How each division should be read?

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Just out of curiosity , how each division should be interpreted in terms on player skill?

Legendary – Very Good
Platinum – Good
Gold- Average
Silver – Below Average
Bronze – Bad

Close enough or am I wrong?

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Blackwyn.8127


Legendary – Solo queue? Surely you jest! I’m currently adding all of top 200 so I can queue dodge them while waiting for my duo partner.

Platinum – Everyone else is holding me back, cause I’m amazing but you all suck.

Gold – I think I know rotations, but I really don’t. But who needs rotations anyways, everyone aboard the Svanir choo choo train!

Silver – Hmm, what is this MetaBattle website. Better take a look.

Bronze – I’m really a Legendary player that is currently stuck cause of Glicko Hell

(edited by Blackwyn.8127)

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Legendary = good pvp players/ESL w/ lots of free time to play. ( some of them its their job to play video games )

platinum = above average casual pvp players that have other things to do.

gold = average pvp players also meh

silver = players who know how to play their class but not in pvp

bronze = newbies, nubs, MMR hell believer

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


Apologies in advance if I upset any low division people with this, lol!

Legendary- Mostly very good players who are experienced and know their roles and what to do pretty well. If a player is here, you can safely assume they are very good and be correct 90% of the time. Also includes people who got lucky with placement matches and now only play once every 3 days to stop decay.

Platinum- Reasonablly good players. Most people here have some sort of an idea what to do and generally play at an acceptable level. Players here do usually care about winning and will put in a lot of effort to do so. Platinum players are the sort of people who start to care about the leaderboard. A decent amount of useless players but less than in lower divisions.

Gold- Average players. Unfortunately, ‘average’ in this game usually means a pretty low standard of play. Players I would never want to have on my team. The kind of people that would regularly make simple mistakes or those just learning their class. I know that a lot of people here would have somewhat of an interest in pvp and would try to improve, but they are not there yet or even close.

Silver- Now we enter the territory of the truly useless players. The kind I would rather have a 4v5 than have them on my team. These people usually don’t make any effort to get better and just call things that beat them OP. This division can also include average players who don’t know what meta builds are and run trash builds like zerker ranger, shatter Mesmer or burn guard.

Bronze- I struggle to find words for how bad you must be to land yourself in bronze. This is the domain of people who don’t care, don’t try, only care about rewards or are just so bad I am surprised they even play pvp. People here, if they have had the game for a long time, can’t have done any challenging content or pvp of any kind before. I could win 1v2s in bronze with 1 hand tied behind my back. They are the kind of players you will encounter here.

Again, I am sorry for my slightly harsh words but I am just speaking my mind of what I think when I see each division badge next to someone’s name.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I think you guys are inflating the extremes. For one, there’s only 375 slots in Legendary. Even with a supposed low PvP population, that is a small percentage of the total. And as Skill Rating is linear, high Platinum is going to be pretty close, skill wise, to low Legendary.

I’m going to put myself out there and say that I’m currently ranked just at Silver 2. I climbed up from Bronze 1 in ~200 matches.

So please, show some respect for your lower ranked brethren. Not only is it necessary in a ladder for someone to be last but also “all pros were once noobs”.
In those 200 matches I’ve only had a handful of blowouts and only two matches where someone decided to afk to throw the match. Regardless to why they play; do not say any group of players is useless, don’t care, or don’t try. We’re may not be on your level (literally) but I’m confident saying we play just as hard as any of you in Gold and up.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Lucius.2140


Talking about player performances compared to other players:

The idea of the divisions its a bell curve one, having a mean near 1200.

  • Bronce: its below average to terrible.
  • Silver its an average player, average up and down.
  • Gold: Above average, im not sure if all of that division its only above average, perhaps part in good (best 1/5 probably could be called good -term tends to vary).
  • Plat: Either from good to very good and maybe more; or from very good to maybe more. Very good will probably can be considered between 1/10 to 1/20 or even 1/50.
  • Legendary: For the players population, its alredy beyond very good, lets call it extraordinary.

This correlate aprox with both the theory and the perhaps slightly skewed gw2 efficiency sample.

According to that sample good will still be in gold and part of plat if i remember well. And 1850 was like 0.5% of the population.

Take in account im trying to make it objective xd.

Pd: Edited for better get to the point dude issues xxd.

Im considering the analogy of good and very good to the inteligent and very inteligent separations some psichologists do when talking without argot about 120 (20%) and 130-133 (2%) IQs.

Not my main language.

(edited by Lucius.2140)

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


Legendary – Solo queue? Surely you jest! I’m currently adding all of top 200 so I can queue dodge them while waiting for my duo partner.

