How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Bunker Mesmer is ridiculous….

I just spent a whole match guarding a point from someone who did no damage to me… Booooooooooring.

I think the worst part is, there was no effort at all in the engagement.. He just ran onto my point and used block, block, invuln, daze, block, evade, block, block, invuln, daze, evade, block, block…

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


I just spent a whole match guarding a point from someone who did no damage to me… Booooooooooring.

So you got free win.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I don’t think there is much discussion needed.

What makes mesmer OP now and not before as a bunker is

  • 4 1/2 s block on 30s CD
  • 3s evade on kitten CD
  • massive personal alacrity to reduce these cooldowns as well as the others (blurred frenzy, shatters, heal etc…)


  • The block needs a trim (3.5s block would be more reasonable).
  • The evade well either provide distortion instead of blur or a CD increase
  • the personal alacrity needs to be reduced and offer more counterplay. Make it a boon (to get counterplay), do a mild reduction of duration to make up for possible boon duration. And remove/reduce personal alacrity (i.e. “improved alacrity” and “flow of time”)

All of this would be a nerf to bunker mesmer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE mesmer. Actually, PvE has better boon duration, distortion is stronger than blur for PvE, and the shorter block would mean phantasm up faster, and PvE rarely shatter so they don’t care about flow of time.

In general, I think damage from shatters should be reduced (but not destroyed) while sustained damage should be increased BY A LOT. This would be a huge improvement in PvE, and this would allow more diversity in PvP. Mesmer still has almost nothing between full burst or full bunker, simply because we have no sustained damage to be a bruiser. Basically if we can’t 100-0 someone, then we can’t kill him. This one-trick poney is boring.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


I don’t think there is much discussion needed.

What makes mesmer OP now and not before as a bunker is

  • 4 1/2 s block on 30s CD
  • 3s evade on kitten CD
  • massive personal alacrity to reduce these cooldowns as well as the others (blurred frenzy, shatters, heal etc…)


  • The block needs a trim (3.5s block would be more reasonable).
  • The evade well either provide distortion instead of blur or a CD increase
  • the personal alacrity needs to be reduced and offer more counterplay. Make it a boon (to get counterplay), do a mild reduction of duration to make up for possible boon duration. And remove/reduce personal alacrity (i.e. “improved alacrity” and “flow of time”)

All of this would be a nerf to bunker mesmer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE mesmer. Actually, PvE has better boon duration, distortion is stronger than blur for PvE, and the shorter block would mean phantasm up faster, and PvE rarely shatter so they don’t care about flow of time.

In general, I think damage from shatters should be reduced (but not destroyed) while sustained damage should be increased BY A LOT. This would be a huge improvement in PvE, and this would allow more diversity in PvP. Mesmer still has almost nothing between full burst or full bunker, simply because we have no sustained damage to be a bruiser. Basically if we can’t 100-0 someone, then we can’t kill him. This one-trick poney is boring.

You want to Boonshare Alacrity? What a cunning kitten…

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I don’t think there is much discussion needed.

What makes mesmer OP now and not before as a bunker is

  • 4 1/2 s block on 30s CD
  • 3s evade on kitten CD
  • massive personal alacrity to reduce these cooldowns as well as the others (blurred frenzy, shatters, heal etc…)


  • The block needs a trim (3.5s block would be more reasonable).
  • The evade well either provide distortion instead of blur or a CD increase
  • the personal alacrity needs to be reduced and offer more counterplay. Make it a boon (to get counterplay), do a mild reduction of duration to make up for possible boon duration. And remove/reduce personal alacrity (i.e. “improved alacrity” and “flow of time”)

All of this would be a nerf to bunker mesmer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE mesmer. Actually, PvE has better boon duration, distortion is stronger than blur for PvE, and the shorter block would mean phantasm up faster, and PvE rarely shatter so they don’t care about flow of time.

