Helseth on upcoming Mesmer nerfs
idk why you guys are so upset, alacrity needed a nerf. Usually traits reduce 1 certain type of skill by 20%. Alacrity reduces everything by more than 20%. It granted both, more offense and more defense than any other traitline (except inspiration vs condition builds perhaps). If mesmer is unplayable it is because of revenant and thief who have so many gap closers that is it nigh impossible to kite them and so many evades that is very hard to counter burst them. If either of them is stronger than you, you will have a very bad time and eventually be pushed out of the meta game, just like rev has driven 3+ classes out of the current meta and like thief has rendered most other berserker builds useless in the past. And like daredevil will likely remove the two classes that rely on kiting as major part of their defense (mesmer and reaper) from the game after the next update.
Ofc you always have the option to babysit your teammate but the question remains whether the pay off is worth the effort.
edit: If I had to guess: the well of precognition nerf is because of stronghold as turning the doobreakers invulnerable is a bit “dumb”
(edited by Erzian.5218)
peasant helseth is wrong. Mes alacrity was usper imba lowering cooldowns by 20 seconds. What is more, helseth is no authority, he is poor player only third place in proleague. And ofc he has big mouth and no respect for other ppl. I wouldnt listen to the helseth
Look, Helseth mains Mesmer. His rantings IMO are just a transparent ploy to protect his beloved, nothing more.
Bunker Mesmer is studiply OP right now in PvP, nerf it into oblivion.
He was the first to say how broken chronoshatter was (obviously compared to core builds), and then how broken alacrity bunk was after playing it against oRNG
You and some others: “We are some gw2 forum posters and kitten!”
Here we go
It will be a shame if Mesmer is not competitive after the patch. I think the shatter Mesmer adds variety to tournaments, with its portal play which add a surprise element and excitement.
I’ve said before that even if you nerf mesmer into the ground it’ll still be useful due to its portal, moa form, cooldown reset, elite daze signet, and alacrity. So they have strengths that don’t rely on raw numbers like other classes do. Reaper having spammable chill and boon corruption likewise can be very viable for that reason even if it were to hit like a wet noodle. Daredevil, warrior, and druid on the other hand need to have good damage and/or healing coefficients to be useful.
I’ve said before that even if you nerf mesmer into the ground it’ll still be useful due to its portal, moa form, cooldown reset, elite daze signet, and alacrity. So they have strengths that don’t rely on raw numbers like other classes do. Reaper having spammable chill and boon corruption likewise can be very viable for that reason even if it were to hit like a wet noodle. Daredevil, warrior, and druid on the other hand need to have good damage and/or healing coefficients to be useful.
The boost that will be give to thief pretty much nullify any usefulness of having a Mesmer on team in sPvP. Any +1 fight will just favors thief more than Mesmer, so there’s no point in taking Mesmer over a thief.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
I’ve said before that even if you nerf mesmer into the ground it’ll still be useful due to its portal, moa form, cooldown reset, elite daze signet, and alacrity. So they have strengths that don’t rely on raw numbers like other classes do. Reaper having spammable chill and boon corruption likewise can be very viable for that reason even if it were to hit like a wet noodle. Daredevil, warrior, and druid on the other hand need to have good damage and/or healing coefficients to be useful.
Yes, portal and moa are strong.
But don’t forget mesmer has been out of meta like forever before June update except for helseth. Mesmer had all those tools back then and the build was actually pretty decent itself as well. However, being decent does not justify your position in a team.
Bye bye mesmer, Necro and DH will be again viable in professional leagues! Good necros are still viable, but will be better, they will do insane dmg now that there is no inv, support for team, insane condi against all players, nyam nyam nyam nyam.
Meta condi here it comes! Only DH could counter it with meditation, it will be powerful!
1vs1 in the moment ( I win every 1vs1 fight vs mesmer with condi necro, still can eat a mesmer with conditions, they can’t even hold the camp, buhahaha, what will happen after patch; the tears, omg!
ATM Necros are bad because of the opponent mesmers are f them in team support, but in season 2 they will be a must in teams!
Ummm maybe you all should wait and see how the meta will change before you start crying out loud in the forums? Really guys, pull yourselves together. The patch is in 8 day, and please try to remember the first days before HoT release in the forums: everyone thought warhorn/tempest will be useless, and complained like no tomorrow. But it ended up to be one of the classes that ruled this bunker meta. It sounds pathetic for me, because i still remember all these threads that complained about the uselessness of warhorn and the tempest in general.
Don’t complain until you play for some days after the new balance patch.
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
1, Helseth is entitled to his opinion, however….
2, There is a reason Helseth is banned from these forums, its so we don’t have to hear him opinions.
3, Helseth is rude and hateful to people on his stream and in game. I have no idea why he chooses to act this way, and I have no idea why arenanet as a corporate entity want to be associated at all with such a toxic individual.
4, He claims it is part of his “persona”. So his persona is making people feel kittenty about themselves by persistently mocking and bullying them? Yeh, great “persona” that is.
5, He might be good now (I have no idea if he is tbh), but he was always overrated in the past. Very overrated. The extent of his skill was telling people how good he was over and over until people believed it. He might be good now (finally) but before that I played him alot and he was an average mesmer who was way behind the best 3/4 mesmers on EU.
I have nothing against him personally. I do, however, think that going out of his way to mock and be rude to a large percentage of people he encounters is not really something that should be tolerated by the community.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
1, Helseth is entitled to his opinion, however….
2, There is a reason Helseth is banned from these forums, its so we don’t have to hear him opinions.
3, Helseth is rude and hateful to people on his stream and in game. I have no idea why he chooses to act this way, and I have no idea why arenanet as a corporate entity want to be associated at all with such a toxic individual.
4, He claims it is part of his “persona”. So his persona is making people feel kittenty about themselves by persistently mocking and bullying them? Yeh, great “persona” that is.
5, He might be good now (I have no idea if he is tbh), but he was always overrated in the past. Very overrated. The extent of his skill was telling people how good he was over and over until people believed it. He might be good now (finally) but before that I played him alot and he was an average mesmer who was way behind the best 3/4 mesmers on EU.
I have nothing against him personally. I do, however, think that going out of his way to mock and be rude to a large percentage of people he encounters is not really something that should be tolerated by the community.
Drink for this gentelman!
1, Helseth is entitled to his opinion, however….
2, There is a reason Helseth is banned from these forums, its so we don’t have to hear him opinions.
3, Helseth is rude and hateful to people on his stream and in game. I have no idea why he chooses to act this way, and I have no idea why arenanet as a corporate entity want to be associated at all with such a toxic individual.
4, He claims it is part of his “persona”. So his persona is making people feel kittenty about themselves by persistently mocking and bullying them? Yeh, great “persona” that is.
5, He might be good now (I have no idea if he is tbh), but he was always overrated in the past. Very overrated. The extent of his skill was telling people how good he was over and over until people believed it. He might be good now (finally) but before that I played him alot and he was an average mesmer who was way behind the best 3/4 mesmers on EU.
I have nothing against him personally. I do, however, think that going out of his way to mock and be rude to a large percentage of people he encounters is not really something that should be tolerated by the community.
Come on Henry, lazy bait. You’ve been around long enough to recognize the difference between Lord Helseth the performance and Sandro the performer. We’ve seen him develop from the HairSeth days, when he was just a regular non-salty nerd on Grouch’s State of the Game. And contrary to what you claim, I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to see the value of his social disruption to the scene and the community.
Helseth’s brand of mocking antagonism is a time-honored trope that challenges and shakes up the status quo. He’s the jester who blurts out uncomfortable truths about the king and the court, raising a mirror of critical self-reflection. He’s the carnival that subverts through humor and chaos. Without disruptive forces such as him, our scene would be dominated by sycophants and white knights who suck up to Anet all day, praising every bumbling mistake they make. Wise kings don’t decapitate their jesters.
As for the scathing brand of mocking humor, it’s a bit of an acquired taste, I won’t argue with you there. But if Helseth were just another troll without substance, he would have disappeared from the scene a long time ago. The same would be true if he did not have considerable love for the game. So the next time you listen to his torrent of expletives about Anet’s balance decisions, remember the greater value he brings, even if the methods are not to your personal liking.
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
1, Helseth is entitled to his opinion, however….
2, There is a reason Helseth is banned from these forums, its so we don’t have to hear him opinions.
3, Helseth is rude and hateful to people on his stream and in game. I have no idea why he chooses to act this way, and I have no idea why arenanet as a corporate entity want to be associated at all with such a toxic individual.
4, He claims it is part of his “persona”. So his persona is making people feel kittenty about themselves by persistently mocking and bullying them? Yeh, great “persona” that is.
