High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Ok, first this is not about the class overall. I’m just talking about top 500 ranked staff bunker eles.

Prediction: after ele buffs, this type of class is going to become insane. Right now, only good players can pull it off. As the class becomes easier to play, this will become a fotm in another 2 months. You heard it here first.

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

here have a cookie!

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


save the cookie for when i am right

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Kesil.8034


Right now, only good players can pull it off.

good players are still playing gw2?
I’m perplexed

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


Prediction: after ele buffs, this type of class is going to become insane.

Alright, lets see upcoming Ele buffs:

- Resto Signet buff – most eles will still use Ether Renewal
- Armor of Earth CD reduction to 75s – slot skill, not specific to staff ele
- Water Trident giving 3s regen to allies – not a staff ability
- Burning Speed evade frames – not a staff ability
- Frozen Burst blast finisher – not a staff ability

Define “going to become insane”.
ANet’s goal with this patch seems to be all about buffing D/D and leaving everything else as it is. That godawful RTL cd, stupidly long attumenet cds and unchanged base health / armor.

(edited by Wintel.4873)

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: ens.9854


Heal/cleanse spam punching bag =\= bunker, but it is a new game type—escort mission

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Zuik.7158


Ok, first this is not about the class overall. I’m just talking about top 500 ranked staff bunker eles.

Prediction: after ele buffs, this type of class is going to become insane. Right now, only good players can pull it off. As the class becomes easier to play, this will become a fotm in another 2 months. You heard it here first.

This ain’t nutin but fairy tales.

Staff ele can’t bunker through a cat with a sword glued to its head.

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Well technically I’m a “top 500 staff bunker ele” as you just said because I got to top 500 solo queueing team queue for champion magus on a staff bunker ele and I tell you what “Insane” is probably the last word I would use to describe it.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Holy Ogre.6409

Holy Ogre.6409

oh w8 they havent even buffed the most underpowered class in the game people have started complaining jesus.

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


With “High end Elementalist are insane” you mean you see them talking to people who aren’t there, sometimes mumbling strange words?

Staff ele can’t bunker through a cat with a sword glued to its head.

Well, I don’t think anything would be able to bunker through such an abomination.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Prediction: after ele buffs, this type of class is going to become insane.

Alright, lets see upcoming Ele buffs:

- Resto Signet buff – most eles will still use Ether Renewal
- Armor of Earth CD reduction to 75s – slot skill, not specific to staff ele
- Water Trident giving 3s regen to allies – not a staff ability
- Burning Speed evade frames – not a staff ability
- Frozen Burst blast finisher – not a staff ability

Define “going to become insane”.
ANet’s goal with this patch seems to be all about buffing D/D and leaving everything else as it is. That godawful RTL cd, stupidly long attumenet cds and unchanged base health / armor.

Those aren’t all the changes and those changes aren’t even set in stone.

However, I’ll quote Tyler Chapman on something he said about their internal testing for the next balance patch:

I’ll say that internally staff Ele has turned out to be strong, scary strong against condi meta.


High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Once Pet F2 are made reliable, rangers will be the new meta.

or not.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: SgtJanitor.3164


Chubbs Z has effectively ran staff ele as a roaming bunker/support in high tier PvP for months now.

To get a good look at this in action, or if you don’t believe that staff elementalist can be an effective tool as it is currently balanced, check out the VoD of KotM2 tourney hosted by vVv 3 weeks ago for the APeX games.

It’s already incredibly strong and any buffs made to the class will just make it all that much better.


Authorized Shoutcaster for ArenaNet, ESL, and DPS

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Right now, only good players can pull it off.

good players are still playing gw2?
I’m perplexed

I think he confused high ladder with good players…pretty common mistake..

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Aerathnor.8305


Once Pet F2 are made reliable, rangers will be the new meta.

or not.

I’d say this if paired with making pets able to hit moving targets would make BM bunkers a new meta. Keep a LB for RaO and you can stack 20+ might on your pet. If they ever start hitting reliably I’ll agree with you. Bunker and high damage all in one.

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Once Pet F2 are made reliable, rangers will be the new meta.

or not.