In general, I think damage from shatters should be reduced (but not destroyed) while sustained damage should be increased BY A LOT. This would be a huge improvement in PvE, and this would allow more diversity in PvP. Mesmer still has almost nothing between full burst or full bunker, simply because we have no sustained damage to be a bruiser. Basically if we can’t 100-0 someone, then we can’t kill him. This one-trick poney is boring.

You want to Boonshare Alacrity? What a cunning kitten…

Yes I do. Since I also ask for reduced base duration, this means that maintaining alacrity on allies would be possible but require more investment. Since we have less personal alacrity, then our alacrity generation would be on higher effective CD, so I think things will balance out with

  • as much alacrity for allies, but require some effort and does not come as easily as “just spam wells”
  • less alacrity for self = less survivability

Also, you can have a max number of stacks like many other boons/condis, so that you can’t stack an infinite amount of alacrity during your continuum split. This would encourage people to use their wells “at the right moment” instead of just spamming.

Finally, the counterplay you offer is a very strong. Corrupting alacrity to chill is a huge counterplay. Revs have good boon hate, thieves would be allowed to steal alacrity, Reaper would be an even stronger counter to bunker chrono etc…

Only positive outcomes as far as I can see for the health of the game.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


So glad players arent running the code around here jesus… I mean Anet proves not to be good at balancing themselves, but some of these closed-minded, narrow sighted suggestions just make me cringe.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


IMO the problem with Well of Precog is it’s the complete opposite of other Wells. All other Wells pulse a (relatively) weak effect and end with a strong effect, Well of Precog however pulses an extremely strong effect and ends with… honestly, I don’t think people even notice the end effect most of the time.

I think it should go back to what it used to be, pulse Unblockable and end in Blur. Or to go with one of my old suggestions, pulse damage and Confusion and end with Unblockable + Blur.


RE: Alacrity: honestly, I think the way Alacrity is now is toxic for the Mesmer. It’s so easy to get and so strong that everything about the Mesmer is balanced around it, to the point where the base Mesmer is almost completely helpless compared to the Chronomancer. More than any other profession, the Chronomancer is a huge power creep compared to the Mesmer, and Alacrity is the reason.

In this sense I agree with Silverkey that personal Alacrity should be reduced while Alacrity sharing… not necessarily buffed, but more accessible (ATM it’s basically all down to Wells). Alacrity should be more of a support effect than a personal steroid effect.


And yeah I think Block duration needs to be reduced slightly. It’s not really evident in the meta Chronobunker but builds that use CP and PoM can achieve ridiculously low CDs for Blocking, if it weren’t for so many Unblockable attacks and CCs post-HoT this would easily be extremely OP. As it is it’s still almost unbeatable by professions that lack Unblockable attacks.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Well of Precog should prevent decap for any ally + themself in it. It should also just pulse instead of acting like a Guardian consecratration.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


IMO the problem with Well of Precog is it’s the complete opposite of other Wells. All other Wells pulse a (relatively) weak effect and end with a strong effect, Well of Precog however pulses an extremely strong effect and ends with… honestly, I don’t think people even notice the end effect most of the time.

I think it should go back to what it used to be, pulse Unblockable and end in Blur. Or to go with one of my old suggestions, pulse damage and Confusion and end with Unblockable + Blur.


RE: Alacrity: honestly, I think the way Alacrity is now is toxic for the Mesmer. It’s so easy to get and so strong that everything about the Mesmer is balanced around it, to the point where the base Mesmer is almost completely helpless compared to the Chronomancer. More than any other profession, the Chronomancer is a huge power creep compared to the Mesmer, and Alacrity is the reason.

In this sense I agree with Silverkey that personal Alacrity should be reduced while Alacrity sharing… not necessarily buffed, but more accessible (ATM it’s basically all down to Wells). Alacrity should be more of a support effect than a personal steroid effect.


