How is ele in PVP?

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I might be missing something but due to their naturally low vitality and stats in general, I have a hard time trying to picture what they can run given the current amulet choices.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Best role they can fulfill is to run the same old build, but replace the cleric amulet with menders.

This makes you a poor version of a druid. You give out similar amounts of healing, but have no real damage, very poor hard mitigation, no real res capability, and, most importantly, terrible mobility. You can’t really win 1v1’s, but against many classes can stalemate them. You provide more team-wide cleanse, but everyone only plays builds that can take care of themselves.

The other alternative is to play a suicidal fresh-air ele, in which case you are very-high risk, dying to a mean look from anyone, but very low reward as everyone has tons of passive hard-mitigation that completely negates your only strength. Think of it like a really low-mobility thief that can’t just spam tons of evades, and can only apply high-pressure on a very long CD.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: UBcktieDL.5318



You are good at making other people ridicilously tanky. But it is not the class you want to 1v1 with.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: SneakyTouchy.6043


It sucks.

The best it can do is provide support, but the form of support it provides doesn’t compare to that of the AOE pressure, control and blocks that a guardian can.

As far as support goes, the only difference between ele and guadian right now is that the guardian has plentiful access to aegis, a long lasting f3 block, heal on dodge, an invulnerability skill that recharges a major heal and the f3 block, and a number of skills that fully negate damage through more blocks. The ele has to face tank what the guardian doesn’t have to, meaning it can survive on point much longer and continue to support the rest of the team where the ele instead would have fallen long ago.

Any other type of build that is non supportive or hybrid simply doesn’t work. Cast times are too long and the damage of individual skills are too low. The source of an ele’s DPS largely depends on long duration/low burst AOE skills that are easily avoidable. Best I’ve seen so far is an arcane fresh air build that can provide pressure similar to that of any other class but has nearly zero ability to counter pressure or cleanse conditions. You have to play it like it’s a thief that can’t dodge well, teleport, or stealth away to safety. You get one chance to plus for someone and if you mess up, you’re toast.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I might be missing something but due to their naturally low vitality and stats in general, I have a hard time trying to picture what they can run given the current amulet choices.

Why keep torturing yourself by playing an ele?

Look I have been doing this for more than one year, a constant struggle to kill anything, and each patch just made it harder and we’ve reached a point where you won’t kill ever anything on ele at close to equal skill level

You work extremely hard to create any resemblance of dmg, loads of wrist twisting..still after 5 min there you are struggling to bring the target down to even 40% HP but this is not the worst part….

Post Jon Peters unfortunate departure, the weapon skills, utilities on ele have been designed with huge glaring weaknesses in them (warhorn/shouts/all tempest design) , showing that the man in charge of the ele development currently…has no love for the class

I mean how many examples do you need?

“Drop mic, gw2 dev example”

“Disgraceful gw2 dev tweet about ele and how happy he is about the nerfs”

-tweet now deleted-…not surprised

And then there are dozen of example of ESL players here on the forum cheering and gloating at each set of nerfs the profession has received every time for 4 years
People like:


And many more, I mean I can find you links to very old streams where ESL players were discussing with Jonathan Sharp on how the ele was “overperforming” and other similar crap

The build diversity of the profession has steadily decreased each year, the number of nerfs was just getting higher and higher and to make things even worst, alongside the nerfs, the number of hardcounters was being increased with a sadistic perseverance :

- s/d thief stealing 2 boons every larcenous strike ( 1 ini ) which made the ele unplayable for months
- boon corruption on auto-attacks
-short CD interrupt

The class was being pushed into an “all defense or nothing” role more and more

The main victims are the players, people buy a MMO, choose a profession because they like an archetype to play and they had previous experience of the elementalist concept in other MMOs like : WoW, FF XIII , GW1, AION, Warhammer online and so on so on

They came here expecting to play an elemental spellcaster which are generally speaking very efficient and what they do : black mage from FFXIII, fire/air/earth elementalist from GW1, Bright Wizard in warhammer, Frostmage, elementalist(shaman) in WoW and the devastating sorcerer in Aion

But people got lured in by false advertisement

Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.

And now you’ve been reduced to this:

You can’t 1vs1 anybody, you won’t kill anybody 1vs1, You can’t run away from anybody

By far we had the worst elite specialization and the worst elite weapon set to boot

There are still people hoping that next elite specialization will be offensive and efficient….lol..poor souls; they clearly forget the glaring weaknesses of the base ele class:

-no hard mitigation
-lowest HP
-low dmg coefficient

Do you guys seriously believe that a single trait line can solve all that while not making ele stupidly OP which will result in more heavy nerfs?…You must be really optimistic if you think so.

