I would really like to know, how many players are playing PvP these days. HotM is dead, tournaments are dead, everything is dead. I just wonder why? What exactly have you made to make players play sPvP?
Since beta you promised that Guild Wars 2 will have amazing sPvP. Ok, we can’t have everything immediately, I can understand that… but what exactly did you make to improve sPvP and make it more exciting?
You disabled free/paid tournaments so every beginner who doesn’t even know how to play can now join solo/team tournaments and ruin the game. It doesn’t bother only the better players, but the beginners too, because they are only dieing.
You are making skill balances. There are tons of topics about tier list. You can obviously see what is overpowered and what is absolutely useless to play. What do you do about it? You just take the useless class and make it overpowered and the overpowered class useless. Can’t you really do something in between? How exactly do you test it? You have “test server” where is 20 players and you duel? Can’t you really recognize what is overpowered?
New maps. It is really nice that you made new maps, but serisously… who asked for them? Who asked for unbalanced skyhammer? Why don’t you make at least one game mode instead? You don’t have time to make new modes, but you have time to make new maps? Yes, the maps look great and in hot joins are fun, but do you really think that you should concentrate on this?
Rewards. At the beginning, there were gem rewards for tournament. You took it away and made glory/rank reward. It seemed logic, but seriously…. why glory? Do you really think that anyone rank 30+ needs glory? What for? And do you know, that it is more rewarding to play hot joins than tournaments? Do you really think that its motivating players to play tournaments? Why do you think that people should play sPvP since there is absolutely NO REWARD? Ou yeah, you are already working on new reward system, but when? Seriously when? Its been more than a year and I have very strong feeling that when we finally get the new reward system, it will be just disappointment. And I don’t really know what is taking so long.
Ranking (PvP level). Honestly… everyone who I spoke with told me to same: “I will make rank 40 and then I stop playing.” Ok, there are some who says the same for rank 50 and there are few who make even more. Why do you think they say something like that? Because it takes enormous time to change your emote? Do you really think that rank 69 should play one year longer than rank 60 and have the same emote? And the worst thing is, that it’s ONLY ABOUT TIME! It doesn’t matter how good you are, it only matters how much time did you spend in sPvP. Do you really think that this is the way it should be?
You creted custome arenas. Ok, that is good thing. I haven’t used one yet and I don’t have a reason to do it, but it sure was (for a lot of people) very good thing to do.
Matchmaking. Seriously… Do you still believe, that a player who plays 2 hours and just didn’t have time to fall down in rating, should be in the same team as a player, who played 3 000 games and played 1/2 game 4v5 so he has the same rating as the new player? And since you can’t probably do much about it, is it really so hard to make the teams even? Like 3x 40+ and 2x 10< in every team NOT 4x 10< and 1 40+ vs 5x 40+? I don’t really see any other option than write, that THIS IS UNFAIR.