And yeah I think Block duration needs to be reduced slightly. It’s not really evident in the meta Chronobunker but builds that use CP and PoM can achieve ridiculously low CDs for Blocking, if it weren’t for so many Unblockable attacks and CCs post-HoT this would easily be extremely OP. As it is it’s still almost unbeatable by professions that lack Unblockable attacks.

ikr cuz there is not enough chill in this game, no?

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


IMO the problem with Well of Precog is it’s the complete opposite of other Wells. All other Wells pulse a (relatively) weak effect and end with a strong effect, Well of Precog however pulses an extremely strong effect and ends with… honestly, I don’t think people even notice the end effect most of the time.

I think it should go back to what it used to be, pulse Unblockable and end in Blur. Or to go with one of my old suggestions, pulse damage and Confusion and end with Unblockable + Blur.


RE: Alacrity: honestly, I think the way Alacrity is now is toxic for the Mesmer. It’s so easy to get and so strong that everything about the Mesmer is balanced around it, to the point where the base Mesmer is almost completely helpless compared to the Chronomancer. More than any other profession, the Chronomancer is a huge power creep compared to the Mesmer, and Alacrity is the reason.

In this sense I agree with Silverkey that personal Alacrity should be reduced while Alacrity sharing… not necessarily buffed, but more accessible (ATM it’s basically all down to Wells). Alacrity should be more of a support effect than a personal steroid effect.


And yeah I think Block duration needs to be reduced slightly. It’s not really evident in the meta Chronobunker but builds that use CP and PoM can achieve ridiculously low CDs for Blocking, if it weren’t for so many Unblockable attacks and CCs post-HoT this would easily be extremely OP. As it is it’s still almost unbeatable by professions that lack Unblockable attacks.

ikr cuz there is not enough chill in this game, no?

Assuming you’re suggesting Chill as a counter to Alacrity, remember almost all Chronomancers shed conditions at the same time they gain Alacrity, so…

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


IMO the problem with Well of Precog is it’s the complete opposite of other Wells. All other Wells pulse a (relatively) weak effect and end with a strong effect, Well of Precog however pulses an extremely strong effect and ends with… honestly, I don’t think people even notice the end effect most of the time.

I think it should go back to what it used to be, pulse Unblockable and end in Blur. Or to go with one of my old suggestions, pulse damage and Confusion and end with Unblockable + Blur.


RE: Alacrity: honestly, I think the way Alacrity is now is toxic for the Mesmer. It’s so easy to get and so strong that everything about the Mesmer is balanced around it, to the point where the base Mesmer is almost completely helpless compared to the Chronomancer. More than any other profession, the Chronomancer is a huge power creep compared to the Mesmer, and Alacrity is the reason.

In this sense I agree with Silverkey that personal Alacrity should be reduced while Alacrity sharing… not necessarily buffed, but more accessible (ATM it’s basically all down to Wells). Alacrity should be more of a support effect than a personal steroid effect.


And yeah I think Block duration needs to be reduced slightly. It’s not really evident in the meta Chronobunker but builds that use CP and PoM can achieve ridiculously low CDs for Blocking, if it weren’t for so many Unblockable attacks and CCs post-HoT this would easily be extremely OP. As it is it’s still almost unbeatable by professions that lack Unblockable attacks.

ikr cuz there is not enough chill in this game, no?

Assuming you’re suggesting Chill as a counter to Alacrity, remember almost all Chronomancers shed conditions at the same time they gain Alacrity, so…

Well yes, personally alacrity is granted through shatters which most Mesmers are traited to clear on shatter. But one condi removed per shatter is not very great..

Aside from that, apply it after they apply the alacrity? You don’t need to completely nullify their alacrity 100% to kitten up their rotations either.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


You may not be aware of that, but there are chronobunker variants with a fairly high resistance uptime. On my build, I’m not particularly afraid of condis since when I can’t cleanse them, I can neglect them.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


I’m aware of taking a Glamour variant for higher uptime of resistance yes, I think it sacrifices too much #1, secondly the “uptime” is not “fairly high”.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

All of this would be a nerf to bunker mesmer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE mesmer.

