How do you kill a condi mesmer?

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: skurken.4192


How do you kill a condi mesmer who puts confusion and tormenting on you, im a rev and have no condi cleanse, i can survive the first wave of condis with glint heal. But after that im kittened, condis 24/7 and cc on that. And dont says time your cc and nuke him down, cause that is impossible, atleast for me.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Dodge his shatter. Srsly, if you see 3 clones up and running, just use block/evade/dodge.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Coxy.5269


>runs no condi cleanse
>why am I losing to this condi class


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


as a power rev, you don’t.

condi mes is pretty much a hard counter to power rev.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


you don’t , just like you won’t kill a tempest or minion necro 1 v 1. On the other hand mesmer have low hp pool, if you focus him he will die fast just like a necro without death shroud.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: skurken.4192


And you cant kill a engi 1v1 either, so why are people saying that revenant is op? I dont get it…

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


lol maybe YOU can’t kill an engie

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: skurken.4192


lol maybe YOU can’t kill an engie

Yeah right…

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

This might sound crazy, but maybe pvp isn’t just about 1v1s?

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


how do you kill it? well run like the wind screaming, then return with your whole posse and gank him.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Storm.1653


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

So you ate sling him to die without putting a fight?

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

dodge through the shatter not sideways or backwards , this way you attract more Ai / shorter distance for the clone/phanstasum to travel which means you avoid more than 1 clone per dodge , a bit hard at first but timing/practice makes perfect and the risk is well worth the trade off.

the other tip for a condi shatter mesmer on strong hold don’t chase , keep doing your lane defence work and repeat the first thing i mentioned in the above paragraph while range/kiting throw in a Mobility+damage CC that also slows clones/phanstaums down and messes up the mesmers I leaps/ports ect , disurption of clones/phantsums is what really annoys shatter mesmers.

with the torment moving the shortest distance and dodging also removes most of the torment damage while dodging the rest of the shatters.

if the mesmer is using the Gs , illusionary wave they will try to time that with the shatters travel distance then judge the choice to shatter before or after the wave , if they notice you using dodge forwards to trigger more shatters to push you back into the damage zone , at this point dodge>CC or block don’t go for a Maul or a LB 5 on Dh ect , after that follow up with a Aoe and react to the mesmers Escape as he will escape (no doubt about that) save your damage for that moment.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


You find out where he lives and…just kidding

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Grort.2750


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

So you ate sling him to die without putting a fight?

Shield skill block while waiting for torment and confusion to end, staying stationary?

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

So you ate sling him to die without putting a fight?

Shield skill block while waiting for torment and confusion to end, staying stationary?

Lol, aren’t you forgetting about confusion? ?

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


I might let you in on a little secret… if you die to confusion dmg, you are really bad.

Zenos put it quite nicely, even with complete descriptions what to look for.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

So you ate sling him to die without putting a fight?

Actually by standing still and just using blocks/evades/condi cleanse you can tank a condi mesm for a while


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


How do you kill a condi mesmer who puts confusion and tormenting on you, im a rev and have no condi cleanse, i can survive the first wave of condis with glint heal. But after that im kittened, condis 24/7 and cc on that. And dont says time your cc and nuke him down, cause that is impossible, atleast for me.

Condi mesm is the best metabuild for duels, so dont engage a1v1 against him


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Lack of reliable personal condi removal options on Revenant is poorly balanced at present. Expect to see some buffs in this area very soon.


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

So you ate sling him to die without putting a fight?

Actually by standing still and just using blocks/evades/condi cleanse you can tank a condi mesm for a while

Confusion does more dmg on skill activation, although you are taking less dmg by standing still( from torment); using a block would negate what you are trying to do ( that is decrease the dmg taken).

(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Keep on QQ ing on mesmers.. (Not like everybody is not condi build. Espacially the dps reaper.. :P) SARCASM!

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Lack of reliable personal condi removal options on Revenant is poorly balanced at present. Expect to see some buffs in this area very soon.

