How about a leaver penalty?

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Tyropitoubas.6172


Lately i see more and more ppl leaving a game as soon as their team looses the edge. So how about a leaver penalty for sPvP leavers? They are the reason we bash at autobalance anyway. I believe a 15min of not being able to join a game if you leave is appropriate.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


I leave if the map is capricorn
I leave if I get downed in a fight that went from 1v1 to 1vMany
I leave if I get downed by heartseeker
I leave if I get downed by hundred-blades
I leave if I get downed by a mesmer in any situation

There are a lot of things that make me leave the match instantly without thinking and I’m hoping they impose some kind of penalty for this because the amount I rage quit has kept me on rank 21 for the past 2 weeks.


How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Sukeena.3506


Spicy, isn’t it possible you can learn from defeating? Believe me, I have died lots of times, but I learned valuable lessons each time I lose or even when I win.
Perhaps trying a different build or change your tactics?

@Tyro: I completly agree, a penalty is needed when people leave if they are losing or whatever.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Candiru.5279


I only leave if there are more then 3 mesmer in game

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


I leave if the map is capricorn
I leave if I get downed in a fight that went from 1v1 to 1vMany
I leave if I get downed by heartseeker
I leave if I get downed by hundred-blades
I leave if I get downed by a mesmer in any situation

There are a lot of things that make me leave the match instantly without thinking and I’m hoping they impose some kind of penalty for this because the amount I rage quit has kept me on rank 21 for the past 2 weeks.

I can’t decide if you are being serious or sarcastic….If you’re serious you are a wuss. If you are being sarcastic, why even bother to put this post in here?

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


Screw the leaver penalty, sometimes you find such a hopeless bunch of team mates that you just have to leave. I don’t want to be punished because my team can’t work as a team.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

actually, recently I’ve been seeing people leave from the other team at like 460ish, so right before they lose, just to get someone from the winning team auto’d to the losing side.

As such, I think autobalance should be disabled after a certain point in the match…. say after 400 points or something.

Team Shanghai Alice

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Menso.4203


I leave if I do hotjoin and end up in an ongoing 2v2 game
or a game where it is 50-300
or a game where there is 0 teamwork on my team
or get pistolwhipped/HB too much

If they implement a leaver penalty sure be my guest but they should remove the punishment for swearing then.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

punishment for swearing?

Team Shanghai Alice

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Menso.4203


well u can get banned for it

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Malakree.5912


Your all strange.

If I get downed by something I straight away seek the player out again in order to have a rematch so I can work out what I did wrong and how I should play against it. Had one game where I hunted a thief around the map for 5 deaths till I worked it out, then he ran away every time he saw me.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


Your all strange.

If I get downed by something I straight away seek the player out again in order to have a rematch so I can work out what I did wrong and how I should play against it. Had one game where I hunted a thief around the map for 5 deaths till I worked it out, then he ran away every time he saw me.

Spoken like a true pvper

I do leave when I enter a game and our team is losing 50-300, or if I realize my team just is not working toghether. Not because I get killed…it’s pvp you’re gonna get killed

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: PVStar.3658


People leave and people join, that’s what hot join is. Don’t expect ANet to punish players for leaving pub games.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


I haven’t left a game yet, been playing since Head Start. You people take the PvP in this game way too seriously. Leaving a hotjoin match, really? What are your expectations going in? You should never have high expectations for PUB gameplay in anything.

The saddest case of leaving I’ve encountered so far was at least half the enemy team leaving after the first 60 seconds of a match when their team got rolled in the first team fight of the match. It pretty much ruined the entire match, because the teams were grossly imbalanced for a time after.

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


the amount I rage quit has kept me on rank 21 for the past 2 weeks.

This. This is why I’m still rank 14 even if I’ve been PVPing since the start. I don’t quit games, unless there’s a lot of pets on screen, but I usually stop after 2-3 matches due to excessive amount of raging.

Requesting an anger management tutorial in game, please.

(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


no leaver penalty please

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Mekboss.5069


That would encourage the same behavior you see in MOBAs where people berate their teams for being bad and wasting their time since they can’t leave, not suggesting that you should be able to leave in MOBAs.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Numot.3965


No penalty, besides it really hurts when you actually need to leave for something, or get dc’ed.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


I’m all for a leaver penalty. I’d go as far as to ask for deduction to your rank points for leaving a game!

It says “incredible”.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Beef.3072


So what you are saying is, people will be forced to stay in one never ending game of pvp or else they will be punished somehow? the only way to stop playing to leave

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


So what you are saying is, people will be forced to stay in one never ending game of pvp or else they will be punished somehow? the only way to stop playing to leave

I see your point, but counter with this: Theoretically, you could leave after the game completes, or before the next match even begins if you happen to load into the next map.

The reason I believe this thread was started is because of the issues people seem to have with the auto balancing feature. It’s not fun being on a winning team from the very beginning of a match only to have 2 or 3 people decide to quit towards the end of the match, forcing you to switch teams.

A leaver penalty might be a bit harsh, I agree, but I’m still for it if they decided to implement it. Another solution that I’ve posted in other threads to the auto balancing concerns would be to simply just end the match. What that would effectively do, is first leave you on the team you started with, and also “auto balance” for the next map. It’s pretty straightforward and I believe it would alleviate a lot of the concerns that auto balance seems to provide.

