Helseth carries bronze 4v5
His stream proved what many have said and that’s a lot of players are clueless to PvP and are keeping average players dragged down.
Credit to him for seeing things from the low side, you can see his allies are very inexperienced and that the majority of them very well could be keeping a few average players down in the cracks of the system, so Thanks Helseth. I wish I had the skills to be pro and carry myself and my teams into the next divisions, but I don’t. I am just an average player, not new, just average.
And I think like others have said, it just raises another issue and that is after I carry 3 players into the next div, they don’t belong there and will drop with anyone who was unlucky enough to be put on their team, not my issue though if they’re not on my team.
Im confused, if ur just an average player dont u belong in the lower divisions?
Either im supposed to be higher or my allies are supposed to be lower depending on how you look at it. Ive accepted the fact I am the reason my team either wins or loses, its no longer about being a part of a team for me its now about being the team and accepting i cant carry most games on my own.
Like i said though, thanks to helseth for showing everyone the quality of players us average players are being mixed up with.
Not trolling, dont expect to get very far with that attitude. Non anecdotal evidence has been presented, and will continue to be presented; it is possible to carry urself out of low divisions, regardless if u are pro or not. In this very thread there is a bronze player who has climbed to gold. He understands that the system is working, and he’s improving himself to move up divisions.
So me playing from the very top of Bronze/bottom of Silver Solo to mid Gold? I must be a Platinum level or higher right? No I think I am where I am supposed to be until I improve myself at no point in that whole climb have I had a Win streak over 2-3 wins in a row and my Rating seems to have stabilized and I am against players that are of similar skill that make similar mistakes.
There is no attitude, only the facts from my perspective. Like I’ve said too, I’m climbing, I’m getting there but 500-140 matches shouldn’t be a thing and I’m merely comparing my old games to my current games. My old games were decided by which team that made the most mistakes, not by which person was able to carry.
I’ve said this plenty of times, there is no arguement from me. I am only posting my experiences and perspectives. As with everybody, we all share different opinions and perspectives.
The facts are everywhere about the current situation for many, while some may be whining, the rest are valid and I believe most who say they are being matched with people less skilled because if they notice such a huge skill difference then it strait away by logic’s sake means that they are a better player than the ones they are matched with, otherwise they wouldn’t notice. I can’t explain this much further, it’s like explaining why the colour yellow is yellow.
I and many others who have said this matchmaking is whack is only trying to say they want fun, evenly matched games where allies and enemies are similar skilled, please keep this in mind before you assume it has something to do with “hurrdurr gotta be legendary” sorta thing.
Actually, you’re probably right about the attitude, this is the first time I’ve actually been depressed about playing video games to wind down after work, I even bought The Moot just to make myself feel better. Disco Disco Woop Woop!
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
if I could i would post a vid of me 1v5 in spvp rank this season and also blob busting on WvW and 1v servers on EoTM but all i can say is net issue suck.
I think you are missing the point. Problem is that gold player being in silver will probably never get to gold unless he is very lucky simply because the skill gap is not huge enough for him to win 1v5 match. Reason why Helseth is able to carry bronze teams is because the skill gap is insanely huge, once he gets to higher ratings, the gap will become smaller so he will start to struggle with so called “carry”.
Also, i still don’t understand misconception that to get where you belong, you are supposed to carry 4 potatoes on your team vs better players. […]
If you think, the system puts certain players always on the weaker team, it’s you, who don’t understand how the system works. The system tries to create even matches. Of course this is not always possible, but there is no rule that favours or penalizes certain players. If your MMR is somewhat accurate, the chances that you end up in the better team are exactly the same as the chances to end up in the weaker team. If your MMR is too low, the chances that your team is the better one, are even higher.
I really should start recording my games just to show how potato your teammates can be.
Do it. Because so far all those that claim, that they are only stuck in low MMR because of bad luck/bad teams show nothing but complaints on the forums.
Not all classes can carry a team, that being said the system does not work properly. A high mobility class has more advantage in being decisive about the outcome.
I believe most who say they are being matched with people less skilled because if they notice such a huge skill difference then it strait away by logic’s sake means that they are a better player than the ones they are matched with, otherwise they wouldn’t notice[
What you’re missing here is the simple fact that someone can recognize bad play in others and not themselves. It’s a perfectly reasonable option that some guy can play 5000 games and still be a slightly below average player, yet he never records his games and tries to improve himself he can see all the newbie mistakes others make and can recognize when someone does something wrong that doesn’t …. make him a better player though.
