Hot-Join Score Screen

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


You start off on a team that you may not end up on, virtually everybody is trying to build as many glory points as possible with no regards to winning / losing, and the reward for winning is laughable at best.

Why not just take out the score screen since it has no bearing on the game at all. If it has no point, give me the extra real estate on my screen to be able to spot all of those thieves pre-casting CnD.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Post me your build and I will be glad to help you with your thief problem.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


This is a post about hotjoin.

Edit: But since you are here to help. I run this Ele spec with zerker / valkarie amulet (depending on my mood) and Divinity runes.|3|2771|1848|48|100|4480|0|0|0|0|10|1617|0|0|0|0|0|0|30|2261|1680|2259|30|2250|1627|965|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Well you just mention your dislike for thieves a lot, so I figured I would post it here as good as any.

Let me say first off that my experience with Eles personally isn’t great, but of all professions, especially not making a bunker, Eles would go down to thieves the fastest… that’s the way it’s been in any MMO I’ve ever played, the offensive cloth wearer is the easiest target for the thief prototype.

Generalities aside though, you’ve picked a build that gives you no durability… most of the Eles on the boards say you do not need much to counter a thief, but since I do not know the ability set, again, I’ll leave that to your own methods.

But the Divinity set is typically not good for any build I’ve ever used… the +60 you get to each stat means you’re sacrificing points somewhere you could “specialize” your offensive and defensive talents. You have no toughness in traits, and none given by your runes… if you also have none in your amulet or jewel, you’ve basically made a recipe that is thief fodder stats wise, which means you’re left to your utilities alone to counter. I know that seems easy to say, that I ask you to post your build so of course I would say that, but from my perspective that spec doesn’t look equipped to handle any encounter with any burst dps.

I’ll venture to say I could be wrong since I’ve played Ele the least of all classes, but considering what I mentioned above to be true for all the other professions I’ve played, I would be willing to say it comes into play here as well.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Bad build lol, bad.

30 in arcane for surge and you have no arcane skills running?
30 in water and no remove condition on regen?
10 in air, One with Air…?

Do yourself a favor and run Aigoo’s build if you’re going S/D ( don’t eat me )

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


I’m at least glad someone posted a build rather than a speculative screenshot. I’ll concede as I don’t know a thing about Eles or Necros on this one.

As far as hotjoin goes, my best guess is that they view it as casual fighting… whoever wins doesn’t matter, it’s just to play and test things out, however… I do agree the scoring system is bad, which further inflates the issue of farming glory for new weapons and armor… you get more points to playing in ways that would dump you out of tPvP play. It’s a bad design to ween players in on 8v8 hotjoin, then those players start 5v5 tPvP and it’s completely different.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Agreed. 8v8 is a zerg fest, and when you first start going into 5v5 you start losing 1v1s fairly often (from personal experience). Reason I haven’t touched pugs in a fair while unless I need to test something for overall performance.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


i agree with OP, the score screen is misleading.

ppl who farm glory are basically following an AI script set by ANet, but conditioning themselves with this kind of behaviour will not help improve their game ( winning & gaining glory are mutually exclusive goals ).

i try to let go of winning / losing in hotjoin, i just like good challenges & good fights, which is why i try to volunteer every time to keep the server balanced for as long as possible. hotjoin is exactly like pub servers in TF2 or most other FPSes, they have autobalancing systems as well when the server drops players. the only difference is lack of server controls, which were said to be one of the first things coming to us from the Iceberg blog post ( custom servers ).

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Hopeless.8195


Thief’s easiest targets are other thieves.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Bad build lol, bad.

30 in arcane for surge and you have no arcane skills running?
30 in water and no remove condition on regen?
10 in air, One with Air…?

Do yourself a favor and run Aigoo’s build if you’re going S/D ( don’t eat me )

Sorry, quickly threw that together. I run evasive arcana when running valkaries and surge when running zerker. Then i add arcane shield and wave to 8-9.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Tip from personal experience, NEVER run zerker amulet on an ele UNLESS you know absolutely what you’re doing, have enough fail safes and have a build that requires it absolutely. Eles are squishy as they are(bunker builds excluded ofc), giving them zerk amulet is making them a 90% glass cannon.

From personal experience also, I run an aura share d/d build, started off with soldier, then moved to knight and i’m using zerker atm, but still questioning it over knights(all 3 with zerker jewels). But once you feel comfortable and confident enough with ur setup, you can afford it to be more squishy, not earlier imo.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.