How often do the devs play PvP?

How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperStriker.1982


How often do the devs play PvP, both ranked and unranked?

How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Grouch and Hugh seem to play regularly.

How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I’m sure they are not top players, because they have jobs, but I think they do play. I wonder if you can work on GW2 and not play the game? I mean, you don’t have to play during your free time if you don’t want to, right? That must be so awkward for the person who doesn’t have an account at the coffee break!^^

How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


I’ve run into Hugh at least three days this week in unranked. Last night Grouch was with him for a bit.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


Hugh has been partied with Five Gauge on his stream a couple times this week, I don’t watch it regularly though so maybe more than that.

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How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperStriker.1982


The reason for me asking this is the rampant and blatant speedhacking in both ranked and unranked games. I have proof of several players using speedhacking just this past 5 weeks.

And stronghold will have ‘supply carrier’ mechanics??? Speedhackers must be salivating at the thought of trolling stronghold games. So when is anet going to fix speedhacking. Better yet, make a replay feature, just like in Guild Wars 1. What happened anet, GW1 pvp was going in the right direction, why remove so many fun and useful things, instead of improving it and then adding more features?

How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Aereniel.7356


The reason for me asking this is the rampant and blatant speedhacking in both ranked and unranked games. I have proof of several players using speedhacking just this past 5 weeks.

I have played since early access, and prior to last week, I had never witnessed anyone using hacks in GW2 PvP. Exploiting bugs, sure, but never packet manipulation. Usually it’s just people lagging like bejeesus and porting all over the place because of non-malicious packet loss. But lo and behold, last week in a Spirit Watch custom arena I ran into my very first teleport hacker. Seemed legit as kitten, ignoring Y axis and running the orb repeatedly from mid to node in about 4-5 seconds. I reported the bugger of course, giving map, date/time, data centre and other info. I guess it had to happen eventually, but I’m still sad. Loss of innocence hurts. #sadpanda

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How often do the devs play PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Grouch has played pvp since forever, and from vsing him on the occasion he actually seems like a decent engi too. Recently Hugh has been in pvp pretty much every time i’ve logged into Hotm.

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