Every time I think I did literally everything I could to win a game and thought “You know, there’s no other reason we lost but because of all the mistakes my bad teammates make” and I then go and look at the recording of the entire match to prove myself I go “Nope, shouldn’t have made that rotation, nope should’ve been in more matchups with that one teammate, shoulda recognized that earlier” I see all my mistakes.
Some people will never do the things that can make you a better player (like recording matches and reviewing them) and yet they can still play thousands of games and gain a lot of experience in recognizing what not to do, doesn’t mean they don’t do those things to without realizing it.
Being bad yourself without realizing it is a perfectly logical outcome as well.
If you guys would like to help me find out more about how the matchmaking currently works, read up on my thread and post results in there.
You can carry if your team is only a little worse than your opponents. If your team is completely trash there is no way to carry . Yesterday i played 2 matches : in one we nuked every time our opponents, in the other 3 of our team was nuked every time in seconds . In all the 2 matches , for the losing players, i think it was impossible to carry. The match was too unbalanced. In my opinion , something that people should think about, is how much time they die for match . When i see people dieing 3 … 4 times in 2 minutes or 3 i understand the match has gone
Not all classes can carry a team, that being said the system does not work properly. A high mobility class has more advantage in being decisive about the outcome.
LOL i couldnt out run a necro today. I was like freaking HOT specs, seriously give everything to every class.
Im even traited to run faster!
I wonder what division those players Helseth played against thought they should be in. I wonder who they blamed for their loss.
That video proves nothing and especially not the point you guys are making. Maybe 5% of the player base is exceptional good at this game. A normal gold player won’t carry a 4v5 in this match.
Helseth couldn’t carry any of his three matches in conquest even while he was winning his 1v3. All the matches were lost.
The same thing will happen if he has players on his side that were on the enemy team at this 4v5. Why? He can win a 1v2, maybe a 1v3, but if his team still loses the other two bases it’s game over.
So how do you think a player that is not Helseth should win a match on silver or gold and carry a really bad team?And not to forget he has a slight “new account” advantage not starting at 1200 and so he is fighting new people or people that are blowing games because they tank rating or just farm 3 pips per game.
We will see how these matches end when he finally is in silver.
Lol, the thing is he can carry the games because he is really good, that’s why he wins and that’s why he is Legendary(on main acc). If you aren’t that good and you can’t carry, then you are in a division you deserve to be in. The salt is strongeee.
I myself noticed that players in division like gold still have no idea what they are doing, how to rotate, not paying attention to mini map(which is SUPER important), not paying attention to conditions they have, to what boons and condis their enemy has. And yet you see them all here being filled with NaCl(salt)! The moment I started paying attention to these things and learned how to use them in my advantage I started winning more matches, some matches are not winnable for whatever reason. But what yall need to do is GIT GUD. I feel like matchmaking has stabilized now and all people are there where they deserve to be. I saw people fall from gold to bronze, because placement matches on day 1 were a mess!
That is European bronze though. that is like starting American gold. still not possible to get out of US bronze xD
Seriously? Watch the video again. It looked like half the players could barely find the keys on the keyboard. They ate multiple shatters in a row and pretty much stood still in AoE fields. /facepalm
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
Not all classes can carry a team, that being said the system does not work properly. A high mobility class has more advantage in being decisive about the outcome.
LOL i couldnt out run a necro today. I was like freaking HOT specs, seriously give everything to every class.
Im even traited to run faster!
Necro’s have had base runspeed modifiers and a swiftness source since the game launched.
The only change HoT did was replace a targeted shadowstep with a untargeted charge.
It’s sad that a “pro” player would go take an account go through bronze and mock new players. I watched the stream and tbh it looked like he was just pumping his ego, trash talking to bronze players. Now those players will see that they’ve been smashed 5v4 and sure they will think “oh yeah this matchmaking is crap” when in fact you have sad people like him boosting their own ego by “smurfing”.
thats all any of this is. its like how eu wins the esl a lot because their top players are better than NA top players. that means everyone EU is automatically better than anyone NA. which obviously isnt true. NA has some amazing players. just not as amazing as helset and others. but youll never hear the end of it. stroking egos is how the world goes round.
