Horrible matchmaking

Horrible matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726


If i don’t spend 1/3 of my games 4v5 or 5v4 it’s great.

I can show you vids where i litteraly hold close and kill dudes 1v2 , and my team fails everything on the map.

I’m recording my games to see where i fail , and i sometimes fail , but when i see a bunker guard chasing a thief who sneek back cap him with superior mobility … or that dude who managed to lose 1v1 with cele ele against bunker guardian on his node , or .. or … or …

Since the new matchmaking system my unranked matchmaking is at his worse , litteraly losing 3/4 of my games … and i mean maybe i’m ultrabad … but matchmaking should put me with ultrabad people and have 50% win/lose ratios no ?

is this fun ? Hell no

Horrible matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Sele.3958


The worst thing is that we often play like 1/2 games when enemy/our team have 3+- premades. In this match makeing when u are 5 v 5 with the same skill when one team got at least 3 premades (on teamspeak or something) it is like insta lose/win. No way. They can communicate better, combo better etc. This should be fixed. How long it will be like this? I would love to have longer ques just to play 50/50% match without any premades. Why can’t we back to times where there was solo q and team q?

Horrible matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Until they fix the teams vs. solo issue, you can’t take spvp in GW2 seriously. They obviously don’t.

Even Heroes of the Storm has this concept down. You can queue as a team, vs other teams and get a separate rank, or queue as solo/pair and get a rank that way.

When you can queue as a 5 men on voice comm and grind on solo queue all day. How are those wins meaningful from a pvp perspective? You’re literally just grinding at that point.

Horrible matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: waterlemon.6574


Came here to make a post but I’ll just add to this one I think match making needs to take into account classes more strongly. Just had this game where both their necros were minion and their ranger was traps. vs our comp it felt like we were stacked to lose from the start


Horrible matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Good Tofu.9376

Good Tofu.9376

I returned to playing this game around a month or two ago. I have to agree that matchmaking isn’t really the best. I started out losing something like 20 out of 25 games.

Despite those setbacks, I’m averaging a ~56% overall winrate in ranked and 58% in unranked, and these percentages are only going up. You can figure out the system and start carrying your team after a while (eg. creating 1v3 matchups that last for minutes, identifying open points for free capture, always forcing multiple opponent rotations to account for your actions, keeping treb up 24/7 in khylo, etc.)

Perhaps its because my MMR hasn’t reached what it should be yet, but I have also noticed some volatility. For example, in one game my 4 teammates zerged to our home point and simply sat there the entire game. The next game I have 2 legendary champions, 1 marauder, and 1 champion genius on my team while the other team has a troll (naked armor that just ran to mid and danced/autoattacked).

Long story short: matchmaking definitely needs work.

(edited by Good Tofu.9376)

Horrible matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


The 4v5s are sickening. It’s stupid how often it happens. Come HoT, people will be penalized for DCing right? What will happen to them? I hope it’s a perma ban because this kitten is happening way too much.

Are we getting a separate solo and team queue with HoT?