How is PvP these days?

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


So it’s been quite a while since I’ve really gotten back into GW2, I think maybe close to a year now.

How is PvP doing these days? When I left, condition builds were just becoming big and Necros became the alpha predator. I played Guardian primarily and had trouble countering them as I remember even with tons of condi removal.

Have the devs been pretty good about keeping balance in check?

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Have the devs been pretty good about keeping balance in check?


It’s pretty messy.

~ Petting Zoos clogging the fights with visuals and A.I.
~ Warriors with fight-long uptime of stability and condition immunity and condition clearing with no downtime
~ Decap Engineers.

People are either speccing towards either impenetrable bunkering, relying on their A.I. (MM Necromancers and Spirit Rangers) and pressing ‘1’, or running a Warrior (which is kind of bunkering regardless). It’s not enjoyable.

Things have fallen so off track it’s not funny.


How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


After the dhummfire buff necro received nerfs in other areas, and now they will remove dhummfire as a crit proc and at it as a ds ability proc without removing the previously mentioned nerfs, so you wont have any problems with this class.

Game as usual got worse, all it is is just more spam, aoe spam, cc spam, evade spam. Most played classes are hambow war, decap engy, mm necro, and bunker guard that was in mid bunkering since beta =].

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


The game is getting worse every patch which changes pvp or balancing.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


Thanks for the heads up. Reading around, it looks like there’s a lot of hate towards Warriors. What’s going on, too much sustain or something?

I remember the big uproar when Ele’s were top dog, but never had too much trouble with them, is this similar or worse do you think?

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Thanks for the heads up. Reading around, it looks like there’s a lot of hate towards Warriors. What’s going on, too much sustain or something?

I remember the big uproar when Ele’s were top dog, but never had too much trouble with them, is this similar or worse do you think?

Absolutely worse.

More sustain and outright immunity to direct damage and conditions at the press of a button. With 3200 armor. Upwards of 20k health. An un-telegraphed immobilize (being patched). Chain CC. Stability for days.

They can be dealt with but why bother when it’s so tiring and not worth the reward.

And this is not from a 1 vs 1 point of view, because it’s a team game and should be viewed that way, they are simply too effective at all levels of play. It’s become fast stale when counter-play isn’t really there in enough forms to keep the pace going.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: dylan.5409


Too much/powerful ai
Stealt/invis is op
Too much burst
Too many %^&* bunker condition builds (cause otherwise dead in 2 secs instead of 5)
Spam, god, the aoe spam
Skyhammer / Spirit watch still in solo q
Same game mode across all maps
Forums are less rage inducing atm

(edited by dylan.5409)

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


Sad to hear. I quit PvP at rank 40 because it was just too frustrating dealing with crazy condition specs everywhere and not seeing any real improvements in sight. Now warriors are crazy OP?

Before I left I remember warriors being bottom tier at almost everything, now it looks like the exact opposite. What happened to the anti-whack a mole balance I was always told about?

Eles look like they’re still in the gutter, a shell of their former selves.
Looks like mesmers aren’t much better off…Same thing, what happened here?

Looks like I’ll be staying away from this game for a long time. Thanks.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Asking the forums to rate the current PvP is like asking the Republican Party to rate the Democratic Party’s current policies, lol.

Most of the people posting here are pretty bitter/bored/jaded. The people who enjoy PvP are in game playing.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: dylan.5409


Forums full of complaining people (forgot to add that bit ^-^).
For all the complaints, the pvp is still fun as long as you realize that this game is about the build and role, if you try to step outside of the meta its not going to go well (given equal skill). For example i would like to play my ranger as something other than team support/spirit , well , you cant and still expect to be a useful team member (Hot join is a slightly different matter, can play a power ranger there, but then who cares); or if I want to roam on said ranger, well thieves and warriors are going to give you a hard time. There are proff’s that offer diversity, warriors and engineers come to mind. Former has many possible builds, latter has cond and decap.

(edited by dylan.5409)

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Sad to hear. I quit PvP at rank 40 because it was just too frustrating dealing with crazy condition specs everywhere and not seeing any real improvements in sight. Now warriors are crazy OP?

Before I left I remember warriors being bottom tier at almost everything, now it looks like the exact opposite. What happened to the anti-whack a mole balance I was always told about?

Eles look like they’re still in the gutter, a shell of their former selves.
Looks like mesmers aren’t much better off…Same thing, what happened here?

Looks like I’ll be staying away from this game for a long time. Thanks.

This is pretty much how it goes in MMOs.