I believe most who say they are being matched with people less skilled because if they notice such a huge skill difference then it strait away by logic’s sake means that they are a better player than the ones they are matched with, otherwise they wouldn’t notice[
What you’re missing here is the simple fact that someone can recognize bad play in others and not themselves. It’s a perfectly reasonable option that some guy can play 5000 games and still be a slightly below average player, yet he never records his games and tries to improve himself he can see all the newbie mistakes others make and can recognize when someone does something wrong that doesn’t …. make him a better player though.
Every time I think I did literally everything I could to win a game and thought “You know, there’s no other reason we lost but because of all the mistakes my bad teammates make” and I then go and look at the recording of the entire match to prove myself I go “Nope, shouldn’t have made that rotation, nope should’ve been in more matchups with that one teammate, shoulda recognized that earlier” I see all my mistakes.
Some people will never do the things that can make you a better player (like recording matches and reviewing them) and yet they can still play thousands of games and gain a lot of experience in recognizing what not to do, doesn’t mean they don’t do those things to without realizing it.
Being bad yourself without realizing it is a perfectly logical outcome as well.
Oh I completely understand that, I actually record most of my games and screen shot the rest to analyze where I could improve in my gameplay and my builds, I really wish I could upload them but being prepaid internet it would cost me nearly $30 in data to upload one game.
There are plenty of bad people and there are the worst ones than that, I’ve recently discovered my match making is mostly broken because I queue in so called off hours being an Aussie player and apparently that was a huge a contributor my unbalanced games.
The baddies I’ve been referring too have slipped out of my division too, I think it was just late placement games maybe and my queue times, only having a few games here and there that are quite obvious in skill differences now but even then the tables have turned and I’m watching better players than me getting dragged down by me…. So I’ve been on the receiving end of bad players and I’ve also been on the giving end, and after experiencing both sides of it I can still safely say the system is detrimental currently and needs a few tweaks. (still love the system concept) And before you assume my gender, I am Chocolate.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
You must pay out your kitten for internet. Gw2 is a data hog.
This video proves nothing other than Helseth being an excellent player multiple divisions above bronze.
To get out of a division you need to be significantly better than the average player in your division or they will pull you down. In bronze and silver people always find ways to throw and it is just frustrating to play with people who seem to have 10x less experience than you. Warriors that camp on close all day. People who wipe in mid before you finshed capping close. People who think killing the enemy lord is instant win etc.
I do not think the ELO system is working well for people who are in the middle spectrum of the skill ranking. If I am worth being in silver 3, then a lot of people I have in my team deserve to be bronze.
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
This video proves nothing other than Helseth being an excellent player multiple divisions above bronze.
To get out of a division you need to be significantly better than the average player in your division or they will pull you down. In bronze and silver people always find ways to throw and it is just frustrating to play with people who seem to have 10x less experience than you. Warriors that camp on close all day. People who wipe in mid before you finshed capping close. People who think killing the enemy lord is instant win etc.
I do not think the ELO system is working well for people who are in the middle spectrum of the skill ranking. If I am worth being in silver 3, then a lot of people I have in my team deserve to be bronze.
Anyone who cares to check knows your winrate and knows you don’t deserve even bronze 3 with it. Sure you have thousands of games played, and with that the experience of thousands of games played, but most people can average a win rate of better that 46% man, I mean come on.
You’re the perfect example of what I’m talking about, you can pin-point all the flaws of other people yet you’ve never taken it upon yourself to improve your own gameplay. At some point, it falls on you.
I agree with malediktus a little bit. Helseth is good, incredibly foqing good. But this match was absolutely a foqing clusterfoq. Both teams were god foqing terrible. And even with helseth doing 1 v 2’s somettimes even 1 v 3’s his team that played against another terrible team still found a way to almost throw the game. the score was close as foq for the effort helseth put into it. Helseth was Multi tasking. He was 1 v x ing, He was typing in team chat, he rotated through portal plays, he aided in teamfights, Helseth was practically a 1 man army and even with that effort he still almost friggin lost.‘’ He was the supposed constant factor’’ against 9 other players. Yet he almost lost due to clear Obvious missplays on his teams end.
