Just wanted to make a post highlighting some future changes that I believe would help revive this game mode and make it great again, not that it’s dead, it’s just pretty stale as you can see in the forums.
1) Release more non elite specific skills with the new xpac; I fear if only new elite skills are added with the upcoming expansion, we will be left with the same stale meta and a new meta “band-aid” to cover it up for a while.
Releasing more skills would force the population to redesign the entire previous meta and core builds, and with more skills to play with, it would potentially offer a much bigger variety of builds to play with. Just take a look at the sheer amount of skills GW1 had to offer, including secondary professions I believe those numbers are one of the reasons GW1 was so great.
2) Release team death-match; The problem I see with conquest is that it causes the entire game to often be misconceived as horrifically unbalanced, not because it is unbalanced (It isn’t, there is just no build variety), but because conquest is designed around playing three nodes.
Without the three nodes to play with, you would see these one shot glass builds all but completely disappear away to conquest, with a new meta prevailing focusing solely on playing 5v5. I do not suggest conquest should be removed, but put into a separate queue alongside team death-match.
3) New maps; This is a no brainer, in conquest different maps add unique plays and allow different classes to shine. This game needs a lot more maps, and new maps added at least every year. I would like to see some new maps based around the upcoming expansion too, something exiting with lots of different terrain. I think the current variety of maps are another reason the game mode feels stale.
4) Remove duo queue; Though I am unsure of this I propose to remove duo queue, purely to try and create a more healthy community. I have seen players from both ends of the spectrum directly or indirectly complaining about duo queue. Either by getting stomped on or stomping on teams, or being forced to carry lower ranked players. IMO this is not fair or competitive.
Personally I would like to see separate solo queues and full team queues or a solo queue and duo queue with the duo queue being 4v4 or 6v6 and consisting solely of duo’s.
5) Unlock weapons from elite specs; Although I am unsure of this too, it would offer even more crafting potential giving us even more build variety.
6) Increase non liquid and liquid gold rewards; No matter how many players play sPvP, the PvP aspect of any game is often an aspect that can bring new players to a game. The rewards can be an aspect that makes them stay with that game. I propose that sPvP rewards should be competitive with PvE rewards also offering more prestigious rewards unique to the game mode.
7) Give new players tutorials, and encourage playing different classes; sPvP badly needs some basic rewarded tutorials for conquest, offering an insight into playing advantages and disadvantages. You could even have a sPvP section linked through the game to the website with more in depth guides.
Players also need some incentive to playing different classes, one way to achieve this would be to have more achievements with liquid gold or unique rewards for winning games on different classes. That or to add “games won” requirement across say three classes to earn your rights to play ranked on season.
To conclude I wanted to say that it is really sad to see GW2 leave esports, its arguable that this was down to the neglect of sPvP in general. To anyone who was all for getting rid of esports, well you just condoned getting rid of a major marketing standpoint for GW2, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t even play at that level, and probably never will.
Many GW2 players are solely PvP players or like me really enjoy playing PvP after getting daily PvE tasks done. Without going off topic the PvE dailies are so far few and between I really believe it is in everyone’s best interests to give sPvP some of the TLC that it needs. Let us end this undying repetitive salt filled forum and start proposing some real changes that would make sPvP great again.