How does the queue system work?

How does the queue system work?

in PvP

Posted by: Hadden.9327


New player here.

In SPvP, how does the queue system for solo / team work? Is it by region (Americas), server, or a group of servers?

Reason I ask is solo queue the last few times I tried it had been searching for over 15 minutes before I finally gave up. I only got in once, and that was around the 18 minute mark the first time I tried it.

It seems to me that it would be by server, since the queues are so horrendously long.

Any clarification would be great, thanks.

How does the queue system work?

in PvP

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


Pretty sure it’s all US servers as one queue & all EU servers as another. The reason for your excessive queue could be numerous:
1) There were only 10 people doing solo queue at the time, and they were already in a match so you had to wait for it to finish before it could find you a team & opponents
2) The MMR of everyone queuing was vastly higher than yours (the queue will first try to match people with a similar MMR and when that fails “loosen” the requirements slowly until you find a team)
3) You picked an odd time. There were not enough people doing solo queue for a match