How do I outrun a Thief?

How do I outrun a Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Bulldozer.5973


I was playing as an Elementalist and had swiftness + my trait that increases run speed by 25% but was caught from behind by a thief?

How do I outrun a Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Run speed is capped at 133%. So it doesn’t matter what effects you stacked as long as you had Quickness. Only the best effect counts.

Assuming the Thief had the 25% passive speed increase he could have used his Shortbow and other Shadowstep abilities to gain on you. But he can’t really spam them so yeah… long was he chasing you?

How do I outrun a Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Yeah, it was probably shortbow+shadowsteps+steal to catch you. Anyway, to out run a thief, use an offhand dagger. Even though it has bugs, Ride the lightning is still a very nice skill for traveling. Turn off auto target and it makes a great get away ^^

How do I outrun a Thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


As Navzar said, RTL is your best gap-making ability. Other than that, work on your LOS and CCing. I enjoy distracting 2-3 members of bad teams by kiting them around on my Ele. Lightning Flash to break CC and gain distance, RTL away, round a corner and wait. When they come around, pop Updraft. If someone manages to get close, Shocking Aura or Earthquake, and RTL on CD. You really shouldn’t ever be caught on an Ele, even by a good Thief. Too much CC and RTL has a 15 second CD. Only time is when multiple people are chasing, and get off a few CCs in a row. But this of course goes only for D/D. Staff and Scepter have less mobility.

(edited by Animosity.5231)