5, He might be good now (I have no idea if he is tbh), but he was always overrated in the past. Very overrated. The extent of his skill was telling people how good he was over and over until people believed it. He might be good now (finally) but before that I played him alot and he was an average mesmer who was way behind the best 3/4 mesmers on EU.
I have nothing against him personally. I do, however, think that going out of his way to mock and be rude to a large percentage of people he encounters is not really something that should be tolerated by the community.
Come on Henry, lazy bait. You’ve been around long enough to recognize the difference between Lord Helseth the performance and Sandro the performer. We’ve seen him develop from the HairSeth days, when he was just a regular non-salty nerd on Grouch’s State of the Game. And contrary to what you claim, I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to see the value of his social disruption to the scene and the community.
Helseth’s brand of mocking antagonism is a time-honored trope that challenges and shakes up the status quo. He’s the jester who blurts out uncomfortable truths about the king and the court, raising a mirror of critical self-reflection. He’s the carnival that subverts through humor and chaos. Without disruptive forces such as him, our scene would be dominated by sycophants and white knights who suck up to Anet all day, praising every bumbling mistake they make. Wise kings don’t decapitate their jesters.
As for the scathing brand of mocking humor, it’s a bit of an acquired taste, I won’t argue with you there. But if Helseth were just another troll without substance, he would have disappeared from the scene a long time ago. The same would be true if he did not have considerable love for the game. So the next time you listen to his torrent of expletives about Anet’s balance decisions, remember the greater value he brings, even if the methods are not to your personal liking.
True to some extent. But it goes too far. At the end of the day the internet is just a medium over which people (REAL people) communicate and interact. To be rude and make pretty harsh comments about people constantly on the internet to me is no different to doing it in “real life”.
In addition, you are how you act. You can’t say your a nice guy and then do a ton of stuff which points to the contrary. You are how you act. Our actions are what defines us I guess.
Its not a big deal. He can do what he wants, I agree people should be more thick skinned and stuff. But really lets stop pretending that being horrible to a ton of people is justified due to some sort of act. A good parallel prank youtube channels where they do kitten to people and claim its just a “joke”.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
True to some extent. But it goes too far. At the end of the day the internet is just a medium over which people (REAL people) communicate and interact. To be rude and make pretty harsh comments about people constantly on the internet to me is no different to doing it in “real life”.
In addition, you are how you act. You can’t say your a nice guy and then do a ton of stuff which points to the contrary. You are how you act. Our actions are what defines us I guess.
Its not a big deal. He can do what he wants, I agree people should be more thick skinned and stuff. But really lets stop pretending that being horrible to a ton of people is justified due to some sort of act. A good parallel prank youtube channels where they do kitten to people and claim its just a “joke”.
Fair enough, I see your point. All of us have our threshold of what we judge to be acceptable social behavior. I personally don’t agree with everything Helseth says or does, be it balance-wise or, for example, regarding the merits of individual players. I’m not claiming he is infallible or even close to anything like it in his criticism. I also don’t think that framing justifies all actions – saying that you’re sorry before punching somebody in the nose does not make the punch any less hurtful or the act any less incriminating. However, as long as Helseth navigates the fine line of actually delivering criticism with substance and not only vacuous trolling, the character serves a valuable function in the GW2 scene.
It’s through Helseth and characters like him that we define the boundaries of what is acceptable – our values and norms. And in that process we also need voices of dissent telling us the things we don’t particularly care to hear, sometimes in a manner that we disapprove. This goes back to the jester comparison I made earlier. It will be interesting to see how Sandro takes the character forward and whether he will use his disruptive position for the betterment of the game, or will the stream degenerate to zero-thought loud-mouth hate entertainment. Time will tell.
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
Don’t understand how some ppl still have problem with Helseth’s personality on stream. You really shouldn’t take it too srsly and I think he is probably a much nicer person in real life.
His role playing is actually really funny to me and one of the reasons I like his stream. There are a few other good streams as well. But none of theirs can give me as good a laugh as Helseth’s after a hard day’s work.
Of course, I also like his analysis of the game. There is a lot of ego in his videos. But they are still the most helpful ones out there. Most other videos may teach you a bit of mechanics. But his has so much focus on the mostly unnoticed details of the game. How to use terrain, interesting strategy of rotation etc.
Overall, I would definitely rate his stream the best out of all for gw2.
Don’t understand how some ppl still have problem with Helseth’s personality on stream. You really shouldn’t take it too srsly and I think he is probably a much nicer person in real life.
