How small is our PVP community...reallly
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
Stealth breaking on damage doesn’t make sense for the gameplay of GW2.
There are multiple channeled skills which make such a “solution” unwieldy. Even without channeled skill Stealths key thing is that target break straight out removes the target requiring or target dependant skills from hitting, more so than its invisibility. As well as often you can fire a skill immediately after someone stealths and it will fly to them as if you had the target. Include a rapid hit skill like shortbow 1 for more shenanigans.
Breaking on CC is also well awkward given the application of many stuns requiring a target making most “tools” redundant to begin with.
Stealth is fine in gw2 on a base level. In the context of conquest it can’t contest the primary objective. That doesn’t actually make it bad in conquest but its limitation requires you expose yourself at some point since it will do nothing to the opposition if you don’t eventually do so.
Frequent application of stealth does feel a bit off given GW2’s “large” skillpool means you can have multiple stealth skills available to link together with Stealth only having an effective cooldown on offense.
There was a period of time were they were going to put reveal regardless of whether you attacked or not. I thought this would have been interesting. However to really look at things S/D Isn’t a heavy stealth user in the slightest especially since 2012. P/D loves to stealth, but it lets players take the objective from him, even if they take significant damage to do so. D/D isn’t a real “bruiser” in melee even when it attempts to be, so if he tries to continually CnD or utility stealth on the point he’s still going to feel the limitations of his defense due to cleave and aoe. This game isn’t all that friendly to melee and while Warrior may of recieved many buffs to improve his ability to stay in that range, for everyone else, Melee can still be something you want to be in only momentarily which means for a D/D thief…revealing themself after a burst and then leaving, not that I’ve seen a D/D in awhile.
Finally their is D/P who uses stealth as a cover up for otherwise weak defenses that are all to obvious as soon as you look at P/P and see how much /P is subject to range assault otherwise with no inherit ability to target break. I wouldn’t mind changing this but it’s the love of most thieves since D/D was nerfed in ’12.
However really when it comes to stealth and Conquest it is strong but its limitations restrict it. For another game mode it might be more problematic but Anet would probably take the same standpoint with any game mode that most games and they themselves have taken before. “we balance for our main gametype, not sides”.
During peak hours, total up all the players in hotjoin, queue for solo ranked match (project out the time it takes for your team to form and for you to get a match), do the same for ranked team queue, and you’ll somewhere between the 500-1000. You can also see evidence in the wild swings you take in the MMR of those ranked 500-1000.
Now, if you believe Allie and her irrefutable metrics that she shared (which I’m sure include the WvW population in as their pvp numbers), we’re at a gazillion players.
(edited by Pyriall.5027)
Stealth breaking on damage doesn’t make sense for the gameplay of GW2.
There are multiple channeled skills which make such a “solution” unwieldy. Even without channeled skill Stealths key thing is that target break straight out removes the target requiring or target dependant skills from hitting, more so than its invisibility. As well as often you can fire a skill immediately after someone stealths and it will fly to them as if you had the target. Include a rapid hit skill like shortbow 1 for more shenanigans.Breaking on CC is also well awkward given the application of many stuns requiring a target making most “tools” redundant to begin with.
Stealth is fine in gw2 on a base level. In the context of conquest it can’t contest the primary objective. That doesn’t actually make it bad in conquest but its limitation requires you expose yourself at some point since it will do nothing to the opposition if you don’t eventually do so.
Frequent application of stealth does feel a bit off given GW2’s “large” skillpool means you can have multiple stealth skills available to link together with Stealth only having an effective cooldown on offense.There was a period of time were they were going to put reveal regardless of whether you attacked or not. I thought this would have been interesting. However to really look at things S/D Isn’t a heavy stealth user in the slightest especially since 2012. P/D loves to stealth, but it lets players take the objective from him, even if they take significant damage to do so. D/D isn’t a real “bruiser” in melee even when it attempts to be, so if he tries to continually CnD or utility stealth on the point he’s still going to feel the limitations of his defense due to cleave and aoe. This game isn’t all that friendly to melee and while Warrior may of recieved many buffs to improve his ability to stay in that range, for everyone else, Melee can still be something you want to be in only momentarily which means for a D/D thief…revealing themself after a burst and then leaving, not that I’ve seen a D/D in awhile.
Finally their is D/P who uses stealth as a cover up for otherwise weak defenses that are all to obvious as soon as you look at P/P and see how much /P is subject to range assault otherwise with no inherit ability to target break. I wouldn’t mind changing this but it’s the love of most thieves since D/D was nerfed in ’12.
However really when it comes to stealth and Conquest it is strong but its limitations restrict it. For another game mode it might be more problematic but Anet would probably take the same standpoint with any game mode that most games and they themselves have taken before. “we balance for our main gametype, not sides”.
Not sure this is the in the right thread, but I want to comment on one position thieves take and that is “you cannot cap while stealth”. I think it is long understood that the thief profession doesn’t make for a great bunker (at this point), so their role on a team is not to hold a point, but to assault it. In those situations, stealth is very effective as a thief moves in and out of stealth, they easily force people off a point and can get a neut in short order.