If this is changes it will likely mean the need for nerfs elsewhere for balance sake.

Weakness to conditions is one of the main weaknesses of the class.

And its not like its something that cannot be partially or largely negated depending how you spec.

Purity/ Generocity sigils, lyssa/leadership/ holebrak runes can all help.

Conversely using a build with invocation or malyx can either negate a small or very large amount of condition pressure as well.

So while it’s true a rev cannot do everything well at the same time their flexibility of role and ability to adapt is certainly among the best in game.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


How do you kill a condi mesmer who puts confusion and tormenting on you, im a rev and have no condi cleanse, i can survive the first wave of condis with glint heal. But after that im kittened, condis 24/7 and cc on that. And dont says time your cc and nuke him down, cause that is impossible, atleast for me.

Condi mesm is the best metabuild for duels, so dont engage a1v1 against him

^ What he said. Been playing Helseth’s variation of the build. This kitten rekts. I can hardly lose a 1on1 but that’s only because the way condis work. Oh you wasted your high cooldown condi cleanse? Well please … have few more /o/

The only thing you can do 1on1 vs condi mes is delay him and thus slow down the enemy rotations. A good mesmer however will avoid 1v1s that take more than 15-20 seconds .. moa included.

On the other hand, with all the aoe and passiveness, its a bit hard playing mesmer in a teamfight HOWEVER! You do the mesmer a great favor if you stick together in a team fight. This way 1 shatter can spread cancer to your whole team. If you have brains however you’d force the mess to focus on a single target, minimizing it’s effect. They’ll die to the AoEs eventually if they are stubborn.

Either way, mesmer’s ranged pressure is bad. It’s slow and it doesn’t stack things well. If they have a vantage point the clones they spawn bug out or pick the longest possible path and they never reach you, or at least never on time, even with superspeed.

So yeah, force them into teamfights, spam your aoes, you’ll get them eventually. See if you can chain CC them after they blink. That’s your win ticket.

Immobilize helps a lot. Sometimes druids get me with a lucky immob while im in stealth and I get bombed with everything on cooldown.

Ah forgot to mention. As with every other build, condition pressure is the way to go. Because it hits through blocks. It’s kinda bad that condi has little to no counter play. But I guess this is what amuses anet. So we have to adapt to it.

Which reminds me that it is actually a good idea to grey out the part of the HP pool that will be decimated by condis unless you cleanse. The least it would do is make people create threads with screenshots of their whole HP bar greyed out thanks to condi pressure

(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Fay.2357


>runs no condi cleanse
>why am I losing to this condi class

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


You simply can’t kill a condi mesmer. It is listed as a hard counter to Power herald because they can’t bring condi removal.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


you cant kill condi mesmer because there arent many classes which can, thats all

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


Friend of mine wants to learn who to handle Condimes so I showed him
You just have to play and learn the mesmer rotations
You probably won’t kill him but he manage to hold a point for 1 min 1v1 versus other mesmers

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, if you’re power rev, don’t touch a condi mes unless you’re popping in to +1 a teammate fighting one and can quickly burst it down.

It’s similar to how an engi shouldn’t try to 1 v 1 a necro.

The odds just aren’t in your favor (no matter what that lady from the Hunger Games says).

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Currently power hammer engi is in a very good spot to duel condi mes successfully. It requires more effort but it’s possible. The passive sustain the engi has allows them to prolong the fight and tilt it in their favor because the mesmer can make a mistake in a longer fight.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


well torment does not do much damage if you don’t move, and confusion is useless unless you use a skill. my advice, stand still and don’t use any skills

So you ate sling him to die without putting a fight?

Actually by standing still and just using blocks/evades/condi cleanse you can tank a condi mesm for a while

Confusion does more dmg on skill activation, although you are taking less dmg by standing still( from torment); using a block would negate what you are trying to do ( that is decrease the dmg taken).