Compared to games like WoW, the balance is actually pretty light-handed. However, since all gear is put on a level playing field, the smallest of changes can make monumental differences.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


hotjoin is a zergfest of lame builds.
tournaments is a fuster cluck of hambow warriors and decap engis rolling their faces across the keyboard, and also afew other EZmode meta builds thrown in.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


Overall balance is pretty good, some of the largest build diversity I can remember as well. Ele and mesmer are both having trouble finding a role in the meta, but still have dangerous specs, warrior sustain is a little high.

Probably the biggest issue is that some of the meta specs are a little lame. Warriors, spirit rangers, decap engis, and minion mancers can all be frustrating to fight against and easy for inexperienced players to be moderately successful on.

These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt. Every meta is the worst meta. I don’t think warrior is overall more dominant than ele at it’s peak atm.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

Overall balance is pretty good, some of the largest build diversity I can remember as well. Ele and mesmer are both having trouble finding a role in the meta, but still have dangerous specs, warrior sustain is a little high.

Probably the biggest issue is that some of the meta specs are a little lame. Warriors, spirit rangers, decap engis, and minion mancers can all be frustrating to fight against and easy for inexperienced players to be moderately successful on.

These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt. Every meta is the worst meta. I don’t think warrior is overall more dominant than ele at it’s peak atm.

Wise words, exactly my opinion!

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Maena.6834


Overall balance is pretty good, some of the largest build diversity I can remember as well. Ele and mesmer are both having trouble finding a role in the meta, but still have dangerous specs, warrior sustain is a little high.

Probably the biggest issue is that some of the meta specs are a little lame. Warriors, spirit rangers, decap engis, and minion mancers can all be frustrating to fight against and easy for inexperienced players to be moderately successful on.

These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt. Every meta is the worst meta. I don’t think warrior is overall more dominant than ele at it’s peak atm.

“Overall balance is pretty good”. No it’s not. GW2 is the most unbalanced MMO I’ve played when it comes to PvP. There’s not even a hint of balance between classes.

“some of the largest build diversity I can remember as well.” – This is not true. Why would a warrior run anything but healing signet/tanky build, for instance? They still do great damage in it. There will always be the one specc for a class that outshines the rest in MMO’s, and that’s what people will play.

“Ele and mesmer are both having trouble finding a role in the meta, but still have dangerous specs” – Please name those specs.

" warrior sustain is a little high." – A little? They can tank just about everything, unless they get ganged up on (read 3+ people).

“These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt.” – Forums are negative for a reason, and in this instance it’s the horribly, horribly broken class “balance”. There is no balance to speak of at the moment. PvP in GW2 sucks, and those who are looking to this game for that reason should steer clear. Unless you like running around in zergs in WvW.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


> Skyhammer is still in the game
> Spirit Watch is still in the game
> Still no proper ready check button, tons of 4v5’s still happen
> Ele’s are still terrible
> Warriors are still ridiculous

> And regarding everything else:


How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


Maena if you want serious answers to those PM me and I’ll be happy to give some input. I’m just not that into forum hyperbole/ranting etc.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Spooko.5436


it’s a full blown bunker meta now. u either self sustain bunk or bunk with pets. glass has become so glassy that they have to be played perfectly, or a bunker will be back to full in no time and easily smash the glass canon.

Condi’s are no longer an issue.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Chicago Jack.5647

Chicago Jack.5647

Overall balance is pretty good, some of the largest build diversity I can remember as well. Ele and mesmer are both having trouble finding a role in the meta, but still have dangerous specs, warrior sustain is a little high.

Probably the biggest issue is that some of the meta specs are a little lame. Warriors, spirit rangers, decap engis, and minion mancers can all be frustrating to fight against and easy for inexperienced players to be moderately successful on.

These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt. Every meta is the worst meta. I don’t think warrior is overall more dominant than ele at it’s peak atm.

OP, listen to this guy ^

However on another front, the competitive infrastructure is still very weak, but the next patch apparently is going to help address that.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


Condi’s are no longer an issue.

Yeah, that might have something to do with warriors being EVERYWHERE.
On average I see at least 3 warriors across both teams, sometimes 4-5.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


hambow is not top when there is a decap engi.

and condition is still OP, necro eats engi, necro engi eats thief mesmer or anything without much condition clear. hambow eats necro tho. i assume when hambow war is nerfed to not viable, everyone will just go condition spamming again.

(edited by Simon.3794)

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

So it’s been quite a while since I’ve really gotten back into GW2, I think maybe close to a year now.

Spend all your glory and use all your crafting mats before they get deleted.

Additional info later this week.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


Maena if you want serious answers to those PM me and I’ll be happy to give some input. I’m just not that into forum hyperbole/ranting etc.

I really think you should address each point for all of us right here. If there’s something you could teach us here that would help us then by all means, let us all hear it.


How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I don’t think warrior is overall more dominant than ele at it’s peak atm.