His role playing is actually really funny to me and one of the reasons I like his stream. There are a few other good streams as well. But none of theirs can give me as good a laugh as Helseth’s after a hard day’s work.
Of course, I also like his analysis of the game. There is a lot of ego in his videos. But they are still the most helpful ones out there. Most other videos may teach you a bit of mechanics. But his has so much focus on the mostly unnoticed details of the game. How to use terrain, interesting strategy of rotation etc.
Overall, I would definitely rate his stream the best out of all for gw2.
Well, I am not a fan of Helseth and I do not watch his stream anymore, but I seriously don’t get all this hate for him and Phantaram. They did nothing more than expressing their opinions and bringing some valid points. As far as I’m aware, everyone has the right to do that.
Then I look at some of the posts and see stuff like “omg, you talk bad about mesmer, glad ele is getting trashed.” Like what’s wrong with these forums?
Imo, they were right about portal and moa. Those skills are really strong and I don’t think you can have that along with shatter mesmer being strong, too. Maybe eventually they could rework the class so those skills aren’t mandatory while shatter mesmer is viable.
Helseth’s ‘persona’ aside, I’d say that he has at least a point about the state of the mesmer without knowing more of the dev’s plans on how they’re planning on changing the class.
Unless they’re going to make some positive changes to other mesmer traits (other than 5% scepter speed) there won’t be many builds that are viable.
I main a mesmer, and have for quite some time. My thief already does a better job decapping and +1ing than my shatter mesmer.
Condi permablok mesmer boys, condi permablock mesmer.
I still keep getting called whatever words for unskillfully Moa’ing bunker druids/eles and then bursting them down.
Or doing nothing but running around with block up and watching them die, while they complain how OP condi mesmer is.
Every time i hear how op condi shatter mesmer is i wonder why I am yet to see any but myself.
All that combined with the removal of Celestial which made certain Engi/Ele builds too strong, removal of DS or atleast how it behaved are indirect buffs to condi mesmers.
(edited by Niekas.3854)
A Mesmer main QQing?
I’m shocked.
Too bad the devs won’t listen to our top players. The top players of this game probably have more hours logged on their mains than the balance team have on all their toons…
People bashing Helseth for “defending his main etc”. What? He isn’t defending bunker mesmer, he just want mesmer to have a spot at all. Maybe buff shatter so that we will see it played again?
Except how warrior isn’t unplayable it just isn’t face roll easy like mesmer. Maybe thats helseths problem.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Except how warrior isn’t unplayable it just isn’t face roll easy like mesmer. Maybe thats helseths problem.
I’m talking about shatter mesmer since they’re removing bunker. Have you tried to play it? It’s not face roll easy.
Helseth has commented on this reddit thread, see below quote.
From my perspective mesmer will be completely unplayable provided that these notes are all the meaningful changes. Similiar to how warrior is in its current state right now, I can’t find a single justified reason to play shatter mesmer in pvp over thief, rev or necro.
Bunker mes is completely dead with quickness rez and alacrity nerf sso shatter is our onl hope. From what I’m theorycrafting shatter will be n such a pitiful state that it wont even be worth playing casually, might aswell reroll thief
It seems to me that arenanet is killing the chrono bunker mesmer because they don’t want ANY iteration of this build in pvp but my question then is what build do they want us to have? Shatter? Shatter was already not viable and inferior to thief/dh/rev before the patch. So if the bunker archetype is dead and shatter is unviable mesmer will have no spot whatsoever, which I feel might be intended by the devs because they simple have no idea how to balance it. Frankly, I don’t either. Portal is completely broken and so is moa and the effect of continum split along with those effects so it’s really hard to be viable without being mandatory.
Still sad that the class I’ve mained for so long is likely completely dead for half a year.Link:
Here’s the thing: People are acting like a mesmer nerf is the end of the world, but it’s not. If you quit a class simply because of a slight nerf then maybe that wasn’t actually your favorite class. Thief was nerfed into the dirt and people were still able to make good use of them. So you won’t be completely OP, darn, but that doesn’t make the whole class completely useless.
“slight nerf?” ANET is essentially destroying the main selling point of the HoT Chronomancer. I don’t see that as “slight” I see it as a directed deliberate assault on Mesmer and circumstancial evidence that some or all of the devs have a personal problem with the class.
“slight nerf?” ANET is essentially destroying the main selling point of the HoT Chronomancer. I don’t see that as “slight” I see it as a directed deliberate assault on Mesmer and circumstancial evidence that some or all of the devs have a personal problem with the class.
