How do you feel about rifle builds?

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


By this, I mean both the rifle engineer and the rifle warrior

Rifle engi used to be a meta when Celestial Amulet was a thing
Nowadays I hardly see any

Rifle warrior is sometimes (if at all) seen with greatsword power builds

But suffice to say, neither of them is really viable in the current meta. Why do you think this is happening and what can the balance team to bring them up?

Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Rifle on the Engineer is a primarily melee-mid range weapon despite the long distance auto attack. It provides less damage and defense than the hammer, and suffers greatly from anti-projectile defense and stability being so common these days. Due to this, the hammer out classes the rifle by far in pvp.

Not sure how to bring the engi rifle back though. Some have suggested an Evade on jump shot and removing the self cc on overcharged shot.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Rifle engi was celestial but switch to marauder builds before HoT released.

Perhaps that build could change a bit with the massive nerfes and buff we had since then.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: coro.3176


It’s been ~2 years since I’ve been able to play my Rifle Engi in competitive pvp.

I miss it..

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Rifles will be more viable when we add more projectile hate, amirite?

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Ivantreil.3092


Been playing with a cheesy engi rifle build, and, tbh, its doable against some classes, i have great time against necros, thiefs or druids, however, its horrible when people start to focus you, if you cant keep yourself in the background getting ignored, you are gonna have a hard time with those matches.

And this goes specially for classes with a lot of access to projectile hate (Eles/Warriors/Engi Hammers), your only chance against these 3 mentioned before, is attacking them when they are distracted or when you entered in rampage mode.

With that being said, i still manage to get a decent win/loss ratio, not so horrible as some expect, and i keep playing the build, never felt like the build its not working or that this is impossible.

PvP Rifle Engi player no matter how dark the meta is.

Metabattle: Drunk Engineer build

(edited by Ivantreil.3092)

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


Been playing with a cheesy engi rifle build, and, tbh, its doable against some classes, i have great time against necros, thiefs or druids, however, its horrible when people start to focus you, if you cant keep yourself in the background getting ignored, you are gonna have a hard time with those matches.

And this goes specially for classes with a lot of access to projectile hate (Eles/Warriors/Engi Hammers), your only chance against these 3 mentioned before, is attacking them when they are distracted or when you entered in rampage mode.

With that being said, i still manage to get a decent win/loss ratio, not so horrible as some expect, and i keep playing the build, never felt like the build its not working or that this is impossible.

Hmm. Would you mind showing us how it’s done?

I have made a sloppy draft build over here. At the moment, I am taking rifle engineer as a pure condition build and have put in some toughness for survival. I feel that the part of “keeping oneself in the background” is hard to achieve as rifle 5 outright pits the engineer into the center of attention. Rifle 3 also needs to be in close-to-mid range to be effective.

Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Ivantreil.3092


Been playing with a cheesy engi rifle build, and, tbh, its doable against some classes, i have great time against necros, thiefs or druids, however, its horrible when people start to focus you, if you cant keep yourself in the background getting ignored, you are gonna have a hard time with those matches.

And this goes specially for classes with a lot of access to projectile hate (Eles/Warriors/Engi Hammers), your only chance against these 3 mentioned before, is attacking them when they are distracted or when you entered in rampage mode.

With that being said, i still manage to get a decent win/loss ratio, not so horrible as some expect, and i keep playing the build, never felt like the build its not working or that this is impossible.

Hmm. Would you mind showing us how it’s done?

I have made a sloppy draft build over here. At the moment, I am taking rifle engineer as a pure condition build and have put in some toughness for survival. I feel that the part of “keeping oneself in the background” is hard to achieve as rifle 5 outright pits the engineer into the center of attention. Rifle 3 also needs to be in close-to-mid range to be effective.

Sure, heres my build:

The Drunk Engi build (Thats how i call it :P)

The build concist on empower your aa as most as you can with a high amount of critical chance and insane amount of boon duration.

The idea of this build is stacking 25 stacks of might by abusing HGH as his max potential, and winning almost permanent quickness with Elixir U + Applied Force, You Keep spamming Elixir B, Toss Elixir B, Elixir H, Toss Elixir H and Elixir U for winning might.

The rest of the utilities are for be used when they are needed.

I still use the Skill 3, 4 and 5 too, i just simply i dont enter to use these skills unless is a duel or i can see a window where i can go and engage.

Kiting is the key of this build, getting away doing aa’s, and going Rampage when you can, specially for dueling.

PvP Rifle Engi player no matter how dark the meta is.

Metabattle: Drunk Engineer build

(edited by Ivantreil.3092)

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’ve been playing SD rifle engi for years, been oneshotting folks for years! XD
i love it!

warrior rifle is funny as heck with a killshot build when they can pull it off,
though you’re right about rarely seeing anyone doing it,
like my static discharge build it is a bit of a one trick pony.

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


What is a rifle? :P

Rifles will be more viable when we add more projectile hate, amirite?

you can thank powercreeped DHs and rangers for it

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


engi rifle has less damage & utility than hammer, so its not just projectile hate making it a poor choice. it needs a substantial damage buff, or a rework, or both.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127



Your build is amazing!!!

I wasn’t quite aware of scrapper’s actual access to a function gyro which allows stomping from a range. This is something a rifle engi can actually capitalize on more than a hammer engi does.

Not to mention the elixir spamming’s might stacking and the subsequent quickness. People could get sniped all of the sudden if they don’t pay attention.
The total lack of any kit makes this build oddly straight-forward yet somehow complex enough to be enjoyable.

Not sure if it can be competitive enough, but it is something really fun. You should try posting your stuff on MetaBattle, too! Thanks again

Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Ivantreil.3092



Your build is amazing!!!

I wasn’t quite aware of scrapper’s actual access to a function gyro which allows stomping from a range. This is something a rifle engi can actually capitalize on more than a hammer engi does.

Not to mention the elixir spamming’s might stacking and the subsequent quickness. People could get sniped all of the sudden if they don’t pay attention.
The total lack of any kit makes this build oddly straight-forward yet somehow complex enough to be enjoyable.

Not sure if it can be competitive enough, but it is something really fun. You should try posting your stuff on MetaBattle, too! Thanks again

Oh, actually, i published it in metabattle:

I did put in draft mode so if people can give suggestions to improve it, they are welcome to do it.

The build took me to gold 3, so you can have an idea how its peforming.

(Last season i was using diviner amulet and eagle runes, so i still have yet to see how it peforms with these new runes/amulet)

PvP Rifle Engi player no matter how dark the meta is.

Metabattle: Drunk Engineer build

(edited by Ivantreil.3092)

How do you feel about rifle builds?

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


tbh, that engi build would be better with a hammer. more damage, more defense & bigger heals.

also, U over EGun is insane.
also, no HT lol.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)