The thing is, taking such a strict linear approach to such a complex game is not a good thing here. Clearly if u climb divisions it logically means u are better then the people u play with. Clearly however that is only relative to people actually worth said division. So yes if u can’t carry games with 9 players actually worth thier thier division then yes then it means u belong there. Because in order to progress u need to be better. Not massivel better but better. And this is where the problem lies. If u aren’t some kind of special player worth god’s gift to the world then your skill level really means jack foqing kitten when thrown with players of these levels. What people forget is players that relatively average aren’t actually master every aspect of the game like lord helseth who was practically everywhere. He was easily worh 3 players of said team in terms of combined effort on the game andI’m saying 3 players because the only thing that prevented him from bieng a 5 man army is him not attaining temporarly omnipresence in the game,He still needed deadweight fodder to stand on a point.. An average player that is maby high silver or low gold level has varrying strenth’s or weaknesses. Maby said average player has decent map awarness and only the skill level to comfortably win the 1 v 1’s against any of those terrible players. well if your team is so terrible that they simply get fed against another terrible team that is a bit less teribble in teamfights and 1 v 1’s but has generally speaking worse map awarness. then regardless of u staying alive and trying to decap far/close or attempting to regroup after a wipe and go for outnumberd fights. It still won’t matter kitten if u get 1 point every 2 seconds vs the other terible team getting 5 foqing points per kill instantly. U can be an average player that has a noticably better winrate without having all your stats linearly scale as more powerfull. And without evenly distributed expertise in the needed areas to win a game, carry potential actualy becomes less effective. The ability to carry doesn’t scale linearly with your rating. Because if u want to carry u often need to perform better in more then 1 area. Because this is a team game and because the effort of the team counts way more,then your individual skill level as an average players is effectievely worthless and even discardable.. Why do u u think helseth was a 1 man army rather then 1 man soloing an army? He tried that and still almost lost. And this won’t take away from the fact that an average player wouldn’t just completely kitten on any of those clowns in 1 v 1’’s. Or make less rotational mistakes. The thing is average players carry potential is only meaningfull when the players he plays with are worth the division they are in. However since the average player does have certain attributes in which he can carry a bit with maby he’’s a quote on quote good teamfighter relatively speaking. then yes he wil eventually come across players that are terrible rotation wise. But he can carry in the fights. A carry only works if u are good enough in a certain aspect of the game to make a noticable difference. Some people complain about thier entire team getting wiped and then them dying the last. well technically they are already showing a bit of that carry potential by making the enemy team spend more time to kill them however this is discardable. Some mistakes can be fixed others cannot be fixed even with both kittenty teams add in snowball effects and it simply becomes another game between kittenty teams.
Then what also contributes to said losing streaks. Is after then losing a game due to your team either making a potentially more terrible play then the other terrible team. U then fight an team of equal strength and boom u lose legimately. Well that’s still 2 loses. It’s why in certain people showing thier losing streaks u see certain matches that are quite close. And if those matches are close then it’s likely that those matches weren’t that terrible.
However even after all that. Do I think that elo hell exists? no not quite, Because the norm isn’s kittenty matchmaking based on all those losing streaks shown. Rather matches that could be won or lost either way are then mixed in with matches that are uncarryable either due to the average player (not having the skills to carry a certain matchup with kittenty player) more ofthen it it should be. So yes u will see people eventually climb to where they belon with an actual risk of it becoming a grindfest.
This ‘’you are the only constant factor argument’’ would only work if the skill difference between a noob or newbie and an average joe was linear in all aspects. but yeah somebody having a rating of 1200 and the other one having a rating of 800. Doesn’t mean that the guy is 1.5 times the 800 rating. It doesn’t mean that he will nessiarily 1 v 1.5 said 800 rating player. players that have a rating of 1950 aren’t litterally 0.9(roughly speaking) helseth right? Still a reasonable big chance helseth can still punk people who are supposedly 0.9 helseth right? Wow a division full of helseth clones.
This isn’t some kind of foqing Dragonball Z. MMR is not literall foqing powerlevel of said player that only applies to the good and pro leaguers. Only helseth’s powerlevel is over 9000..
Carry potential=/=rating.
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
It’s very painful to start to get better at the game. You have to have a good attitude about it. So much of this game is too forgiving, once you realize how it’s all on you to improve it may seem hard at first. But keep at it, unless you either have a learning disability (doubtful) or are physically disabled (meaning super slow reaction time) you’ll get there eventually, maybe even faster than you think.