They are lowing the effectiveness of one boon! And an OP one at that! Plus that’s only a sneak peak of what they changing! Thief has been the worst class to play for quite some time now and people just sweep that under the rug! It’s okay to ruin thief by nerfing it into the ground and making every class be able to do a thieves job better but DON’T YOU DARE EVEN NERF MESMER! Heavens no! It is a small nerf to an overpowered skill, deal with it.
Helseth has commented on this reddit thread, see below quote.
From my perspective mesmer will be completely unplayable provided that these notes are all the meaningful changes. Similiar to how warrior is in its current state right now, I can’t find a single justified reason to play shatter mesmer in pvp over thief, rev or necro.
Bunker mes is completely dead with quickness rez and alacrity nerf sso shatter is our onl hope. From what I’m theorycrafting shatter will be n such a pitiful state that it wont even be worth playing casually, might aswell reroll thief
It seems to me that arenanet is killing the chrono bunker mesmer because they don’t want ANY iteration of this build in pvp but my question then is what build do they want us to have? Shatter? Shatter was already not viable and inferior to thief/dh/rev before the patch. So if the bunker archetype is dead and shatter is unviable mesmer will have no spot whatsoever, which I feel might be intended by the devs because they simple have no idea how to balance it. Frankly, I don’t either. Portal is completely broken and so is moa and the effect of continum split along with those effects so it’s really hard to be viable without being mandatory.
Still sad that the class I’ve mained for so long is likely completely dead for half a year.Link:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/416x1z/as_a_mesmer_main_for_years_i_am_not_too_fussed/Here’s the thing: People are acting like a mesmer nerf is the end of the world, but it’s not. If you quit a class simply because of a slight nerf then maybe that wasn’t actually your favorite class. Thief was nerfed into the dirt and people were still able to make good use of them. So you won’t be completely OP, darn, but that doesn’t make the whole class completely useless.
As if there was no or little QQ from thieves for the past months….
There will still be ppl playing mesmers. But it will be in a terrible state, completely relying on portal and moa and That’s it. Same as thief currently, completely relying on next-level mobility to cap and decap.
It will be in a terrible state, completely relying on portal and moa and That’s it. Same as thief currently, completely relying on next-level mobility to cap and decap.
Has it not been that way since… forever? Even when Mesmers and Thieves were at their peek meta game, what you described was their exact playstyle and it was borderline OP.
There’s a huge different between “it’s viable” and “I don’t like that playstyle”. It’s the latter to you and you’re calling it a “terrible state” when that’s completely not true.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
It will be in a terrible state, completely relying on portal and moa and That’s it. Same as thief currently, completely relying on next-level mobility to cap and decap.
Has it not been that way since… forever? Even when Mesmers and Thieves were at their peek meta game, what you described was their exact playstyle and it was borderline OP.
There’s a huge different between “it’s viable” and “I don’t like that playstyle”. It’s the latter to you and you’re calling it a “terrible state” when that’s completely not true.
Since when mesmer was at its peak meta game?
All I know is that only one mesmer(helseth) played at highest level for the longest time. Not even supcutie can make it work and swapped profession.
June patch gave the class a significant boost but it is still not good enough in meta game after tuning.
please elaborate on what this game breaking nerf is gonna be because the alacrity and slow adjustments arent gonan change much except for the insta rezzing and stomping
scepter changes are yet to be seen
the only problem i have with the upcomming changes are global though
they are removing bunker amulets and nerfing sustain in some classes while giving the already godly condi necro more condi and anti boon and thief&Warrior more ungodly damage and attack speed , this is gonan be like the turret nerf all over extremely over done
1, Helseth is entitled to his opinion, however….
2, There is a reason Helseth is banned from these forums, its so we don’t have to hear him opinions.
3, Helseth is rude and hateful to people on his stream and in game. I have no idea why he chooses to act this way, and I have no idea why arenanet as a corporate entity want to be associated at all with such a toxic individual.
4, He claims it is part of his “persona”. So his persona is making people feel kittenty about themselves by persistently mocking and bullying them? Yeh, great “persona” that is.
5, He might be good now (I have no idea if he is tbh), but he was always overrated in the past. Very overrated. The extent of his skill was telling people how good he was over and over until people believed it. He might be good now (finally) but before that I played him alot and he was an average mesmer who was way behind the best 3/4 mesmers on EU.
I have nothing against him personally. I do, however, think that going out of his way to mock and be rude to a large percentage of people he encounters is not really something that should be tolerated by the community.
