Highest Score in 10 min?
nope, no one in earth’s history, you are the first and you will go down in the annals of esports history as a record older for points obtained in the super competitive hotjoin
and they still almost lost… lol
…just for testing the lulz…not relogging on a relog glory farm server
Anyway points are worthless and just show who landed more aoes into zergs…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Skyhammer was strong with this one
Skyhammer was strong with this one
Not really, just went in a farm server to test highest possible score, while ppl kept relogging i just sat there killing…
And btw i was 58 (57 and 8/10 exactly) before skyhammer farm started so..no, your argument is invalid…and still asking for rollback and tpvp wins retroactive reward, i would be almost 70 if those eventually get rewarded (Just did part of 58-60 at sh and i have no problem saying it cause those last ranks were a pain with tpvp crap rewards, but i would be way over 60 even after a rollback anyway np)..funny to see ppl just “sh farmer here and there” at every r60+ around, then getting roflstomped like chickens by legit ones..
If i was farming there was no point on keeping it up over 300 and not relogging, genius…as i said it was just for fun…oh and btw, can’t see you on ladder, do you even go tpvp?
(edited by Archaon.6245)
All hail to our pvp GOD
I just had to check what class he was… go figure. Isn’t 35 kills average for a warrior? j/k While the kill count may be impressive unlike Call of Duty it does not guarantee victory. Capping and holding points wins the match. Too bad you only capped 1.
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All hail to our pvp GOD
Who is that scrub on blue team?