How do Scrappers usually do against DHs?
Generally they’re easy if you know what you’re doing and they aren’t perfect. Scrapper should generally win out, although it’ll be a slow fight.
Basically, do your normal damage routine when they’re in sword/shield. So that’s most of your weapon skills, 5 to cc -> 3 to continue the CC. 4 for blocking predictable attacks and wading through the traps. 2 for nice damage. 1 will generate might stacks.
When they switch to LB, pop off your reflects.
And don’t forget elixir kit. It’s way more powerful than you might think for fighting on a point. The 5 skill heals 2 condis and gives 2 might stacks. The 4 skill does some hefty AoE damage and when combined with 5 gives you retal. It also gives you might. 1-3 of elixir are… situational.
Pop bulwark and purge gyro as needed — you can detonate them early for lightning field, for extra CC with hammer 3. I use stealth gyro as well, although whatever you prefer works. Your stunbreak also gives might and removes condis — don’t just leave it sitting around for stuns.
Scrapper wins. Pressure for 30s then suddenly you win.
Scrapper should outsustain DH and kill him eventually.
As for Necro, run as fast as you can, you basically stand no chance on an equal footing as Scrapper.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
Necro shouldn’t be engaging anyone 1v1.
It’s 50/50 but decently played scrapper should win over the long haul since DH and guard in general’s sustain is in forms of brick heal utility skills unless they’re the symbolic variety then it’ll stalemate. One thing that;s prevented me from securing the kills on over aggressive scrappers with counter burst is the passive Elixir S, followed by another one. For necros if you’re engaging 1v1 it’s a bad idea most of the time unless you’re confident you can burn them down.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
For an above average scrapper vs average DH, it should be a long fight where it all depends on who get bursts and heals in. If the DH is noticable worse, it can be quick.
For an above average DH, its a roflstomp because he will do insane amounts of damage by pulling the scrapper into traps at just the right time while the scrapper will struggle to get his own bursts off due to the DH passive/active blocks and heals.
Yesterday I walked onto an empty enemy point and lost like 80% of my HP in a second. The DH was miles away. Now take that kind of pressure and add double trap pops and the DH himself.
Its not really specific to scrapper of course, its either kill or be killed ASAP because the DH will by default have more sustain than other classes built for damage (and if you are a bunker, see first paragraph).
Dh are a hard match for Scrapper on PvP (worse than Wvw due the capture points)
In wvw, open field, if U have some attention about where the traps are placed U can move reflecting piyectiles, applying weakness and burst… taking your time and reseting if needed.
In pvp U have to fight on an small point, so the Dh have that advantage and if he/she knows a little bit of the class, U will die or will take ages to cap/decap the point… so there is no point to perform that fight.
The only quick way to deal with Dh without spend at least 1min fight or die is use Elixir X. With that, U have perma stab, CC and big damage, so U can kill them in seconds.
Elixir X is really good against Reapers also, apply preassure them pushin their lives down and as soon as they go to shroud, use the moa, burst and kill them before they can go to Shroud sgain
In pvp U have to fight on an small point, so the Dh have that advantage and if he/she knows a little bit of the class, U will die or will take ages to cap/decap the point… so there is no point to perform that fight.
You are not forced to sit on point. If you can kill a dh when giving up a cap – do it. You can recap after. If you can’t kill a dh and can’t keep a point capped/neutral without dieing – go somewhere else where you can be more usefull (scrapper should be able to deal with a dh though). But you should never die, just to hold a cap for a few seconds longer (unless the game is almost over and you will win with those few extra points).
From my perspective DH are op because of their heal and perma block, if you can counter that they are easy peasy.
Traps are easily avoidable. The only problem are DH with chain pull as it ignores obstacles and can pull you even if if you are out of view.
The easiest way to kill a meditrapper is to kite him away from the traps. But I don’t know, as a warrior I have block ignore which pretty much melts DHs down. As a matter of fact guardians often call me noob and put me on ignore when I kill them, hahaha, great game.
(edited by vove.2768)
In pvp U have to fight on an small point, so the Dh have that advantage and if he/she knows a little bit of the class, U will die or will take ages to cap/decap the point… so there is no point to perform that fight.
You are not forced to sit on point. If you can kill a dh when giving up a cap – do it. You can recap after. If you can’t kill a dh and can’t keep a point capped/neutral without dieing – go somewhere else where you can be more usefull (scrapper should be able to deal with a dh though). But you should never die, just to hold a cap for a few seconds longer (unless the game is almost over and you will win with those few extra points).
Iqm not saying that you have to figth or die… I just try to point that Pvp Conquest is a gamemode that give advantage to Dh infront of Scrappers. Have to fight in a small area to prevent the cap/decap is favorable to Dh traps.
So like U said, keep the point as much as U can and run if U cant win, dont waste time fighting if U cant keep the point capped or U cant decap.
Also, that Elixir X is out best weapon against Dh and reapers.
A few things to remember:
Elixir kit 4 (acid bomb) is unblockable. This is also a blast, so remember to use it with your healing turret for extra heals.
Elixir 2 is a nice poison, really helps cut down that healing.
When they get low, you can also use your moa to prevent them from healing (most panic-heal when near dead b/c its basically a full-heal).
Also, what amulet are you using? Menders is better against condi, but paladin might do you more good against power damage. Against a team without a bunch of condis (esp. mes), take elixir S and elixir X over purge gyro and sneak gyro.
DH and War are both totally overtuned right now so its not a fair fight. Wait for ANet to nerf.