How exactly...

How exactly...

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

How exactly DO teams in soloQ get determined? I am getting so frustrated with some of these team compositions… I don’t see why I should see matchups like engy thief thief thief mesmer vs warrior warrior necro guard ele. How hard is it to get teams with an even distribution of profs?? I think it should be easy enough… I’d even say it shouldn’t be too hard to get an even distribution of archetypes (soldier, adventurer and whateverthe&#%$) light, med, and heavy armor.

I am trying to climb out of the pit of terrible at the bottom of the ladder and its so frustrating to get derailed every other game by 4v5s, AFKrs and horrible team comp.

I am finally getting better at pvp. Decent enough to carry a sub par team to a close win or, unfortunately a close loss. But sometimes all I do is press b prefight and I know how things are gonna play out and i think its bull. Why isn’t team composition an easy fix?

How exactly...

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Roll a bunk guard and try to carry by defending mid – do not expect anet to develop some decent way to make matchmaking enjoyable.

How exactly...

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Solo-q system will start by finding people with similar MMR, if none is found it expands the MMR range until 10 players are found. During offpeak times teams tend to be very unbalanced in terms of player abilty. No profession/build type is taken into account.
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How exactly...

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Before it was problem that when it found 10x players, it put nr.1-5 on one team and nr.6-10 on other team (in tearms of MMR rank aka skill). So it was esentialy good vs. bad team.

Now it evenly shufles them around. What class or build or whatever else, the system doesnt count, so things like 5x thieves vs dream team hambot+guard are just a unlucky circumstance.
It is entirely a meta problem, of some classes/build jut being better, not the MMR system.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

How exactly...

in PvP

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

I don’t have a problem with the MMR I have a problem with the fact that something can’t be done to distribute profs as evenly as possible between the 2 teams. How hard can that be? Ok so we cant get away from Team comps that may be uneven due to the meta..fine..ok I understand fully. Nothing can or should be done about that. But I don’t want to see teams with 3 of one prof on one team and NONE of that prof on the other.

How exactly...

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Yes yes well all know the feeling of seeing multiple squishes on our team mostly thiefs will most likely result in a loss. Though didn’t you get the memo? thiefs are OP apparently and if you have a team stacked with them you should be faceroll winning/sarcasm.

Though players have the option to change profession before the match starts so we kinda of have a bit of control in this matter.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir