Since matchmaking gets better and better but just doesn’t come to the right spot, I wondered why.
Then I realized: It’s because of the low playerbase we currently have.
No matchmaking in this world can compensate a low playerbase where not enough players of each skillgroup queue at the same time to get even matches.
So you may wonder how to fix this:
Make PVP free to play and let the rest of the game buy to play
PvP Accounts would have only PvP Characters (for the people who didn’t play GW1: that are characters bound to PvP, so you can’t leave to pve or wvw) and can be upgraded to PvE Accounts at any later time.
This would bring a huge mass into PvP and help to fix the currently low playerbase.
Whats your thought on it, would it help or not?
- higher playerbase
- faster queues
- more even matches
- competition
- people get interested in the game and buy it?
- Missing some kind of money gain for ANet
- Probably a lot of trolls
- Developer resources to implement
all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident