How's does leader board ranking work?

How's does leader board ranking work?

in PvP

Posted by: RusShiro.9241


So, I have won well over one hundred tournament games, and three hundred standard games. I admit that my win percentage is low, but I would wager that if they tracked k/d ratio. I would excel there. One of my guild mates who is terrible at pvp, gets carried through ten wins, with me and some of my friends is now ranked higher on the leader boards then us. Why and if I can’t improve my leader board standing by winning, then how do I climb the leader board?

How's does leader board ranking work?

in PvP

Posted by: Demonsoul.9271


The way the leader board works is through an invisible rating system which is based off of who you win and lose against. Lose against lower rated players and you lose a ton of rating, lose against higher rated players and you’ll lose less. Not sure of much beyond that, or whether or not a significant climb after 100 wins is feasible. Assuming there are enough people for you to be placed against closely-ranked individuals, so long as you win more than you lose you will gradually go up, but I’m not sure if you’ll be able to shoot up in rankings with ten consecutive wins or anything like that.

It should be noted that your regular wins are unrelated to your leader board standing— it is solely tournament based.

How's does leader board ranking work?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I think its some kind of ELO or Glicko rating. I dont think your win percentage matters too much. It all depends on who you are playing against. You could be 0-100 and in last place, but if you all of a sudden start beating the rank 1 team, you will climb the leaderboards really fast. Thats why some people with only 13 games played are at the top of the leaderboard. They joined a good team and beat some really good teams, so their rating sky-rocketed.

But also, your not likely to get matched up against a high rated team if your team is low rated. Unless there is just not many teams queuing.

How's does leader board ranking work?

in PvP

Posted by: Drafigo.4690


Player vs. Player

The PvP leaderboard is ordered by PvP rating. At this point, we’re not exposing the actual rating formula itself, but the leaderboard provides a way for you as a player to see where you stand in the hierarchy. We want to keep you as up-to-date as possible, so we’re going to be updating this leaderboard multiple times per day.
The PvP data is all based on single-round tournament play, so three-round tournaments and public matches that you enter via the in-game match browser will not count toward your position in the standings. In order to minimize how much players jump around the leaderboard, we’re also requiring that you take part in 10 matches before you can appear on the leaderboard.
Here’s a breakdown of the different metrics:
Rank – Current position in standings based on PvP rating
Wins – Total ranked PvP match wins
Losses – Total ranked PvP match losses
Win Percentage – Percentage of ranked PvP match wins out of total ranked PvP matches played

This is what is in the new section of the leader boards. However I do believe Demonsoul and Vandal are right about losing or beating higher level players. These leader boards are really not that good and need some work I believe. would be nice to be able to see how you or others made it to the top 1000. Right now everyone guesses. Some players who haven’t played in a month still rise up the ranks. I have seen this more since the paid tournaments are now highly populated among low rank players. Last night when i played about 10 matches and seen many sub level 10 players in the tournaments. Would be good if they improved the leader boards but I would prefer they added new tournament content first instead of the one round matches in free.

How's does leader board ranking work?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I actually like ELO or similar rating systems. It keeps the rankings from being dependent on who’s played the most games or who’s got the most wins. Time played is no longer a factor. The only thing that matters is the ratings of the players you beat and the players you lose to. So far I have no issue with the current leaderboards except maybe not having seasons or rating decay. So people dont achieve a high rating and camp it.

How's does leader board ranking work?

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


It doesn’t.

Until they put in decay for inactive players and split solo and premade queues it’s just a vague resemblance of a proper ranking ladder.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior