How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: DruidicNomad.5642


After running into several weird team-ups with ambers paired with either rubies or diamonds I’ve found a full team that takes the cake:

How in the world was my team expected to win vs a full team, and one that has both a diamond and a ruby?


How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Those Ambers HAD to be total newbs to be vs your team of emerald and sapphires. Duh!

Clearly your team had the advantage. It’s a mystery why you didn’t win this one.

How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: gricks.1897


Those Ambers HAD to be total newbs to be vs your team of emerald and sapphires. Duh!

Clearly your team had the advantage. It’s a mystery why you didn’t win this one.

The sarcasm is strong with you sir. I shall have a toast. More like a large heaping mouthful…maybe a bottle to understand what in the world was with that matchup.

PS I am the Tick Tokk from that Red team.

The Wrecking Krewe[NYE] – [Maguuma] Arum Bloodclaw

How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


After running into several weird team-ups with ambers paired with either rubies or diamonds I’ve found a full team that takes the cake:

How in the world was my team expected to win vs a full team, and one that has both a diamond and a ruby?

i found why you lost, maybe dont use 1 weapon lb ranger?

besides, yesterday i won 3 times with full randoms against a full premade, step up your game son, harder? maybe is not guarantee that those premades will be pro neither your team

How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: SolarDragon.7063


“A Human Female” Can the smurfing get any more obvious?

Also, big words coming from the guy in another thread complaining about how his warrior can’t beat anything :P

How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

“A Human Female” Can the smurfing get any more obvious?

Also, big words coming from the guy in another thread complaining about how his warrior can’t beat anything :P


How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

“A Human Female” Can the smurfing get any more obvious?

Also, big words coming from the guy in another thread complaining about how his warrior can’t beat anything :P

My warrior is named “A Small Human,” but it’s Warrior so I’m not going to be using it for a while.

Alright meow, where were we?