Platinum – Everyone else is holding me back, cause I’m amazing but you all suck.

Gold – I think I know rotations, but I really don’t. But who needs rotations anyways, everyone aboard the Svanir choo choo train!

Silver – Hmm, what is this MetaBattle website. Better take a look.

Bronze – I’m really a Legendary player that is currently stuck cause of Glicko Hell

I have to laugh at your gold description because that was totally me for the start of the season… though it was more mosh pits on the Skyhammer for me; who needs those points when we decap them all at once!

…and yes, I came out of placement at T1 gold.

(edited by Foefaller.1082)

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


Anyway, my personal take on it:

Bronze- Below average. Probably a player new to sPvP who likely thought their PvE build would seamlessly transition to fighting other players, or simply terrible. Has only the most basic idea about what’s going on, and what matchups their profession has any chance of winning.
Silver- Slightly Below Average-Average. Has a pvp-specific build and have a decent (though by no means infallible) idea of who they should avoid, but either their build or their ability to play it is at intermittent quality. Is aware of most of the quirks and tactics of each of the maps, but still only so-so at rotation, abandoning points that needed them or failing to spot where they’re needed as a +1. Also easily distracted by the shiny map mechanics.
Gold- Average-Above Average. Player is competent enough to discuss the finer points of PvP without being dismissed by the “pros” but still has some quirks to iron out before being a “Great” player, whether that’s finding a better prof/build(s) for their playstyle, understanding the point rotation better, learning alternate professions for when the matchup is terrible for their main, et cetra.
Platinum – The players that are good-great at sPvP. They know their builds (yes, plural) and when to swap because of the comp. when it comes to rotation they know when to stay, when to go, where to go, and what to do when they are there.
Legendary- Best of the best. Whether that’s best at actually playing GW2 or best at gaming the rank system is something I’ll leave for you to decide.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I know this is a joke thread but in all seriousness it would be nice if it was:

Legendary: Esl Levels of plays.

Platinum: Almost legendary, perhaps good enough for team drafts.

Gold: Should know rotations and builds and classes well enough to make little errors.

SIlver: Knows 1-3 classes really well and can perform well in most fights but lacks rotation and map awareness.

Bronze: Newbies.

Currently though its sadly:

Legendary: ESL / Good players
Platinum: For the most part its good.
Gold and below: Everyone else is here from placement games dragging each other down with losses or 1-2 players carrying the rest up so they can drag others down when the carry isn’t as good.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


had some good laughs while reading this, keep it going

This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

are you telling me to not be proud of being good in footbal or chess ? just because you have to pay your bills?
it doesnt matter what you love to do, if your are good at it, you can be proud about it

and i dont know what kind of mmo you played before gw2 but the toxic you see here , is nothing compared to others mmo, i remember the times in ragnarok when i got spam wshipered to kill myself and my whole family daily in pvp , good old times , the toxicity in gw2 is nothing compared to that

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Opc.4718


This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

Lol what you mean is, you’re bad at the game so the only way you can make yourself feel good is to dismiss the achievements of other people. Being a hypocrite is kind of sad to be honest.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

Lol what you mean is, you’re bad at the game so the only way you can make yourself feel good is to dismiss the achievements of other people. Being a hypocrite is kind of sad to be honest.

You have that reversed, I’m not trashing anybody. Comprehension is not your thing.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: beatthedown.2651


What does it matter. I’ve seen top leaderboard players matched with golds/silvers. Also duoQ completely removes the purpose of divisions, since it matches people according to the highest rated party member.

If anet wants a serious division system they have to remove duoQ and balance MM. (We might get longer queue times).

For me only legendary players (with over 100 matches in s5) are safe say that they know their stuff. Platinum/Gold players are usually also ok, but you always got at least one player in your team that has no clue about rotations or what role their class has to fulfil. I always cringe so much when the match starts good, but our ele suddenly starts to push a capped node.

Silver is for players that don’t have that much experience, but can at least kill something on their own.

Bronze is just wtf. You are either a complete newbie or are just a scrub who plays gw2 only for dailies or open world farming. Don’t play like that. This game has more to offer.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: steelheart.7386


Give me a break with platinum players. The vast majortity of them are no better then the upper half of gold players. You average platinum player is someone who ran in groups frequently so they had a high MMR to start with and after a modest showing in pre-season of like 6 or 7 wins got put at about 1650-1700 MMR to start. All you have to do is win slightly more then half of your games to stay in platinum at that point and many of them are tools that play as little as possible to protect there rating. Most legendary players are basically pros it is tough to stay at that MMR range provided you play more then like 20-30 games. Again though sadly many play as few games as possible to protect there rating. Anything below about a 1400 MMR is a bad player. Beyond that up to about the people in the top 250 that play a lot (those are undisputedly good) there is a lot of luck involved and very hard to make a determination on who is good or bad. Thats why they need to have hard MMR reset next season to eliminate alot of the luck and the benefit for having had high MMR in the past from mostly grouping when it comes to placement at the start.