It says “incredible”.

(edited by Nkrdbl.8160)

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Xhieron.2168


I’d be for a mild penalty in hotjoin, getting stricter as games get more serious in tournaments. Can’t join a new game for two to five minutes or thereabouts. At the very least, I’d support making someone ineligible to join a different game until the one he or she left has finished; if nothing else this would incentivize people to stay and try to eke out a few glory, even if a win is impossible. [And besides, if you’re legitimately leaving the game for another reason—switching to PVE/WVW, logging off, etc.—then the penalty will be gone by the time you decide to sPVP again.]

To be fair, I also believe there should be certain auto-lose conditions; for example, if a 500 point game has a 350+ point margin, the team that’s behind should have the option to resign. Moreover, if half of your team leaves the game in a short span of time, you should be able to resign, but that’s another issue.

I just left a game in which after the first two team fights, my team went from eight to three in about ten seconds. Over the rest of the game a half dozen new people joined and immediately left.

As the system is currently, there’s no incentive not to leave if conditions are unfavorable. Someone earlier made a list of seemingly ridiculous qualifications for leaving, but I can’t blame anyone for doing that. That’s playing to win.

Incentivize players to finish games, even losing games, and disincentivize leaving by whatever means will get the job done. There are other things sPVP could use in terms of glory economy balancing (a winning bonus being the prime culprit), but this is the one that, at least in my experience, decides the vast majority of matches.

Peace and safety.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Beef.3072


The only way i see this working is if there was a point right after the game ended where it is ok to leave(the 10 sec skirmish after a match would be what im referring to). The auto balance system in its current state i feel is perfectly fine, You dont get much glory for winning anyhow(what it is 5 bonus glory? correct me if im wrong) in the end it comes down to personal performance and you keep all that even when you switch, so as long as you are capping nodes and killing dudes everything should be alright no matter what side u are on. At the end of the match if you feel your team sucks or w/e then that is the time to leave, otherwise early leavers would be penalized accordingly. Now if only we could fix those afkers :p

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


Bottom line is something needs to be done about the autobalance penalizing players for something others did(on the opposite team, no less). I’ve been in multiple pubs where the top player on our team(the one who presumably contributed the most I suppose) gets “autobalanced” to the losing team about 10-15 seconds before the win.

Everytime I play with the intent to earn glory points I actually think to myself as we close in on a win “Those <expletive> better not quit.” And sometimes its not totally about the glory.. What if I am consistantly switched to a losing team when I contributed greatly to the winning team? That pie chart showing “Wins by profession” would be pretty inaccurate, no?

(edited by Jonny.9370)

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: PVStar.3658


I’m all for a leaver penalty. I’d go as far as to ask for deduction to your rank points for leaving a game!

Why? Hot join is the same as most FPS games, no one actually cares about the pub matches as long as people can join a game in progress. Having any sort of penalty for leaving a game that essentially doesn’t matter whatsoever is dumb. Sure, it can be a bummer if too many people leave without any others joining, but you can’t put a punishment on a casual gametype.

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Visualize.4319


I’m all for a leaver penalty. I’d go as far as to ask for deduction to your rank points for leaving a game!

Why? Hot join is the same as most FPS games, no one actually cares about the pub matches as long as people can join a game in progress. Having any sort of penalty for leaving a game that essentially doesn’t matter whatsoever is dumb. Sure, it can be a bummer if too many people leave without any others joining, but you can’t put a punishment on a casual gametype.

Exactly this, if you can join mid game, you can leave mid game, putting a penalty to leaving would ruin the fun, do you play PvP to have fun or rage? Its more fun to win but if your getting more frustrated playing then having fun I suggest you go for a walk or take a break from games.

(edited by Visualize.4319)

How about a leaver penalty?

in PvP

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


I’m all for a leaver penalty. I’d go as far as to ask for deduction to your rank points for leaving a game!

Why? Hot join is the same as most FPS games, no one actually cares about the pub matches as long as people can join a game in progress. Having any sort of penalty for leaving a game that essentially doesn’t matter whatsoever is dumb. Sure, it can be a bummer if too many people leave without any others joining, but you can’t put a punishment on a casual gametype.

Exactly this, if you can join mid game, you can leave mid game, putting a penalty to leaving would ruin the fun, do you play PvP to have fun or rage?

You bring a very valid point, I can’t argue that. I suppose this whole idea could only work with an equal amount of players on each team from the start of the game (and that generally only happens after a previous match completes, and if everybody decides to stay in that server). Which basically makes this entire idea broken.

Edit: I’m not sure if you’re singling me out with your suggestion to go for a walk or take a break from the game because you feel I am raging over a PvP match, but I assure you that I’m not. I’m here to have fun just like the rest of you. I’ve never raged in any of the sPvP matches I’ve played, and probably never will. I’m sure you felt my comment to deduct rank points for leaving games sounded like I was the type of player to rage when people quit, but I’m not.

It is just a game, after all.

It says “incredible”.

(edited by Nkrdbl.8160)