Rofl. There is no core Mesmer in PvE. There is only Chronomancer which you just nerfed.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: sinject.4607


Almost every single one of OP’s points will influence meta PvE as well. As long as they don’t split the numbers (which they should) this is a no-go imho.

This the pvp forum, not the PvE. I don’t care what happens to mesmer in PvE, I don’t care what happens to anything in PvE including thief. Please stop trying to defend a broken build while playing dumb to the fact that PvP/PvE trait and skill splits exist. If this seriously every bunker chrono’s defense as to why you shouldn’t get nerfed, you can expect one; it’s a laughable attempt.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


IMO the problem with Well of Precog is it’s the complete opposite of other Wells. All other Wells pulse a (relatively) weak effect and end with a strong effect, Well of Precog however pulses an extremely strong effect and ends with… honestly, I don’t think people even notice the end effect most of the time.

I think it should go back to what it used to be, pulse Unblockable and end in Blur. Or to go with one of my old suggestions, pulse damage and Confusion and end with Unblockable + Blur.


RE: Alacrity: honestly, I think the way Alacrity is now is toxic for the Mesmer. It’s so easy to get and so strong that everything about the Mesmer is balanced around it, to the point where the base Mesmer is almost completely helpless compared to the Chronomancer. More than any other profession, the Chronomancer is a huge power creep compared to the Mesmer, and Alacrity is the reason.

In this sense I agree with Silverkey that personal Alacrity should be reduced while Alacrity sharing… not necessarily buffed, but more accessible (ATM it’s basically all down to Wells). Alacrity should be more of a support effect than a personal steroid effect.


And yeah I think Block duration needs to be reduced slightly. It’s not really evident in the meta Chronobunker but builds that use CP and PoM can achieve ridiculously low CDs for Blocking, if it weren’t for so many Unblockable attacks and CCs post-HoT this would easily be extremely OP. As it is it’s still almost unbeatable by professions that lack Unblockable attacks.

ikr cuz there is not enough chill in this game, no?

Assuming you’re suggesting Chill as a counter to Alacrity, remember almost all Chronomancers shed conditions at the same time they gain Alacrity, so…

Well yes, personally alacrity is granted through shatters which most Mesmers are traited to clear on shatter. But one condi removed per shatter is not very great..

Aside from that, apply it after they apply the alacrity? You don’t need to completely nullify their alacrity 100% to kitten up their rotations either.

Personally I use Mantra of Recovery in my Chronobunkers, which makes me almost invulnerable to conditions thanks to Mender’s Purity. If used on CD it comes down to cleansing 2 conditions from yourself and nearby allies every 2.1 seconds thanks to Alacrity and Quickness, and because of Quickness and Stability it’s almost impossible to interrupt.

That aside, you apply Chill after they gain Alacrity. So what? They Shatter and lose the Chill and gain more Alacrity. Chill can be removed, Alacrity however cannot.

Also, Mesmers aren’t Elementalists. There isn’t a set rotation you must go through that gets thrown out of whack if your CDs change.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


All of this would be a nerf to bunker mesmer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE mesmer.

Rofl. There is no core Mesmer in PvE. There is only Chronomancer which you just nerfed.

While I should have been more explicit, what I meant was:
All of this would be a nerf to bunker chronomancer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE chronomancer.

My changes ensure that the core feature of chrono in PvE (alacrity and quickness) are still good. I reduce only personal alacrity, not shared one, and by making it a boon, you allow boon duration which is often maxed in PvE (and not in PvP, thus allowing proper balance of both game modes).

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

All of this would be a nerf to bunker mesmer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE mesmer.

Rofl. There is no core Mesmer in PvE. There is only Chronomancer which you just nerfed.

