan.7689

They should, at the very least, implement solo queue for the HOT launch. With the influx of players, old and new, this is a real chance to fix/ get pvp out of beta mode once and for all.

If it doesnt work because queue times are too long, fair enough but i think its clear to see that everyone would like a separate solo queue. I would rather, as a solo player, wait an extra 3-5 mins (my queue times are 5-8 mins anyway) if it means a good, even solo 5v5 match, and not pug v premade.

Also, give us something to do while queueing. Gets so boring in HOTM, and it’s Anets fault we are stuck in there.

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– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: witcher.3197


What does soloq players have to have a chance to succeed even mean? It’s fully possible to win roughly 50% of your games or slightly more in the current merged queue solo. I played both the old solo queue and merged queue a lot and to me the main difference is the match quality not the win rate. Not saying that isn’t a significnat concern having better quality matches in the merged queue I just dont think people are going to win a lot more then they do now if they changed back to the old system. If you can win aroudn 50% of the time solo that to me should be good enough for most people.

Currently there aren’t many premades around because there’s no incentive to play the game. With leagues it’ll change, premades will farm solo players, which means premade players will always be above soloQers, effectively making it impossible for them to surpass a certain league.

You could be the best solo player in the game, chances are you’ll never hit legend without a premade and that’s the problem.