So I gotta ask again. Helseth can carry himself out of bronze because he’s a godly world champion etc etc player.
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Who is Leeto and since when was Axe Necro a carry class :o
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Who is Leeto and since when was Axe Necro a carry class :o
A streamer who doesn’t even play gw2 much anymore who got placed into bronze. Then climbed to gold playing power necro. Solo.
Are people going to start claiming he’s a great amazing player on Helseth’s level?
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Who is Leeto and since when was Axe Necro a carry class :o
A streamer who doesn’t even play gw2 much anymore who got placed into bronze. Then climbed to gold playing power necro. Solo.
Are people going to start claiming he’s a great amazing player on Helseth’s level?
I hope not, my favorite GW2 youtube video is helseth farming Leeto and literally laughing and making jokes the whole time.
“cant focus, hes to charismatic”
“heres your chance leeto for a new life”
Seriously brilliant stuff
(edited by kdaddy.5431)
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
You’re missing a very key aspect of the entire season:
Rating affects nothing
Well it’s not completely true but your ability to get rewards, complete the backpack etc etc are not affected much by where you are rated.
The average person with a rating of 1000-1200 is in bronze and silver because that is where they belong and they would have loss after loss after loss against better players. Getting better at the game is hard but it’s worth it in the end and as you get better you will win every 1v1 and 1v2 in bronze, even silver I dare say. It’s unlikely to happen over a season but you might see people drifting up in rating eventually.
I have to say the quality of games are very dependant of what time of day you play. currently with the kids of school, matches are not good at all. I went from never seen an afker, to getting 1 every 2-3 matches. sure some matches are a loss dew to mistakes made, or even the other team just being out right better than my team. I really don’t mid it when I lose because the other team it just better. But when I see people just afking and talking trash. It just kittenes me off. especially when I’m doing my part and doing it well, and my team mates do stupid things, like a necro taking a good 20-30 secnds fighting a beast, only to have the kill stolen, or a thief not knowing that trying to join in in a mid fight when the other team has 2 DH’s is just feeding them points. having zero map awareness, like a team member running past a point being de-capped, so I have to run back past them to go fight and retake the point.
These are simple mistakes that will cost you a match. the fact people are making these mistakes in T3 silver is not funny. I’ve been close to braking into gold for days now, but every time I climb to the top of T3 silver, I end up back at the top of T2 silver, because of bad players and afkers. Now I’m not saying I’m not a T3 silver player, I very well might be. but when I lose games because of people who have no real clue about how to play PvP and people going AFK and just raging I’ll never know where I truly belong.
I place the blame firmly at ANets feet. they need a true tutorial for PvP so people know what they should be doing. Sadly there is no cure for the AFKers, now if there was a way that if you got so many legit AFK reports you got band from ranked for the rest of the season, and then subsequent season for repeat offending that would be great.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
1 or 2 wins away from going into gold, i never really play sPvP i have no idea about rotations nor i keep up with what skills people used to know when to burst etc..
its not so hard to get higher on EU also i just think for people that are stuck in bronze and think they dont belong there might get kittenty teams all the time pulling them down in ranks, so id say go duo with some1 that claims he doesnt belong in bronze also so u can have max 3 kittenty team members instead of 4
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Who is Leeto and since when was Axe Necro a carry class :o
Its a necromancer that afk’s your ranked games or afk if he don’t like something and talk in map chat till end of games.
cant say ive seen leeto afk too often but then again i barely play EU.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
cant say ive seen leeto afk too often but then again i barely play EU.
There are plenty of bad people and there are the worst ones than that, I’ve recently discovered my match making is mostly broken because I queue in so called off hours being an Aussie player and apparently that was a huge a contributor my unbalanced games.
^This! I posted in another thread about the inherent difficulty of playing as an Aussie.
Just now I got told by a player on my team that “rotation is bad strategy”. How the kitten do I carry that? I’m a mesmer, not a freaking magician.
Seriously, I think it’s great to see Helseth mingle with the plebs. It is give all you “git gud” keyboard warriors some insight into how truly bad some of the play is.
As I’ve said before, you can be good enough to pull your own weight, but buckle under the load of potatoes.
Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
You’re missing a very key aspect of the entire season:
Rating affects nothing
Well it’s not completely true but your ability to get rewards, complete the backpack etc etc are not affected much by where you are rated.