While I should have been more explicit, what I meant was:
All of this would be a nerf to bunker chronomancer, but not a nerf to core mesmer nor a nerf to PvE chronomancer.

My changes ensure that the core feature of chrono in PvE (alacrity and quickness) are still good. I reduce only personal alacrity, not shared one, and by making it a boon, you allow boon duration which is often maxed in PvE (and not in PvP, thus allowing proper balance of both game modes).

For the sake of balancing keeping it as a set buff and not a boon is entirely more practical.

I’m sure boonshare builds/classes would LOVE it if you made it a boon -_-u

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I just spent a whole match guarding a point from someone who did no damage to me… Booooooooooring.

So you got free win.

Yea it was a win, but I logged off from sheer boredom afterwards.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


About a third of the people in this thread don’t even play mesmer, you can tell from their comments. So ignorant.

Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


About a third of the people in this thread don’t even play mesmer, you can tell from their comments. So ignorant.

That’s actually extremely low compared to other “nerf Mesmer” threads.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

I remember when thieves could cap while invisible.

I have no problems with a tanky mesmer. But like the invisible thieves, got to make sure they can’t cap while being immune to damage.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I updated my original post and added 2 more suggestions. Let me know what you guys think.


There is 1 major flaw with making it a boon.

If it’s a boon everyone will need to have access to it. It’s not gonna be unique to mesmer anymore.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: vlad.4871


the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Fay.2357


the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

Comments like this always raise interesting questions for me. Did the poster actually mean it? Are they serious or trolling? If they’re serious, how long did it take them to reach this level of crazy?

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: vlad.4871


the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

Comments like this always raise interesting questions for me. Did the poster actually mean it? Are they serious or trolling? If they’re serious, how long did it take them to reach this level of crazy?

Yes I am serious,In every Competitive game if something it s broken they it s disabled until it s fixed,easy again.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

Comments like this always raise interesting questions for me. Did the poster actually mean it? Are they serious or trolling? If they’re serious, how long did it take them to reach this level of crazy?

Yes I am serious,In every Competitive game if something it s broken they it s disabled until it s fixed,easy again.

Translation: “I can’t kill it quickly while on my standard meta class/bunker/rev/etc therefor remove it from the game so I don’t have to change my class/build or l2p”


How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: vlad.4871


the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

Comments like this always raise interesting questions for me. Did the poster actually mean it? Are they serious or trolling? If they’re serious, how long did it take them to reach this level of crazy?

Yes I am serious,In every Competitive game if something it s broken they it s disabled until it s fixed,easy again.

Translation: “I can’t kill it quickly while on my standard meta class/bunker/rev/etc therefor remove it from the game so I don’t have to change my class/build or l2p”


good point there,i agree with you.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: baylock.1703


Thook me 15 seconds to destroy bunker mesmer with this build 1 vs 1
Can not post with phone but condi reaper with wanderer durability d/w staff death magic all up blood magic down middle middle reaper all middle and utility are rise and 2 minions elite minion

(edited by baylock.1703)

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


i took currput boon, ncsy and rip the boons from him after my team tried to cc him so he pop stability . i reaper him to death with poison
3v3 we target the mesmer. after 10 sec he was down . i build only to take him down and harras him nothing else.

@baylock – if he took null field and resistance you wouldnt be able to kill him as null field is 7 sec and with cs can be twice , also time warp he should have about 24 sec resistance and 14 sec condi cleanse and 4 shatter avialble to him. unless its group fight and than maybe yes

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: baylock.1703


Messiah you use rise when he has 3 illusions get exta minions what also leech

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


Messiah you use rise when he has 3 illusions get exta minions what also leech

Chronobunker generally not pumping out many illusions, maybe you waiting awhile for that moment.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: venusiano.8246


I’ve been finding all the complains about the bunker mesmer a bit weird, because people complaining about it never mention the other bunkers in game (ele, engi… that are actually better bunkers since they can also do some actual damage while bunkering), or how the bunkering is there to counter the classes that can kill you within 1 second.

