How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Hot join became a sad mess with team stacking and gankfests with a daily apparently encouraging it. Volunteering is a one shot death sentence to end up on a 1 v 5 from folks I don’t think want to fight if they can’t pile one person with three.

When I enter combat my character goes from rushing head on into battle with swiftness to literally prancing on his feet like a four year old, limping at walking speed against any class with accesible cripple and chill.

Eviscerates make me lollygag jumping backwards towards at a crate when I’m another plane (but I’ll probably leap and then be blinded mid hit anyway). Earthshaker Adrenaline decides to pound the mid air rather than the ground.

Launch personal battering ram flies 90 degrees to the right of the target. My thief runs over Oil Slicks to trigger a 45 second cooldown on skills that don’t even have cooldowns.

Tapping left to right very quickly, I dodge ranger arrows even at max speed yawning. I’ll get downed by DoT’s running to a safe area as 4 minions, 5 clones/phantasms and a coked up bird with two cats gnawing on my face come to finish me.

My killshot downs a player triggering an invulnerable state that can be immediately lifted up again by 2 other players.

Where is the action in this ‘action packed pvp’ when I skip to my opponent merrily to have my attacks not even land and pray to god every one of my skills does not bug up. How do you enjoy pvp folks? How do you take it seriously?

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: serenke.4806


You might want to check out your targeting and controls and builds and how to play and so on….

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Hot join became a sad mess with team stacking and gankfests with a daily apparently encouraging it. Volunteering is a one shot death sentence to end up on a 1 v 5 from folks I don’t think want to fight if they can’t pile one person with three.

When I enter combat my character goes from rushing head on into battle with swiftness to literally prancing on his feet like a four year old, limping at walking speed against any class with accesible cripple and chill.

Eviscerates make me lollygag jumping backwards towards at a crate when I’m another plane (but I’ll probably leap and then be blinded mid hit anyway). Earthshaker Adrenaline decides to pound the mid air rather than the ground.

Launch personal battering ram flies 90 degrees to the right of the target. My thief runs over Oil Slicks to trigger a 45 second cooldown on skills that don’t even have cooldowns.

Tapping left to right very quickly, I dodge ranger arrows even at max speed yawning. I’ll get downed by DoT’s running to a safe area as 4 minions, 5 clones/phantasms and a coked up bird with two cats gnawing on my face come to finish me.

My killshot downs a player triggering an invulnerable state that can be immediately lifted up again by 2 other players.

Where is the action in this ‘action packed pvp’ when I skip to my opponent merrily to have my attacks not even land and pray to god every one of my skills does not bug up. How do you enjoy pvp folks? How do you take it seriously?

I do not enjoy pvp when it is not fun: so i no longer play it. Where is serious change?

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


By not playing hot join?

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Murmaider.1805


Hot join became a sad mess with team stacking and gankfests with a daily apparently encouraging it. Volunteering is a one shot death sentence to end up on a 1 v 5 from folks I don’t think want to fight if they can’t pile one person with three.

When I enter combat my character goes from rushing head on into battle with swiftness to literally prancing on his feet like a four year old, limping at walking speed against any class with accesible cripple and chill.

Eviscerates make me lollygag jumping backwards towards at a crate when I’m another plane (but I’ll probably leap and then be blinded mid hit anyway). Earthshaker Adrenaline decides to pound the mid air rather than the ground.

Launch personal battering ram flies 90 degrees to the right of the target. My thief runs over Oil Slicks to trigger a 45 second cooldown on skills that don’t even have cooldowns.

Tapping left to right very quickly, I dodge ranger arrows even at max speed yawning. I’ll get downed by DoT’s running to a safe area as 4 minions, 5 clones/phantasms and a coked up bird with two cats gnawing on my face come to finish me.

My killshot downs a player triggering an invulnerable state that can be immediately lifted up again by 2 other players.

Where is the action in this ‘action packed pvp’ when I skip to my opponent merrily to have my attacks not even land and pray to god every one of my skills does not bug up. How do you enjoy pvp folks? How do you take it seriously?

Have you tried learning combat mechanics, what boons and condis are and how to counter them? Or are you S-keying in circles wondering why you can’t run fast?