Come on Henry, lazy bait. You’ve been around long enough to recognize the difference between Lord Helseth the performance and Sandro the performer. We’ve seen him develop from the HairSeth days, when he was just a regular non-salty nerd on Grouch’s State of the Game. And contrary to what you claim, I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to see the value of his social disruption to the scene and the community.
Helseth’s brand of mocking antagonism is a time-honored trope that challenges and shakes up the status quo. He’s the jester who blurts out uncomfortable truths about the king and the court, raising a mirror of critical self-reflection. He’s the carnival that subverts through humor and chaos. Without disruptive forces such as him, our scene would be dominated by sycophants and white knights who suck up to Anet all day, praising every bumbling mistake they make. Wise kings don’t decapitate their jesters.
As for the scathing brand of mocking humor, it’s a bit of an acquired taste, I won’t argue with you there. But if Helseth were just another troll without substance, he would have disappeared from the scene a long time ago. The same would be true if he did not have considerable love for the game. So the next time you listen to his torrent of expletives about Anet’s balance decisions, remember the greater value he brings, even if the methods are not to your personal liking.
True to some extent. But it goes too far. At the end of the day the internet is just a medium over which people (REAL people) communicate and interact. To be rude and make pretty harsh comments about people constantly on the internet to me is no different to doing it in “real life”.
In addition, you are how you act. You can’t say your a nice guy and then do a ton of stuff which points to the contrary. You are how you act. Our actions are what defines us I guess.
Its not a big deal. He can do what he wants, I agree people should be more thick skinned and stuff. But really lets stop pretending that being horrible to a ton of people is justified due to some sort of act. A good parallel prank youtube channels where they do kitten to people and claim its just a “joke”.
This is where you are completely wrong. On the internet I can be the most f’d guy you’ll ever meet, in terms of my behavior towards other people. I’m very rude and I tend to not give a single pip. I love trolling, I love seeing people how I want them to react. However, in real life during work or university I’m an adult. What does this say about me then? I don’t have people in real life who I can eff around, like I can on the internet. It’s pretty much the only place where I can be a complete jerk and laugh for my own good, and not because of others.
His stream is quality, it gives me a good laugh every time I tune in, and I keep on wanting him to stream so my boring nights can at least be amusing. I’d rather watch someone like Helseth than people are being WHO you want them to be. Girls be girls, but on twitch? Why do they all have to act so cute in front of young boys to get donations? I’m pretty sure many huge celeb streamers think bad of us “fans”
“Hey mom, this idiot on my stream today – he donated 1200$ to me and said I was pretty” If you prefer this over someone being original, the internet is no place for you. Stop being serious all the time, have a good laugh and enjoy the time. You’re not a kid or a jerk forever.
The society today is so twisted, why do we behave how people want us to behave? Think about it. Pretty sure people don’t like your personality because of x this and z that. Do you care? Ask yourself.
(edited by Shemie.4286)
Look, Helseth mains Mesmer. His rantings IMO are just a transparent ploy to protect his beloved, nothing more.
Bunker Mesmer is studiply OP right now in PvP, nerf it into oblivion.
And this is why most opinions here are trash for balancing. You want to see no mesmer in high competitive play, well with those changes you won’t. Mesmers themselves didn’t like the bunker memser, Just getting rid of slow quickness rez would’ve perhaps been enough for a first iteration after all that was their kitten job.
More like I want to see all profession in high competitive play equally.
Bunker mesmers are stupidly OP and needs a nerf if I want to see all profession to get into competitive play, or make everything else OP and contribute to the power creep.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Thieves & Warriors say hi, Helseth.
Those Changes are needed. It was just boring to play this brainless Bunker build.
Just spamming skill and dodges.
Chronobunker Meta required no skill, and it was OP.
Over Powered gaming definition:
A class is OP when you are able to achieve the same or better performance as high skilled players/classes , with low or less than average efforts. This class becomes very popular.
Please, undestand that the nerf was a must.
there were jus too much mesmers.
(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)
Don’t care really. Thats generally my perferred method of balancing slaughtering an op class/build and driving off the FOTM trash for a development cycle or so and let some other classes/builds see the light of day. Its almost impossible to change classes/builds from OP to just run of the mills strong in one iteration. Smash away i say. Mesmer players are no more special then anyone else. Lots of classes/builds have been “unplayable” for extremely long periods of time. No one cares until it’s there perferred class that might be toward the bottom for a bit.