Until I read this, and understood it all:

the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

This actually express a lot, because it is the real intention of lots of people behind all this whinning. Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I’ve been finding all the complains about the bunker mesmer a bit weird, because people complaining about it never mention the other bunkers in game (ele, engi… that are actually better bunkers since they can also do some actual damage while bunkering), or how the bunkering is there to counter the classes that can kill you within 1 second.

Until I read this, and understood it all:

the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

This actually express a lot, because it is the real intention of lots of people behind all this whinning. Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

The problem is that tempest or scrapper have actually a better sustain than chrono, except that chrono has a stupidly high near-invulnerability uptime. It has fairly average healing, but you cannot damage it for 50% of the time which is bad design.

On top of that, it has one of the best support possible, especially since no one can die around him without being rezzed near-instantly.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


I’ve been finding all the complains about the bunker mesmer a bit weird, because people complaining about it never mention the other bunkers in game (ele, engi… that are actually better bunkers since they can also do some actual damage while bunkering), or how the bunkering is there to counter the classes that can kill you within 1 second.

Until I read this, and understood it all:

the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

This actually express a lot, because it is the real intention of lots of people behind all this whinning. Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

The problem is that tempest or scrapper have actually a better sustain than chrono, except that chrono has a stupidly high near-invulnerability uptime. It has fairly average healing, but you cannot damage it for 50% of the time which is bad design.

On top of that, it has one of the best support possible, especially since no one can die around him without being rezzed near-instantly.

It makes me cringe when people misinterpret the word invulnerability when talking about mesmer.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Xula de Neiva.9508

Xula de Neiva.9508

I think it’s funny people think a Mesmer shouldn’t do what other classes do…should I ask DH to not be a ranger and trapper then? Complain all you want, but use the right build and you can destroy a chrono bunker almost instantly. Just do research. I’m chrono bunker. Honestly it’s about the only thing good enough for PvP atm. I can still use my old pu build and power, but it doesn’t contribute as well as bunker for my team.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I disagree with these changes because it will hurt Power Chrono.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Brighteluden.2974


I hit ruby the other day by just playing reaper and all in solo q and it was a nightmare for sure, but now that it’s out the way. I feel with the current bunker meta is just making PvP is so unfun and as of right now Mesmer is the creme of the crop for sure. I hate to see changes effect Mesmers in a negative way in PvE but man is it annoying fighting them when nothing you throw on them sticks for long. That is I did kill quite a few bunker mesmer’s as a reaper don’t get me wrong but in the end they can hold those points like none other.

(edited by Brighteluden.2974)

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

I’d like to say something about thief, but I won’t because derailing.

The wheel does turn, does it not.

Irony. Not saying you’re wrong, just irony.

sweet smooth irony.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Fay.2357


Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

I’d like to say something about thief, but I won’t because derailing.

The wheel does turn, does it not.

Irony. Not saying you’re wrong, just irony.

sweet smooth irony.

You can moan all you want with fake claims about how bad thief has gotten nerfed, but the fact remains that thief has been an essential part of the PvP meta from the launch of gw2, only dropping out of favor now with HoT. There is absolutely no comparison between the treatment thief received and the nerfs Mesmer got; nerfs that removed Mesmer from the competitive meta for multiple years.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


Almost every single one of OP’s points will influence meta PvE as well. As long as they don’t split the numbers (which they should) this is a no-go imho.

This the pvp forum, not the PvE. I don’t care what happens to mesmer in PvE, I don’t care what happens to anything in PvE including thief. Please stop trying to defend a broken build while playing dumb to the fact that PvP/PvE trait and skill splits exist. If this seriously every bunker chrono’s defense as to why you shouldn’t get nerfed, you can expect one; it’s a laughable attempt.

Not defending it at all, just saying these changes will be too harsh if Anet stubbornly keeps the numbers even. Changes ARE definately needed.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

I’d like to say something about thief, but I won’t because derailing.