To you OP..I have 2 suggestions: Change Class or Quit the game

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Dud, you are not sirous right? “weaknesses of the base ele class”? D/D eles were strogest roamers in the game with top pvp status, staff ele was number one damage in pve.

no hard mitigation ? You mean like obsidain flash/mist form/lightning flash/arcance shield etc…

Lowest hp – easyest stat to minmax

low dmg coefficient – what?

healer ele could tank 3 ppl while cpaaing point on season 3, now it can tank 2 and not 3. Thas the main diffrence between ele is a must have on every team and ele is good edition to a team but not a must have.

Perheps eles may need to get abit of love in the futre, but u’r being over dramatic.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


previous experience of the elementalist concept in other MMOs* like [..] GW1,

defensive midline? Ether renewal prot/heal bot? Funnily enough, ele is closer to its gw1 role than some other classes.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Dud, you are not sirous right? “weaknesses of the base ele class”? D/D eles were strogest roamers in the game with top pvp status, staff ele was number one damage in pve.

no hard mitigation ? You mean like obsidain flash/mist form/lightning flash/arcance shield etc…

Lowest hp – easyest stat to minmax

low dmg coefficient – what?

healer ele could tank 3 ppl while cpaaing point on season 3, now it can tank 2 and not 3. Thas the main diffrence between ele is a must have on every team and ele is good edition to a team but not a must have.

Perheps eles may need to get abit of love in the futre, but u’r being over dramatic.


-Skills on 50s CD min are called hard mitigation? Do you see anybody playing fresh air ele with these “hard mitigation” skill of yours?
Let me give you few example of hard mitigation:


Need anymore or you get the idea? Skills that block 3 attacks every min are not hard mitigation bro!

2) Healer ele? You mean you can tank 3 scrubs once you fully gear for healing and do 0 dmg…WOOOOOOOW that’s kittening impressive…..hold on no it’s not I can tank 3 scrubs on a paladin dragon hunter with 0 healing power, on a chronomancer , a MM reaper, a druid with paladin by going stealth/evade frame…

Noticed anything?….Yeah bro I don’t need to be a kittening healer with no dmg to “tank” 3 scrubs on other professions!

3) Low dmg coefficient?
Hoooo you mean me hitting for 4-5k dmg every 10 or so secs on a druid/dh/war with 0 crit dmg , over 1500 toughness and kitten load of defensive passive

Ohh wait..let me go on my marauder fresh air ele and let me tickle that war over there..must be careful though he does exactly my same dmg ( if no more) but he’s 4x more durable

4) Weakness of base ele

Hallooooo anybody there? this is not 2012

We have something called Heart Of Thorn where many professions had many GM traits integrated inside the class ( warrior, mesmer, engineer etc etc..all except freaking ele ) and ele base was nerfed prior and after HoT

I mean TY DAPHOENIX for being able to tank several uplevel in wvw in 2013 thx to you we now can’t enjoy our class as punishment

Yeah..I’m totally being overly dramatic….

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’s over. They nerfed the entire class out of the pvp game.

If you want to have fun just play guardian, you don’t need to know how:
Take the medi-trapper build on meta battle. put traps and press F1 twice then press all the keys. Use scepter 5 when things are heating up. When everything is on cooldown use your elite and you’re ready to spam all your skills again.

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


hold on no it’s not I can tank 3 scrubs on a paladin dragon hunter with 0 healing power, on a chronomancer , a MM reaper, a druid with paladin by going stealth/evade frame…

Perhaps you can get out of that amber division in the upcoming season because neither paladin dh, nor mm reaper, nor paladin druid can even sustain against 1 meta build played by a competent player.
And please stop your complaint about low damage based on damage coefficients because it is embarrassing and wrong on so many levels. Ele has neither particularly low coefficients e.g. dagger auto has one of the highest coefficients among all auto attack skills, nor low damage in general. On the other hand druid staff auto has probably (not entirely sure as I can’t be bothered to check all of them but 0.3 is lower than scepter air in ele which is deemed awful) the lowest coefficient of all auto attacks and is still one of the best ranged auto attacks. Damage coefficient numbers don’t directly translate into damage (as the ones provided on wiki do not take casting time into account) and marauder ele damage is pretty good. The issue is how quickly marauder ele dies.

I am not saying that ele is in a great spot, but the majority of your complaints/arguments are not justified and every idiot can easily look up numbers and prove you wrong.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

How is ele in PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: cyberzombie.7348


Well I just picked back up my ele a few days ago. Running demo staff tempest work fine for me. Having high aoe pressure, damage, and cc has controlled the tides of my matches.

What good is a medic w/o a patient?