Mesmers have been completely unplayable except for 2 month periods once a year since launch for the most part. Ele has never not been in the meta, potentially changing now. Nerfs to mesmer, an already underpowered class except as bunkers which were already shaved to not being OP, is completely ridiculous and I pretty much think everyone who supports the nerf just can’t deal with the clone mechanic or is utterly insane. So far though the nerfs didn’t look that bad for shatter. But with thief buffs it’s completely irrelevant anyways because they will dominate the meta for a good while.
Helsets time is over the class is useless
Grouch dont get enough free kills with his scrapper .
Helsets time is over the class is useless
Grouch dont get enough free kills with his scrapper .
No, grouch actually tries for balance. He would not do this. It’s some higher up dev telling him he has to let the changes pass.
Look, Helseth mains Mesmer. His rantings IMO are just a transparent ploy to protect his beloved, nothing more.
Bunker Mesmer is studiply OP right now in PvP, nerf it into oblivion.
And this is why most opinions here are trash for balancing. You want to see no mesmer in high competitive play, well with those changes you won’t. Mesmers themselves didn’t like the bunker memser, Just getting rid of slow quickness rez would’ve perhaps been enough for a first iteration after all that was their kitten job.
More like I want to see all profession in high competitive play equally.
Bunker mesmers are stupidly OP and needs a nerf if I want to see all profession to get into competitive play, or make everything else OP and contribute to the power creep.
Before patch, profession you don’t see: thief, warrior, you rarely see: guardian
After, profession that goes into oblivion: guardian, elementalist, mesmer, warrior.
The number of profession out of high-level play will likely to be the same. All they do is switch from one set of OP specs to another set of OP specs.
i agree that mesmer atm gonna be in bad spot. but consider that less bunkery amulets and builds so the dmg we can deliver gonna be higher.
though now thief with dmg buff gonna have comeback but thief is high skill cap which need great map awarness so i think shatter mesmer may be still valueable
also ele may see more sc/f air comeback with dmg buff so as more the meta become zerky one shatter mesmer may still be in it with moa and protal.
also you might see chorno zerker with wells as semi dmg and semi support
but lets hope mesmer will still be in the meta as if helseth right and phantarm we wont see mesmer and ele rather thief/necro/warrior/ranger/guard
but thief is high skill cap which need great map awarness so i think shatter mesmer may be still valueable
It is not high skill cap…d/p is a cheesy build as hell with few (read random) counterplay on main attacks.
And yes I know what I am talking about as I play thief already in this current meta.
And you know what … I feel much stronger and efficient already now than with a shatter or condi mesmer or a dh.
Less efficient than a bunker mesmer however.
Look, Helseth mains Mesmer. His rantings IMO are just a transparent ploy to protect his beloved, nothing more.
Bunker Mesmer is studiply OP right now in PvP, nerf it into oblivion.
And this is why most opinions here are trash for balancing. You want to see no mesmer in high competitive play, well with those changes you won’t. Mesmers themselves didn’t like the bunker memser, Just getting rid of slow quickness rez would’ve perhaps been enough for a first iteration after all that was their kitten job.
More like I want to see all profession in high competitive play equally.
Bunker mesmers are stupidly OP and needs a nerf if I want to see all profession to get into competitive play, or make everything else OP and contribute to the power creep.
Before patch, profession you don’t see: thief, warrior, you rarely see: guardian
After, profession that goes into oblivion: guardian, elementalist, mesmer, warrior.
The number of profession out of high-level play will likely to be the same. All they do is switch from one set of OP specs to another set of OP specs.
Did you play the new patch that hasn’t been unreleased, If so then Where can I download it? The client didn’t download it for me.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Don’t care really. Thats generally my perferred method of balancing slaughtering an op class/build and driving off the FOTM trash for a development cycle or so and let some other classes/builds see the light of day. Its almost impossible to change classes/builds from OP to just run of the mills strong in one iteration. Smash away i say. Mesmer players are no more special then anyone else. Lots of classes/builds have been “unplayable” for extremely long periods of time. No one cares until it’s there perferred class that might be toward the bottom for a bit.
Mesmers have been completely unplayable except for 2 month periods once a year since launch for the most part. Ele has never not been in the meta, potentially changing now. Nerfs to mesmer, an already underpowered class except as bunkers which were already shaved to not being OP, is completely ridiculous and I pretty much think everyone who supports the nerf just can’t deal with the clone mechanic or is utterly insane. So far though the nerfs didn’t look that bad for shatter. But with thief buffs it’s completely irrelevant anyways because they will dominate the meta for a good while.
