How exactly ranked solo team balancing works?
I’ll also go on similar streaks. It feels like a lottery chance of which team gets the newer players on their team or if I am going to get paired against a premade. I’m pretty sure it’s based on how many people are playing at the time, but even then it seems like some games are so lop-sided that the pairings were just randomized instead of based on some sort of skill-based metric.
I think if your win ratio is too high the game puts you in the weaker team for some matches. Its very hard to win in this situation. Even if you have the highest scores you could lose 10 games in a row which can be very frustrating.
My personal theory is that it’s largely based on who is online actively queuing for PvP. The more people, the better the matchmaking. The fewer people, the more losing streaks you get, because the game will put you against premades, often with a suboptimal team who have no real chance of winning, simply because otherwise you’d be in the queue all night waiting for a balanced team to fight with and against.
Unfortunately the PvP population is too small to avoid this outside of peak hours.