That’s interesting to read. I’m a filthy casual when it comes to PvP and sometimes it’s hard to have perspective on people’s comments when there’s so much QQ.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

(edited by SoPP.7034)

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


GW2 is the most unbalanced MMO I’ve played when it comes to PvP. There’s not even a hint of balance between classes.

While comments like this make me roll my eyes.

I’m sure you’ve implemented qualitative and quantitative measures in your research?

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


“Overall balance is pretty good”. No it’s not. GW2 is the most unbalanced MMO I’ve played when it comes to PvP. There’s not even a hint of balance between classes.

" warrior sustain is a little high." – A little? They can tank just about everything, unless they get ganged up on (read 3+ people).

“These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt.” – Forums are negative for a reason, and in this instance it’s the horribly, horribly broken class “balance”. There is no balance to speak of at the moment. PvP in GW2 sucks, and those who are looking to this game for that reason should steer clear. Unless you like running around in zergs in WvW.

your post just proved brigg’s point on forums being excessively negative. gw2 worst game ever!!! pvp horribly horribly horribly horribly broken! warrior super OP and needs 3 people to kill OMG

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


“Overall balance is pretty good”. No it’s not. GW2 is the most unbalanced MMO I’ve played when it comes to PvP. There’s not even a hint of balance between classes.

" warrior sustain is a little high." – A little? They can tank just about everything, unless they get ganged up on (read 3+ people).

“These forums have always been excessively negative, so take them with a grain of salt.” – Forums are negative for a reason, and in this instance it’s the horribly, horribly broken class “balance”. There is no balance to speak of at the moment. PvP in GW2 sucks, and those who are looking to this game for that reason should steer clear. Unless you like running around in zergs in WvW.

your post just proved brigg’s point on forums being excessively negative. gw2 worst game ever!!! pvp horribly horribly horribly horribly broken! warrior super OP and needs 3 people to kill OMG

He/she (I apologise) is still not far off from the truth, even if the language used is a bit of an exaggeration.

I’m really sorry to say this, but; burden of proof. It’s up to nay-sayers to prove that things ~aren’t~ as bad as a lot of players are saying they are, which is kind of a pain in the butt, since actual evidence points to otherwise.

There is a point (eventually) where general consensus will reflect the actual state of the game, and unfortunately we’ve reached that point. Do remember, the only reason why the complaining is so loud is because the issues that people complain about in PvP (in a broad sense, not bashing Warriors here):

~ Have not been rectified.
~ Take far too long to be rectified.


(edited by kylwilson.9137)

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


In my experience most people come to these types of forums to rant about what they don’t like, usually falsely expecting that if they do the devs will do something about it. Rational discussion or actually learning something… not so much.

So, the pm offer is out to anyone if you want to share ideas, but as far trying to have a rigorous debate or something lolz… it’s not really the place for it.

Also, just for fun I wanted to see what a successful pvp game forums were like. Lol forums, some gems from the first page:
“Riot, You are ruining your own game. It’s boring and trashy.”
“Why is Riot so ****ing lazy”
“Quitting league (My Opinion)”

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Aqualung.6324


PvP in my opinion is pretty good, i enjoy it. Theys obviously some BS moments that happen like in any game E.g 4v5’s unbalanced comps. but overall good.

Just alot of crying on forums which is the vocal minority. just a l2p issue, know when you should engage and disengage from a fight don’t play as a 1 man army.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I don’t think warrior is overall more dominant than ele at it’s peak atm.

That’s interesting to read. I’m a filthy casual when it comes to PvP and sometimes it’s hard to have perspective on people’s comments when there’s so much QQ.

The difference is that eles required some skill to play, and the very powerful d/d bunker spec did not have really strong offensive capabilities.

Warrior atm is extremely easy to play and do well with. Its worth just playing again to fight them.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Balance can be quite a mess with some things over-tuned, but I am really enjoying my PvP matches when I get to play. Also, where I am in the leaderboard seems to be relatively devoid (knock on wood) of the uber-cheese specs, and rife with power-specs. As I am working my way up the board, I am really enjoying the increased team communication and coordination.

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Buran.3796


I think that is ok. Not great or fine but ok. Since December 10th you gain 15 silver coins every time you lose a team pvp match, and you gain 30 x victory (limited to 5 gold coins/day), so now you can have fun and get small earnings in return. You can also use 1.5k glory + 20 silvercoins to increase the PvE levels of your toons, buy 20 slot bags for 6k glory + 6 gold coins and some other things, with helps to make this part of the game more rewarding.

In terms of balance/gameplay some builds are still dominant due the limited nature of the only game mode, which damages the variety, but still the combat experience is so fluid, fast and thrilling compared against some other games (Diablo III, TESO, I’m looking at you) that the game is still attractive and addictive despite the said limitations.

(edited by Buran.3796)