Those players that constantly call nerfs to Mesmers (before and after HOT) are the ones that want the class to remain the easy kill for them in sPvP, most of them being thieves.
You cant say the nerf is not bad for shatter, keep in mind that shatter has already been nerfed pre-HOT, remember the mirror blade bounce subtraction that wasnt needed as the the problem was more with PU stealth abuse but Anet is just ignorant as usual.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
I have no problems with Helseth’s style just in this case he is just trying to protect his favored class from well deserved nerfs. And yes I believe in over-nerfing to under nerfing there are so many problematic aspects to mesmer right now they need to be whacked.
Don’t care really. Thats generally my perferred method of balancing slaughtering an op class/build and driving off the FOTM trash for a development cycle or so and let some other classes/builds see the light of day. Its almost impossible to change classes/builds from OP to just run of the mills strong in one iteration. Smash away i say. Mesmer players are no more special then anyone else. Lots of classes/builds have been “unplayable” for extremely long periods of time. No one cares until it’s there perferred class that might be toward the bottom for a bit.
Mesmers have been completely unplayable except for 2 month periods once a year since launch for the most part. Ele has never not been in the meta, potentially changing now. Nerfs to mesmer, an already underpowered class except as bunkers which were already shaved to not being OP, is completely ridiculous and I pretty much think everyone who supports the nerf just can’t deal with the clone mechanic or is utterly insane. So far though the nerfs didn’t look that bad for shatter. But with thief buffs it’s completely irrelevant anyways because they will dominate the meta for a good while.
Those players that constantly call nerfs to Mesmers (before and after HOT) are the ones that want the class to remain the easy kill for them in sPvP, most of them being thieves.
You cant say the nerf is not bad for shatter, keep in mind that shatter has already been nerfed pre-HOT, remember the mirror blade bounce subtraction that wasnt needed as the the problem was more with PU stealth abuse but Anet is just ignorant as usual.
And there are those players that constantly call nerfs for chronomancers because they are the one who wants to play the core builds competitively and not go into the pay2win route to buy the expansion.
You cant say the nerf is not bad for shatter, keep in mind that shatter has already been nerfed pre-HOT, remember the mirror blade bounce subtraction that wasnt needed as the the problem was more with PU stealth abuse but Anet is just ignorant as usual.
Because shatter was over the top. When mirror blade got nerfed, PU shatter got brought into line and balanced.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Mesmers are really really broken. When something is that broken it needs significant changes. I have never seen such an overpowered spec. So all the changes are needed. If it then needs help then fine. I suspect it won’t need help though. I suspect it will still be too good. They have given mesmer too much distortion, blocks and invuln over time.
Hey folks. I just want to clear something up. I don’t think there’s anyone here who is saying the chronobunker was a great spec. The problem with the mesmer is that once you take out that one build, there aren’t any alternatives for mesmers to use.
Condi builds are very greedy and don’t offer much in the way of team support, or burst damage.
Shatter builds can burst and +1, but not very effectively, and that role will likely be taken over by the thief/shiro rev.
Bunkers are well…bunk.
I think what people are asking more than anything else is that if you’re going to make the chronobunker nonviable, you need to put buffs somewhere else to offset it. I don’t think that’s asking for too much.
Hey folks. I just want to clear something up. I don’t think there’s anyone here who is saying the chronobunker was a great spec. The problem with the mesmer is that once you take out that one build, there aren’t any alternatives for mesmers to use.
Condi builds are very greedy and don’t offer much in the way of team support, or burst damage.
Shatter builds can burst and +1, but not very effectively, and that role will likely be taken over by the thief/shiro rev.
Bunkers are well…bunk.
I think what people are asking more than anything else is that if you’re going to make the chronobunker nonviable, you need to put buffs somewhere else to offset it. I don’t think that’s asking for too much.
Mesmers are really really broken. When something is that broken it needs significant changes. I have never seen such an overpowered spec. So all the changes are needed.
You guys are just showing your ignorance of the class. Why is the change to chaos armor needed just for instance.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
In my opinion a nerf on bunker mesmer is defintly needed. It was too strong and you shouldnt be able to hold 2v1 or even 3v1 that long but they shouldnt completly destroy it. They should either keep bunker mesmer in a weaker form viable so that he can still offer great support with portal, timewarp etc or should make shatter mesmer viable again