I’d say this if paired with making pets able to hit moving targets would make BM bunkers a new meta. Keep a LB for RaO and you can stack 20+ might on your pet. If they ever start hitting reliably I’ll agree with you. Bunker and high damage all in one.

Another ai based braindead ranger spec into meta? Oh god…no thanks…spirit rangerbots are enough already..

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Aerathnor.8305


Once Pet F2 are made reliable, rangers will be the new meta.

or not.

I’d say this if paired with making pets able to hit moving targets would make BM bunkers a new meta. Keep a LB for RaO and you can stack 20+ might on your pet. If they ever start hitting reliably I’ll agree with you. Bunker and high damage all in one.

Another ai based braindead ranger spec into meta? Oh god…no thanks…spirit rangerbots are enough already..

Not saying I want it, just saying I can see it happening, would already be here if the class mechanic worked properly. My ranger is relegated to hotjoins simply because I hate spirit spam. I can say with certainty that other than playing ot a few times to get the feel for its weaknesses I would not run a BM bunker if it went meta.

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Once Pet F2 are made reliable, rangers will be the new meta.

or not.

I’d say this if paired with making pets able to hit moving targets would make BM bunkers a new meta. Keep a LB for RaO and you can stack 20+ might on your pet. If they ever start hitting reliably I’ll agree with you. Bunker and high damage all in one.

Another ai based braindead ranger spec into meta? Oh god…no thanks…spirit rangerbots are enough already..

Not saying I want it, just saying I can see it happening, would already be here if the class mechanic worked properly. My ranger is relegated to hotjoins simply because I hate spirit spam. I can say with certainty that other than playing ot a few times to get the feel for its weaknesses I would not run a BM bunker if it went meta.

They already wiped bm bunker out of meta months ago…and noone wants it back xD

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: apt.9184


I don’t get why they think ele is so weak of a class. Right now thief and warrior are too strong. They need to stop buffing the balls of classes and start nerfing because every patch they seem to make it worse.

Lil Apt
L2P deeez nutz

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Aerathnor.8305


I don’t get why they think ele is so weak of a class. Right now thief and warrior are too strong. They need to stop buffing the balls of classes and start nerfing because every patch they seem to make it worse.

Low armor and HP and many situational abilities with long cd’s make it extremely punishing to mess up on. I would say this makes for a high skillcap but their burst in general is highly telegraphed and fairly easy to avoid once you’ve seen it a time or two.

As far as bunkering goes you just have to do so much to get a subpar result that it makes it extremely frustrating to play. I like ele for its many abilities and I have seen them succeed but the high skill floor and cap means that people tend to burn out on them quickly.

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


it seems nobody remembers cantrip meta lols, eles aren’t really that weak objectively, everything else is too strong. Sure they need a few minor buffs but many things need nerfing across the board which I doubt anet will do.


High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


At best, bunker-staff eles can compete with guardians for mid-bunker, with the right combo of guard nerfs (slight, like the reduction of vigor) and changes like removing the icd of cleansing water (happening). Even then, I don’t think staff bunker ele (which would be 0/0/20/30/20 settler’s with intelligence/energy sigil) would be BETTER than guardian at mid, but certainly has some tradeoffs and advantages that make if viable in terms of team-support and survivability. They should be able to sustain 1v1 indefinitely, or quite long at least, much like a bunker guard can, and 2v1 for a while, but still have plenty (if not more) weaknesses.

If you learn to spike after they leave water/earth, they are vulnerable. Confusion will destroy them if they can’t cleanse it quickly (apply it after they leave water). Interrupt their heal if they run ether renewal (trickery thief) and they will die.

Yes, you need to bring 2 to take down this build, but that is the definition of mid-bunker. Its not like a bunker-decap engie in that it can’t decap really quickly. It can just survive and support really well, while doing no damage. I don’t understand why you would complain about this but not guardian mid-bunker, as they are essentially similar flavors.

If you are talking about bunker/support valks-ammy, like I think Chubbz plays, learn to spike after water/earth are left and you can take it down. It has a lot of sustain with some pressure when played right, but its certainly not imbalanced.