If you just use blocks, and just in order to block shatters, you’re mitigating way more dmg than both spamming skills and not using any skill at all


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: foogison.5067


Beating a mesmer 1v1 is impossible regardless because of MOA lol

Forget the condi’s, that’s fine !

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

The necromancer matchup is not too bad vs mesmer. What you have to be careful about is being dazed by the shatter in intervals because the clones hit you at different times.

For everyone about moa. I hate it too. But if you see the continuum warp on the ground just dodge/block. you will do yourself a favor. I am not saying it is balanced in any way with the double moa, but at this point, it is a pretty standard rotation.

No mesmer is dumb enough to put moa on a full 180cd so there is always a continuum on the ground.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


The necromancer matchup is not too bad vs mesmer. What you have to be careful about is being dazed by the shatter in intervals because the clones hit you at different times.

For everyone about moa. I hate it too. But if you see the continuum warp on the ground just dodge/block. you will do yourself a favor. I am not saying it is balanced in any way with the double moa, but at this point, it is a pretty standard rotation.

No mesmer is dumb enough to put moa on a full 180cd so there is always a continuum on the ground.

Problem is, no mesmer is dumb enough to use moa without a proper set-up, so its not only about dodging :/


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

What set up do you refer to? Illusionary leap. The audible tell for that is over the top. Equivalent to a fire alarm.

team fight
In a team fight, may be harder. But at least your team can prepare if they see a continuum. Moa does not have to be pointing at its target to actually moa the person, so I always just dodge when I see it on the ground.

But honestly you should focus the mesmer in the team fight. They are squishy anyway. force them to portal out. have your necro use marks when the mesmer is blocking.

I thought this thread was more concerned about 1v1. Because in a team fight everything is harder, so there is no end all advice for it.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


What set up do you refer to? Illusionary leap. The audible tell for that is over the top. Equivalent to a fire alarm.

team fight
In a team fight, may be harder. But at least your team can prepare if they see a continuum. Moa does not have to be pointing at its target to actually moa the person, so I always just dodge when I see it on the ground.

But honestly you should focus the mesmer in the team fight. They are squishy anyway. force them to portal out. have your necro use marks when the mesmer is blocking.

I thought this thread was more concerned about 1v1. Because in a team fight everything is harder, so there is no end all advice for it.

Illusionary leap, fake moa, waste your cd’s. Tides of Times, moa’d. Or if enemy uses stunbreak, stow moa, wait for Illusionary Leap cd again and moa. This kind of setup.


How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

At some point you have to pick your poison. I choose to dodge leap and Tides, I have to eat some shatters.

If they stow moa on you, they certainly won’t continuum stow if as that would waste it. But at some point continual stowing the skill it will eventually hit you as stow cd is 3secs and dodge cd is like 10 seconds. But I think about this. If they are stowing it and you don’t see the evade, you got a few more seconds of dps.

Mesmer is mind games, I know. You just have to try and out mind game.
I know it is possible on necromancer at least.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Dodge his shatter. Srsly, if you see 3 clones up and running, just use block/evade/dodge.

yeah because condi chrono has only 1 shatter lol

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Condition builds hard counter Revenants so your best choice is to just avoid those fights.

Stella Truth Seeker

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

for reals

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


for reals

The problem is you don’t play the game( especially conquest to win 1 vs 1). So by running venturi for the sole purpose of countering mesmer you might be hurting your team.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


At some point you have to pick your poison. I choose to dodge leap and Tides, I have to eat some shatters.

If they stow moa on you, they certainly won’t continuum stow if as that would waste it. But at some point continual stowing the skill it will eventually hit you as stow cd is 3secs and dodge cd is like 10 seconds. But I think about this. If they are stowing it and you don’t see the evade, you got a few more seconds of dps.

Mesmer is mind games, I know. You just have to try and out mind game.
I know it is possible on necromancer at least.

Had a match where it seemed like the mesmer saved moa soley for me when i entered reaper shroud.