The average person with a rating of 1000-1200 is in bronze and silver because that is where they belong and they would have loss after loss after loss against better players. Getting better at the game is hard but it’s worth it in the end and as you get better you will win every 1v1 and 1v2 in bronze, even silver I dare say. It’s unlikely to happen over a season but you might see people drifting up in rating eventually.
I’m not disputing that they belong there. I’m definately against the notion that an average player should carry just everybody and thier mother on thier way to thier rightfull place be it high bronze or mid silver or any division for that matter. If said losses simply because they get outskilled then that is on them rightly so. Not everybody thinks they should belong in platinum or legendary. But having good matches is also a complaint.
This video proves nothing other than Helseth being an excellent player multiple divisions above bronze.
To get out of a division you need to be significantly better than the average player in your division or they will pull you down. In bronze and silver people always find ways to throw and it is just frustrating to play with people who seem to have 10x less experience than you. Warriors that camp on close all day. People who wipe in mid before you finshed capping close. People who think killing the enemy lord is instant win etc.
I do not think the ELO system is working well for people who are in the middle spectrum of the skill ranking. If I am worth being in silver 3, then a lot of people I have in my team deserve to be bronze.Anyone who cares to check knows your winrate and knows you don’t deserve even bronze 3 with it. Sure you have thousands of games played, and with that the experience of thousands of games played, but most people can average a win rate of better that 46% man, I mean come on.
Suddenly win/loss matters? In another topic people told me win/loss does not matter, it only matters who you win or loose against.
Besides for everyone who has more than 50% winrate, there needs to be at least one person who has less than 50% winrate. Simple math. I think the win rate is not too bad for playing mostly soloQ and no try harding. Other peoples manipulate their w/l by playing with premades, queue dodging or playing off peak hours, so I really do not care about w/l anymore.
You’re the perfect example of what I’m talking about, you can pin-point all the flaws of other people yet you’ve never taken it upon yourself to improve your own gameplay. At some point, it falls on you.
Granted, I can analyse problems quite well. I even see my own strengths and weaknesses, but I have a hard time to remove the weaknesses. My reaction time is worse than average (evading or interrupting skills with less than 1s cast time feels like luck) and I often start to “panic” if thinks do not go as planned which results in wasting cooldowns and dodges. But I nowhere claimed to be a top tier pvp player?
I am definitely not good enough to consistently carry the average player I have in my silver division teams.
If I get out of silver it would be because I start duoQ or if I have a lucky win streak.
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Who is Leeto and since when was Axe Necro a carry class :o
A streamer who doesn’t even play gw2 much anymore who got placed into bronze. Then climbed to gold playing power necro. Solo.
Are people going to start claiming he’s a great amazing player on Helseth’s level?
I hope not, my favorite GW2 youtube video is helseth farming Leeto and literally laughing and making jokes the whole time.
“cant focus, hes to charismatic”
“heres your chance leeto for a new life”
Seriously brilliant stuff
To me Leeto seems someone that casually report guys
I’d like to see him carry 3 thieves, 1 rev against 3 DH, 1 ele & 1 necro. now that would be a challenge.
incidentally i challenge lord helseth to go 1 v 2 against 2 decent DHs, more specially, 1 MaceSheld/SceptorFocus Symbolicist, and the other a LongBow/SwordFocus Meditrapper.
Some games it is not possible to carry, or rather win while carrying. It doesn’t mean he didn’t do a disproportionate amount of work that match.
As for your other silly suggestion, he wouldn’t take the fight, he’s a pro player because he knows when to fight and when to go somewhere else and do something else on the map.
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
You’re missing a very key aspect of the entire season:
Rating affects nothing
Well it’s not completely true but your ability to get rewards, complete the backpack etc etc are not affected much by where you are rated.
The average person with a rating of 1000-1200 is in bronze and silver because that is where they belong and they would have loss after loss after loss against better players. Getting better at the game is hard but it’s worth it in the end and as you get better you will win every 1v1 and 1v2 in bronze, even silver I dare say. It’s unlikely to happen over a season but you might see people drifting up in rating eventually.
I’m not disputing that they belong there. I’m definately against the notion that an average player should carry just everybody and thier mother on thier way to thier rightfull place be it high bronze or mid silver or any division for that matter. If said losses simply because they get outskilled then that is on them rightly so. Not everybody thinks they should belong in platinum or legendary. But having good matches is also a complaint.