(edited by steelheart.7386)

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I would say gold tier is within the top 15-25% of players. This is very apparent when you are in the heart of the mists. If gold was truly average, then you would see far more gold players overall than silver and bronze. Instead, you see dozens of bronze, a bunch of silver and maybe 4 to 5 golds in a map with atleast 100 people.

Gold is by far not even close to average, there are a lot of gold tier players that know how to play their class and rotate.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


Anyway, my personal take on it:

Bronze- Below average. Probably a player new to sPvP who likely thought their PvE build would seamlessly transition to fighting other players, or simply terrible. Has only the most basic idea about what’s going on, and what matchups their profession has any chance of winning.
Silver- Slightly Below Average-Average. Has a pvp-specific build and have a decent (though by no means infallible) idea of who they should avoid, but either their build or their ability to play it is at intermittent quality. Is aware of most of the quirks and tactics of each of the maps, but still only so-so at rotation, abandoning points that needed them or failing to spot where they’re needed as a +1. Also easily distracted by the shiny map mechanics.
Gold- Average-Above Average. Player is competent enough to discuss the finer points of PvP without being dismissed by the “pros” but still has some quirks to iron out before being a “Great” player, whether that’s finding a better prof/build(s) for their playstyle, understanding the point rotation better, learning alternate professions for when the matchup is terrible for their main, et cetra.
Platinum – The players that are good-great at sPvP. They know their builds (yes, plural) and when to swap because of the comp. when it comes to rotation they know when to stay, when to go, where to go, and what to do when they are there.
Legendary- Best of the best. Whether that’s best at actually playing GW2 or best at gaming the rank system is something I’ll leave for you to decide.

I personally find this to be the most accurate and reasonable list.

NSPride <3

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


I’m pretty sure that you should read each division as their part of a bell curve of ability scores: gold is the center, silver and platinum people within one standard deviation better or worse than average, etc.

ANet: couldn’t we see a nice shiny graph of this, though? That’d be amazing.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Kreweless.2196


Also easily distracted by the shiny map mechanics.

I laughed too much at this, because I read it in the Skritt voice.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Legendary – Decent
Platinum – Half trash
Gold- Trash
Silver – Trash
Bronze – Trash

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Considering how much people bounce from platinum to silver and back up, it’s obviously all relative. It’s to unstable, and dare I say, prone to the mood of the diverse, ever shifting player base. Feel like playing gimick p/p power thief tonight? Sure do! Whoohoo!

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: shagwell.1349


NA: trash
EU: half trash

[orz] below mediocre – we sponsor Arenanet
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Opc.4718


This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

Lol what you mean is, you’re bad at the game so the only way you can make yourself feel good is to dismiss the achievements of other people. Being a hypocrite is kind of sad to be honest.

You have that reversed, I’m not trashing anybody. Comprehension is not your thing.

I deliberately reversed it so you could see the irony for yourself. It appears to have wooshed over your head.

“Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest”.

I know it’s hard for a hypocrite to look at a mirror and see your own flaws for yourself but that phrase right there is downright condescending and toxic. In your narrow view of the world, you have an opinion of the kind of activities one is allowed to be proud of, and of course, anybody not conforming with your views is “kind of sad”. And in my humble opinion, that kind of attitude is indeed, very sad.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

(edited by Opc.4718)

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

Lol what you mean is, you’re bad at the game so the only way you can make yourself feel good is to dismiss the achievements of other people. Being a hypocrite is kind of sad to be honest.

You have that reversed, I’m not trashing anybody. Comprehension is not your thing.

I deliberately reversed it so you could see the irony for yourself. It appears to have wooshed over your head.

“Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest”.

I know it’s hard for a hypocrite to look at a mirror and see your own flaws for yourself but that phrase right there is downright condescending and toxic. In your narrow view of the world, you have an opinion of the kind of activities one is allowed to be proud of, and of course, anybody not conforming with your views is “kind of sad”. And in my humble opinion, that kind of attitude is indeed, very sad.

Everything you’ve just said applies directly to you, who is missing the point. The sad part im referring to is that this is a video game, something nobody will remember 10 min after it’s gone, yet the people that are good at it feel justified in belittling those they feel are inferior. If you don’t understand then you are the problem. Now insult me again then call me toxic, the irony is great.