The wheel does turn, does it not.

Irony. Not saying you’re wrong, just irony.

sweet smooth irony.

You can moan all you want with fake claims about how bad thief has gotten nerfed, but the fact remains that thief has been an essential part of the PvP meta from the launch of gw2, only dropping out of favor now with HoT. There is absolutely no comparison between the treatment thief received and the nerfs Mesmer got; nerfs that removed Mesmer from the competitive meta for multiple years.

Wait till Chrono dumps his essentials. Bring the right Daredevil setup. Pick your moment. Watch Chrono melt :D

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I’ve been finding all the complains about the bunker mesmer a bit weird, because people complaining about it never mention the other bunkers in game (ele, engi… that are actually better bunkers since they can also do some actual damage while bunkering), or how the bunkering is there to counter the classes that can kill you within 1 second.

Until I read this, and understood it all:

the class should be disabled until the balance patch comes out,EASy.

This actually express a lot, because it is the real intention of lots of people behind all this whinning. Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

The problem is that tempest or scrapper have actually a better sustain than chrono, except that chrono has a stupidly high near-invulnerability uptime. It has fairly average healing, but you cannot damage it for 50% of the time which is bad design.

On top of that, it has one of the best support possible, especially since no one can die around him without being rezzed near-instantly.

It makes me cringe when people misinterpret the word invulnerability when talking about mesmer.

Bit confused by what you’re getting at here. Are you suggesting Silverkey misinterpreted the word “invulnerability”, or that you’ll cringe when someone misinterprets what Silverkey said?

Either way, his exact words were “near-invulnerability”, which is true; Blur is pretty close and Distortion even closer.

In case anyone is confused, Silverkey is using the word (near) invulnerability for its dictionary-definition, not referring to the in-game effect invulnerability.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Some people just don’t want the mesmer to be in this game. And this is happening since game lauch: that explains why the mesmer has been in a non-stop nerfing train since launch. Evety time a viable build appears, it get nerfed to oblivion due to whinning. Seems like some people is still afraid of what they don’t understand.

I’d like to say something about thief, but I won’t because derailing.

The wheel does turn, does it not.

Irony. Not saying you’re wrong, just irony.

sweet smooth irony.

You can moan all you want with fake claims about how bad thief has gotten nerfed, but the fact remains that thief has been an essential part of the PvP meta from the launch of gw2, only dropping out of favor now with HoT. There is absolutely no comparison between the treatment thief received and the nerfs Mesmer got; nerfs that removed Mesmer from the competitive meta for multiple years.

I’m not even beginning to say mesmer was not bad for eternity.

I’m saying that I’m finding the repetitive turnabout between both of these classes humorous since the same claims of ‘people being averse to x as a class’ and ‘non stop nerf train’ are being used by whoever is getting slapped currently.

Like I’ve said multiple times, I do not know mesmer well enough to even begin to suggest nerfs for it, especially with the knowledge that it was the hardest class to play for ages.

It just warms a special place in my heart to see how identical their lamentations are to ours.

The part that’s a jerk, perhaps.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

The only real thing going on here is that Anet gave a bunch of bunker features to a group of players who mained a class for THREE YEARS that, in order to be successful, had to learn under great strain to survive under ridiculous circumstances while working around remaining relevant by executing overly complicated attacks.

In otherwords a group of elite survivalist players with a whole set of new defensive tools are working wonders. And this is somehow surprising….


How To Nerf Bunker Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Kyori.6091


I know it will never go through, I personally wouldnt mind this being global but i know alot of pve/wvwers are going to flip their tables if it would be implented

quickness needs to stop affecting revive speed atleast in pvp, this would be a rather simple and quick fix to bunker mesmers. Without completly destroying the build but still making atleast everyone else around the mesmer killable.

Reviving in this game is already way too fast, even without quickness.