This all depends on where you are on rating and where you should be, if you think you should be good and are in bronze you should win at least 2/3rds of your matches pushing you into silver. It might take more time to go to gold but you should have a higher win ratio of you truly are better than the people in your division.
If you’re not capable of performing better than average in your games then you are not better than your rating.
This video proves nothing other than Helseth being an excellent player multiple divisions above bronze.
To get out of a division you need to be significantly better than the average player in your division or they will pull you down.Anyone who cares to check knows your winrate and knows you don’t deserve even bronze 3 with it. Sure you have thousands of games played, and with that the experience of thousands of games played, but most people can average a win rate of better that 46% man, I mean come on.
You’re the perfect example of what I’m talking about, you can pin-point all the flaws of other people yet you’ve never taken it upon yourself to improve your own gameplay. At some point, it falls on you.
Critical thinking is clearly not something you excel at. For all you know his current win rate could be 80%. Maybe he lost a lot of games when starting out. Maybe he frequently queues with friends who aren’t that good. You assume way to much.
A 46% winrate in Legendary might be great if he only looses to ESL players and beats everyone else. Winrate might be indicative of skill, but it’s just one factor.
My alternate account (Magnus) currently has a much better winrate, and has climbed higher than my main this season. Winrate means little.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
(edited by Moderator)
Occam’s Razor – all for that
– start at zero every season, wins and losses only so you have to earn what you have; doesn’t get any simpler than that. although that would be ideal, people don’t want to have to play with “subpar” teammates (which leaves little to no room for growth in the sPvP community).
People don’t want to play with cry babies that curse into chat and AFK the first time something goes wrong. We want those players to degenerate into low tier sub-bronze and languish there for years.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
Leeto is a godly player then too? He’s a double world champion running a class with a ton of carry potential too? Ax necro?
Who is Leeto and since when was Axe Necro a carry class :o
A streamer who doesn’t even play gw2 much anymore who got placed into bronze. Then climbed to gold playing power necro. Solo.
Are people going to start claiming he’s a great amazing player on Helseth’s level?
I hope not, my favorite GW2 youtube video is helseth farming Leeto and literally laughing and making jokes the whole time.
“cant focus, hes to charismatic”
“heres your chance leeto for a new life”
Seriously brilliant stuff
To me Leeto seems someone that casually report guys
Yeah. This necro who AFKs his matches, rages at his teammates still manages to crawl his way out of bronze.
It’s almost like if you have half a brain, you can get out of bronze. And if you have a fully intact brain, you can at least get into gold.
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
You’re missing a very key aspect of the entire season:
Rating affects nothing
Well it’s not completely true but your ability to get rewards, complete the backpack etc etc are not affected much by where you are rated.
The average person with a rating of 1000-1200 is in bronze and silver because that is where they belong and they would have loss after loss after loss against better players. Getting better at the game is hard but it’s worth it in the end and as you get better you will win every 1v1 and 1v2 in bronze, even silver I dare say. It’s unlikely to happen over a season but you might see people drifting up in rating eventually.
I’m not disputing that they belong there. I’m definately against the notion that an average player should carry just everybody and thier mother on thier way to thier rightfull place be it high bronze or mid silver or any division for that matter. If said losses simply because they get outskilled then that is on them rightly so. Not everybody thinks they should belong in platinum or legendary. But having good matches is also a complaint.
This all depends on where you are on rating and where you should be, if you think you should be good and are in bronze you should win at least 2/3rds of your matches pushing you into silver. It might take more time to go to gold but you should have a higher win ratio of you truly are better than the people in your division.
If you’re not capable of performing better than average in your games then you are not better than your rating.
Excatly it depends on the rating and where u should be. If u are not better then your average then yes u belong there. If u get matched with absolute kittenty players then even if u are worth silver or high bronze then yes I believe that carrying becomes incredibly hard. U saw it with helseth yourself. both teams were absolutely kittenty yet helseth’s team throwed the game at so many occasions. And helseth responded by doing everything his team should do it didn’t matter that both teams were kitten at all. the whole ‘’U are the only constant factor in game’’ argument simply doesn’t work. take an average player with varrying skill levels in certain aspects of the game. He’s not going to be everywhere like helseth or even a good player. And in no way means that u aren’t significantly better then those clowns. The ability to carry a game is not equal with your skill level. Carrying a kittenty team requires extra amount of effort in almost all areas of the game.
cant say ive seen leeto afk too often but then again i barely play EU.
