How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Espire.9723


How? PvP had a lot of problems before HoT, now it’s just one giant mess. We paid a lot for this addon and what do we get? A “be patient they’ll fix it”. So yea… how do you enjoy the solo content? Cause I shure as hell can’t after getting rekt by pre mades over and over and over….

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


its fine for me,

I find that people struggle when they cant win there fights fast enough or give enough support to help in team fights.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


I focus on getting better mechanically. Of course, I won’t goof off and cost my team the match, but I don’t worry about the win too much. I know duel servers exist, but there’s either people who are bad or people who run builds dedicated to just dueling which isn’t realistic when my goal is to get better in conquest.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Garrisyl.7402


Just had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of a 501-0 stomp. Didn’t even get the loss reward since we didn’t score a single point, it was ridiculous outclassing. The top ranked teams are currently sweeping over the other players like a locust swarm over Egypt.

I’m tempted to call the current matchmaking system a joke, but it’s too sad for that.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: laquito.5269


Simply put: You just don’t soloQ.

Really, at this point no one right in their mind would ever defend or even do soloQ. Matchmaking sucks and solo quing puts you at a heavy disadvantage. People are delusional if they think it’s fine as it is.

Why do you think even good players like Helseth, Sizer, Caed, Phanta etc. avoid solo quing as much as possible and rather wait for some1 to que with? PvP sucks and everybody seems to realize this, well except for ANet.

Retired GW2 Player

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I don’t. I don’t do pvp because devs made sure that thief is unplayable vs any half decent players/teams. The only time i queue is with my team and frankly i probably will be just playing revenant or quit game completely once i finished legendary stuff.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: MAN.9046


how to soloQ: play another game
Hi-rez take my moniez
in all seriousness i love this game but it’s no longer “fun” post-HoT, feels like there’s too much CC flying around


How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


how to soloQ: play another game
Hi-rez take my moniez
in all seriousness i love this game but it’s no longer “fun” post-HoT, feels like there’s too much AOE flying around


All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Rationallity.2076


I don’t. I don’t do pvp because devs made sure that thief is unplayable vs any half decent players/teams. The only time i queue is with my team and frankly i probably will be just playing revenant or quit game completely once i finished legendary stuff.

Thief is 100% viable, l2p issue.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: mrauls.6519


It’s been hard recently. I don’t win as many games as I used to. It may be because of what kdaddy mentioned. It takes me a while to kill sustain builds.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I don’t. I don’t do pvp because devs made sure that thief is unplayable vs any half decent players/teams. The only time i queue is with my team and frankly i probably will be just playing revenant or quit game completely once i finished legendary stuff.

Thief is 100% viable, l2p issue.

yeah 100% viable… in HJs vs rabbits kek

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Rationallity.2076


I don’t. I don’t do pvp because devs made sure that thief is unplayable vs any half decent players/teams. The only time i queue is with my team and frankly i probably will be just playing revenant or quit game completely once i finished legendary stuff.

Thief is 100% viable, l2p issue.

yeah 100% viable… in HJs vs rabbits kek

Oh you’re right, guess Toker didnt just play thief vs top tier players in the Go4 monthly kek.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: MAN.9046


which is why sindrrereernerre and magic toker still play it in tourney’s right? Unless you wanna count stabbackstab
edit: toker played rev in the tourney before this months GO4



(edited by MAN.9046)

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: MAN.9046


I don’t. I don’t do pvp because devs made sure that thief is unplayable vs any half decent players/teams. The only time i queue is with my team and frankly i probably will be just playing revenant or quit game completely once i finished legendary stuff.

Thief is 100% viable, l2p issue.

yeah 100% viable… in HJs vs rabbits kek

Oh you’re right, guess Toker didnt just play thief vs top tier players in the Go4 monthly kek.

toker could play berserker condi and still win abjured are way ahead of their NA competition


How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Greek.4396


I solo Q still but it’s hard solo Qing when trying out new builds, it usually doesn’t go well….

So when I solo Q I end up running something cheesy that’s good for bunkering/holding points and pray when ur getting 1 v 2 – 1 v 3 ur team is doing good on the other points.

Oh and if you keep running to the same 5 man over and over again that are playing way too try hard against pugs, just add them on ur flist and Q dodge.

Server – Blackgate | Rev Main
Main Guild – oPP/RIOT/yumy(Booty Bakery)
IGN- Greek Kenpachi | Champion Ritualist

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


I said this regarding hotjoin, but i think it fits here. this is how i enjoy solo pvp, by playing hotjoin, not queuing up. the reasons:

-more soloq’rs
-no queue (read u can play right now, not 5+min from now)
-if match is too much a landslide, just leave and find a better server, nothing holding u there to waste your time. in otherwords, i get to play matches on my terms, not some terrible mmr where u have no idea if ur party is going to be dumb

in un/ranked if u get a terrible match up, or 3+ in a row, u are sol an just have to waste your time w/ a losing matchup.

in hotjoin, its up to you, an u can find a good fight eventually. it ain’t perfect, but my time is better spent playing the game on my terms rather than clicking around hoping ‘this matchup will be good, rite?’

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I don’t. I don’t do pvp because devs made sure that thief is unplayable vs any half decent players/teams. The only time i queue is with my team and frankly i probably will be just playing revenant or quit game completely once i finished legendary stuff.

Thief is 100% viable, l2p issue.

yeah 100% viable… in HJs vs rabbits kek

Oh you’re right, guess Toker didnt just play thief vs top tier players in the Go4 monthly kek.

you mean revs?

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Simply put I dont. Premades aren’t even the issue. I am half tempted to just drop out of pvp entirely until this kitten gets fixed.

People are finding out how broken and easy Rev is. You can turtle forever until there is an opening to 100-0. God forbid you get a Herald in a teamfight…

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Starfall.6425


I’m fine.. I play it with around half the different classes, doing my daylies every day… you win some you lose some. Overall I’m still at 60% win and that is fine for me.

[DP] – Diamond Pirates
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I play Herald and sword auto with passives until things are dead.

Its funny how effective that is.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: baroi.3264


You should like to participate in UNRANKED queues because you are facing better players that are coming from RANKED and you will learn more. Another factor is that some good teams are training and testing things these days for leagues and pro league, this is why people are facing too much pre-mades.


How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


I play the same as always. SoloQ is all I have ever really played and nothing has changed since HoT came out. Some OP professions exist but being in a group or against a group dosent change that fact.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


It’s been hard recently. I don’t win as many games as I used to. It may be because of what kdaddy mentioned. It takes me a while to kill sustain builds.

Alot of people are running some sourd of sustain build. I was literally in a match where 4 of my team mates were basically bunkers and they couldnt cap the mid point even though its 4 vs 3. So as a warrior i know i have to win the 1 vs 1 fight i have and i have to win it fairly quickly being 1 someone will peel off to come see me or the other person will come to the other claimed cap point.

I play alot of staff ele too but i dont as much in single que anymore since i cant win fights quickly and the lack of stability make is so i can bursted rather quickly in 1 vs 2 situation now. I play staff ele alot more when i play with people who bring high dps so i can remove condi/ give boons/ and bring a little dps and condi dmg.

You really have to think about the build you bring into solo ques. You have alot of these sustain scrappers/druids/eles/reapers who get into these long battles even in team fights.

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


Uranked premades don’t really intimidate me especially if matchmaking puts me with a group of veteran soloQ pvpers.

In fact, I’m more fearful of my teammates and would rather go against more premades so long as my teammates are competent.

I like SoloQ because theres a strong element of surprise. Don’t get me wrong, I like queuing in a full pre, I’m just bad at organizing one.