If you’re a reaper and there’s a mes on the enemy team, beware.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: messiah.1908


so funny ppl. i had a revenent player on my team and condi guard on the enemey team
i really dont know why but the revenant insist to fight against him and lost every time

i ask for him to stop but he just qq and said . guard are OP he can put burn on me every time.

i ask do you have condi cleanse
he said no
so what do you expect versus build which put only burning to you
OP he said …. so funny
sure we lost….

so mesmer puts 2 conditions on you

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


At some point you have to pick your poison. I choose to dodge leap and Tides, I have to eat some shatters.

If they stow moa on you, they certainly won’t continuum stow if as that would waste it. But at some point continual stowing the skill it will eventually hit you as stow cd is 3secs and dodge cd is like 10 seconds. But I think about this. If they are stowing it and you don’t see the evade, you got a few more seconds of dps.

Mesmer is mind games, I know. You just have to try and out mind game.
I know it is possible on necromancer at least.

Had a match where it seemed like the mesmer saved moa soley for me when i entered reaper shroud.

If you’re a reaper and there’s a mes on the enemy team, beware.

I do this evritiem.

I’m a simple man … I see shrouded necro I click moa <3

That’s what reapers are for right :O getting moa!

Ontopic though, it’s one of the few counters to this stupidly op class these days. Same for clerics ele that does nothing else but sitting onpoint and bunkering it for few minutes. Which reminds me….

DEAR ANET! If someone is invulnerable on capture point, pls make them lose that capture capture point, instead of you know, beating the living kitten out of someone who’s out for it. I mean … when I click distort i lose the point. So i have to think twice when/if im going to use distort. Seems fair no?

P.S: Also, some portal range indicator would be godly, tyvm! I mean … i know your balance and QA teams are like … 1 person? buuut you don’t have to shoehorn nerfs like that. You fixed thief’s steal! It doesn’t trigger without target now BRAVO!!!! Now pls … do the same with portal.

P.P.S: If you could make necro’s skills less unblockable, that would be great. I mean … plague signet is cool and all buuut being unaffected by blindness too? pls …. this is clearly your agenda against thieves but it makes baddies one-upping the thief. Having all marks unblockable is kinda silly too. Why would I even proc blocking ability against necro? It makes no sense. They hit me just as well through blocks. Kinda silly. That’s not how you bring a class from the gutter into meta. This is power creep and its stupid.

^ I’d sell my kidney if you make moa unblockable those revs and scrappers are gon cri so hard xD Also if it could hit through obstructions that’d be godly but rather not because this forum would be onfire. It’s not like I want to make moa like every mark ever hitting through walls and whatnot. Fun times.

Ahh trolling ANet’s balance is just too easy.

(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Lack of reliable personal condi removal options on Revenant is poorly balanced at present. Expect to see some buffs in this area very soon.

How can you build a power rev with more condi cleanse?

Sigil of purity
Sigil of Generosity
Rune of water
Rune of Lyssa
Rune of Leadership

There is a great trait line – Corruption – that will help as well.

If you don’t want to change your spec to adapt to meta, at least don’t engage condi user.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

How do you kill a condi mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


How do you kill a condi mesmer who puts confusion and tormenting on you, im a rev and have no condi cleanse, i can survive the first wave of condis with glint heal. But after that im kittened, condis 24/7 and cc on that. And dont says time your cc and nuke him down, cause that is impossible, atleast for me.

You don’t kill a condi mesmer.

If he got a point, you simply stand on point running in circle. Cleanse. Heals. Block. Dodge.

You will decap the point. This will win you the match if the mesmer continue on it.

Never attack or burst if confusion you have. Too much torment, don’t run.

Don’t attack. He will not be able to kill you. Winning versus condi mesmer is keeping a cap UP before he decap it… or keeping the decap or decapping his point.

Wait for a second one, before CC and burst him.

BTW, condi mesmer don’t have a lot of condi cleanse…

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.