XD to that pic
You’re right Xanctus, it doesn’t scale linearly. It scales gaussian-ly.
Hmm. U talking about the distribution of players in these season?
The distribution of players is by skill rating, so yeah
So what do u think of me saying the average player not bieng well rounded enough to carry all bad matches but some?
Well by definition the average player would be around 1000- 1200 Mmr which is High Bronze to Low Silver…
Ah yeah that makes sense. 1000 to 1200 is high bronze to mid silver.
Then it would make sense tough for said averages to have trouble carrying bad teams at times. Not saying that elo hell is a fact but I can understand part of thier pain.
You’re missing a very key aspect of the entire season:
Rating affects nothing
Well it’s not completely true but your ability to get rewards, complete the backpack etc etc are not affected much by where you are rated.
The average person with a rating of 1000-1200 is in bronze and silver because that is where they belong and they would have loss after loss after loss against better players. Getting better at the game is hard but it’s worth it in the end and as you get better you will win every 1v1 and 1v2 in bronze, even silver I dare say. It’s unlikely to happen over a season but you might see people drifting up in rating eventually.
I’m not disputing that they belong there. I’m definately against the notion that an average player should carry just everybody and thier mother on thier way to thier rightfull place be it high bronze or mid silver or any division for that matter. If said losses simply because they get outskilled then that is on them rightly so. Not everybody thinks they should belong in platinum or legendary. But having good matches is also a complaint.
This all depends on where you are on rating and where you should be, if you think you should be good and are in bronze you should win at least 2/3rds of your matches pushing you into silver. It might take more time to go to gold but you should have a higher win ratio of you truly are better than the people in your division.
If you’re not capable of performing better than average in your games then you are not better than your rating.
Excatly it depends on the rating and where u should be. If u are not better then your average then yes u belong there. If u get matched with absolute kittenty players then even if u are worth silver or high bronze then yes I believe that carrying becomes incredibly hard. U saw it with helseth yourself. both teams were absolutely kittenty yet helseth’s team throwed the game at so many occasions. And helseth responded by doing everything his team should do it didn’t matter that both teams were kitten at all. the whole ‘’U are the only constant factor in game’’ argument simply doesn’t work. take an average player with varrying skill levels in certain aspects of the game. He’s not going to be everywhere like helseth or even a good player. And in no way means that u aren’t significantly better then those clowns. The ability to carry a game is not equal with your skill level. Carrying a kittenty team requires extra amount of effort in almost all areas of the game.
I’ve fought people who are in bronze for duels, practise etc and I’ve played unranked on alt characters to get used to them. Sometimes I’ve fought 1v2 constantly and easily won, I’m guessing these are bronze players in unranked as I shudder to think the. Being classes as above average. I also know a guy who was put in bronze, thief main actually and from my own experience with him I knew he wouldn’t stay there. He’s managed to get to mid gold now mostly solo but a few duo matches with me which turned into some 40-60 rating after only 3 games.
If someone should be silver but is stuck in bronze they have plenty of room to grow as a player to get to a level where they can carry.
This video proves nothing other than Helseth being an excellent player multiple divisions above bronze.
To get out of a division you need to be significantly better than the average player in your division or they will pull you down.Anyone who cares to check knows your winrate and knows you don’t deserve even bronze 3 with it. Sure you have thousands of games played, and with that the experience of thousands of games played, but most people can average a win rate of better that 46% man, I mean come on.
You’re the perfect example of what I’m talking about, you can pin-point all the flaws of other people yet you’ve never taken it upon yourself to improve your own gameplay. At some point, it falls on you.
Critical thinking is clearly not something you excel at. For all you know his current win rate could be 80%. Maybe he lost a lot of games when starting out. Maybe he frequently queues with friends who aren’t that good. You assume way to much.
A 46% winrate in Legendary might be great if he only looses to ESL players and beats everyone else. Winrate might be indicative of skill, but it’s just one factor.
My alternate account (Magnus) currently has a much better winrate, and has climbed higher than my main this season. Winrate means little.
He made his information public man, it’s not a guess. He has thousands of games played and still that bad of a winrate at some point the only person he has to look at is himself.