How Anet can let you down easy
Being told your class is the reason why you lost, told to kill yourself, get GUD, salty, u mad bro while not being able to queue with 4 other friends is OK? It’s not..
3 million active users you say…REALLY? I’d say the pvp community in this game is 250k or less and that is being generous. If the game HAD 3 million maybe these match making systems would actually do their job better?
you can always stomp disorganized pugs in unranked if you “want to play with your friends”. That is the same reason why legendries in season 1 were queueing with ambers. Getting easy wins had nothing to do with it…
I never wanted easy wins but you’re going to tell me a 500 – 0 game in gold is OK because it’s not…(I was on the winning team and it still kittenes me off to see that). I can always “play with friends” in other games which is exactly what I’m going to do (as I’m sure a lot of others will as well).
It’ll be funny when you start to complain about really long queue times when the pool dries up quicker then you can imagine.
List some ideas of how anet can let people know that being at around the same skill level as most people out of 3 million or whatever active users is ok.
I think they already did the obvious. Even the worst players in the world get a bronze medal this season. The average PvPer gets a silver, which is pretty generous.
It’s ok to not be in the legendary division which consists of the top couple score people in the entire game. It’s not embarrassing to be in silver, just play your games, get awesome rewards, and try to get better. I see very few people displaying their badges this season.
Id happily wear a bronze medal, if it would mean I get good, challenging matchups. Instead I have a gold medal and blowout matches, that just make me wanna cry. Win or loose. The matchquality is extremely poor atm.
Im not displaying my badge because I never liked it. If I could have disabled showing my badges the last seasons, Id have gladly done that then, too, even though it wasnt anything to be ashamed of.
Just as Id love to disable showing my AP and map completion icon in PvE.