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


youre obviously new. let me explain a few things. eviscerate doesn’t have any issues, it’s not possible to dodge traited ranger arrows, mesmers are ez, and rifle warriors are bad.

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Ok i dont take it serious till in game ladder n split Q gg

[WM]give us in game ladder

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


My Dear Alfred i smell nub sorry lol

[WM]give us in game ladder

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


How to fix Hot Join:
1. Separate spectator feature from joining the game.
2. When you join a game, your team is automatically chosen.

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


If you want to take it seriously you need to put some effort in to learn how to play and what all the effects in the game do, then you can try unranked queue. You won’t find anyone who takes hotjoin seriously (its that way by design) but all the other issues you mention can be fixed by you learning to play better (it might take some time and research).

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I’ve played since beta and the same bugs that are in the game are still present.—-

I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to learrn the game better? Pathing on skills just simply doesn’t land. If I’m on an equal plane with a player and I hit X button on a skill. It should connect. End of story, save for if I an interrupted or blinded mid path during my “cast time”.

Launch Personal battering ram shouldn’t be flying out of my shoulder and say Out of Range when the target is 600 units in front of me, just because he changed directions of strafing when I fired the weapon.

Noobs? The only thing here to do is to hack the game to bolster flight speed and range to rival traited ranger arrows on all ranged and pathing skills.

Or if this is a bad Idea, Guardians can continue to leap half distance when I simply stand on top of a short hill. But if I’m the only one who hates game bugs in an action game. Tough luck on me I guess.

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Simply put, you don’t.


How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


They’re not bugs. This game isn’t a targeted ability auto lands game. It’s if the projectile or swung weapon actually connects with the target. You have to actually play with some skill and sometimes lead targets. If you want something more like what you want might I suggest SWTOR?

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


Simply put, you don’t.

this, its been documented that taking this games pvp seriously causes health issues on more than one occasion.

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


They’re not bugs. This game isn’t a targeted ability auto lands game. It’s if the projectile or swung weapon actually connects with the target. You have to actually play with some skill and sometimes lead targets. If you want something more like what you want might I suggest SWTOR?

What about thieves running over oil slicks and earning a 45 sec CD on a skill?

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Black Ninja.4325

Black Ninja.4325

Sounds like a L2P issue.. first dont play hotjoin and it will get better ! get a better build and maybe a better internet connection (?). I play a warrior too and all of my skills work perfectly ! I played alot of pvp in WoW before gw2 and i must say that gw2 is alot more balanced and less bugged than WoW ! gw2 pvp is really hard at first maybe that is why you struggle so much, play more and fights will gets better and easier ! watch some guides on youtube, it helps alot.

PS; sorry for my bad english, i’m trying my best

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Sounds like a L2P issue.. first dont play hotjoin and it will get better ! get a better build and maybe a better internet connection (?). I play a warrior too and all of my skills work perfectly ! I played alot of pvp in WoW before gw2 and i must say that gw2 is alot more balanced and less bugged than WoW ! gw2 pvp is really hard at first maybe that is why you struggle so much, play more and fights will gets better and easier ! watch some guides on youtube, it helps alot.

PS; sorry for my bad english, i’m trying my best

I’ve played this game off and on for years and the same bugs are here. Played an unranked match today and my eviscerates still continue to path poorly to either hit one of 15 pets on the map (gw2 loves pets in pvp apparently) or he jumps to a totally irrellevant direction. I’m trying to get you to realize that you can’t “learn” to not have your skills fail due to bugs.

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Black Ninja.4325

Black Ninja.4325

my eviscerates works perfectly, wierd .. sounds like you have auto-target on and you are not targeting the right guy or no one at all !

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


or he might be lagging

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: Murmaider.1805


Sounds like a L2P issue.. first dont play hotjoin and it will get better ! get a better build and maybe a better internet connection (?). I play a warrior too and all of my skills work perfectly ! I played alot of pvp in WoW before gw2 and i must say that gw2 is alot more balanced and less bugged than WoW ! gw2 pvp is really hard at first maybe that is why you struggle so much, play more and fights will gets better and easier ! watch some guides on youtube, it helps alot.

PS; sorry for my bad english, i’m trying my best

Thank you. Coming from WoW, this game is amazing.