C’mon guys, cheer up! The first year in any mmo is gonna be rough. The foundation is set, now they can start making things better. They’ve already added silver to the bonus for winning matches, and they’re gonna be having pvp seasons and stuff soon. Spvp is gonna start getting some love, I know it. Just have a little patience
Stealth breaking on damage doesn’t make sense for the gameplay of GW2.
There are multiple channeled skills which make such a “solution” unwieldy. Even without channeled skill Stealths key thing is that target break straight out removes the target requiring or target dependant skills from hitting, more so than its invisibility. As well as often you can fire a skill immediately after someone stealths and it will fly to them as if you had the target. Include a rapid hit skill like shortbow 1 for more shenanigans.Breaking on CC is also well awkward given the application of many stuns requiring a target making most “tools” redundant to begin with.
Stealth is fine in gw2 on a base level. In the context of conquest it can’t contest the primary objective. That doesn’t actually make it bad in conquest but its limitation requires you expose yourself at some point since it will do nothing to the opposition if you don’t eventually do so.
Frequent application of stealth does feel a bit off given GW2’s “large” skillpool means you can have multiple stealth skills available to link together with Stealth only having an effective cooldown on offense.There was a period of time were they were going to put reveal regardless of whether you attacked or not. I thought this would have been interesting. However to really look at things S/D Isn’t a heavy stealth user in the slightest especially since 2012. P/D loves to stealth, but it lets players take the objective from him, even if they take significant damage to do so. D/D isn’t a real “bruiser” in melee even when it attempts to be, so if he tries to continually CnD or utility stealth on the point he’s still going to feel the limitations of his defense due to cleave and aoe. This game isn’t all that friendly to melee and while Warrior may of recieved many buffs to improve his ability to stay in that range, for everyone else, Melee can still be something you want to be in only momentarily which means for a D/D thief…revealing themself after a burst and then leaving, not that I’ve seen a D/D in awhile.
Finally their is D/P who uses stealth as a cover up for otherwise weak defenses that are all to obvious as soon as you look at P/P and see how much /P is subject to range assault otherwise with no inherit ability to target break. I wouldn’t mind changing this but it’s the love of most thieves since D/D was nerfed in ’12.
However really when it comes to stealth and Conquest it is strong but its limitations restrict it. For another game mode it might be more problematic but Anet would probably take the same standpoint with any game mode that most games and they themselves have taken before. “we balance for our main gametype, not sides”.
Not sure this is the in the right thread, but I want to comment on one position thieves take and that is “you cannot cap while stealth”. I think it is long understood that the thief profession doesn’t make for a great bunker (at this point), so their role on a team is not to hold a point, but to assault it. In those situations, stealth is very effective as a thief moves in and out of stealth, they easily force people off a point and can get a neut in short order.
Yeah, this needs to be moved to the stealth break thread.
How small is it? When I hotjoin or tpvp, I literally see the same people all the time. This is at different time periods too. Is it that small?
Do we stand a chance of actually having a good pvp community?
Well there are two possibilities: the community is tiny or matchmaking is awful. One of those two things is true. If there really are thousands of players queuing at any given time, getting just one repeated player is a very rare event.
So either there aren’t thousands of players, or matchmaking is astonishingly broken.
(My guess would be the latter, actually. I have no doubt Anet’s engineers are skilled and could implement a good matchamking system with enough time and resources. But I get the feeling Anet is struggling, understaffed, and scrambling to hold things together.)
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
this made me cry and laugh at the same time.
In those situations, stealth is very effective as a thief moves in and out of stealth, they easily force people off a point and can get a neut in short order.
Again, this is off topic, but this made me laugh. You must be a solo far point pusher the entire match.
Frequently people say, “If I have a good thief on my team? Then I’m happy. If I have a bad thief on my team? Then facepalm, we’re doomed.”
Don’t facepalm.
@ensoriki: stealth is certanly not the main reason why pvp community is so small lol, wvw forums this way, mon ->
imo, pvp system itself is lacking, in many ways hence why community is small
in wow for example you would almost never see ppl crying too much about maps or modes in pvp forums; usually it was about certain classes being OP or exploits etc.
same goes for legaue forums
(certanly, those 2 games also have their share of map complains but not as often as in this game)
look at gw2 pvp forums, it consists of
- remove skyhammer
- fix spirit watch
- add more game modes
- more rewards plz
- 4v5, how to report
- all is vain
clearly, pvp system itself is lacking… a lot + wvw taking certan share of pvp interested players away also has its impact
i joined this game few months ago, only reason i decided to play it was pvp; i love the fact that you don’t need to grind gear, i love the fact that devs don’t completely neglect class balance in pvp (like it is the case in other games); i love dynamic and how much more team oriented pvp in this game is…but i was really really surprised how undeveloped system is…
- skyhammer needs to go from soloq or have option to remove it
- spirit watch orb should make you unable to use invul like and any super movement (hi GS) spells
- there should be at least pvp lv 10 requirement for ranked
- this game needs ready button and option to report afkers/trolls etc.
- more maps
- mode game modes
- better rewards: let us trade glory for karma/gold/crafting mats; let players get certain weapon skins that are only obtainable in pvp but can be used in pve etc etc.
the list is long and many suggestions been made
back to topic, i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if pvp community would be around 5-10k
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
In those situations, stealth is very effective as a thief moves in and out of stealth, they easily force people off a point and can get a neut in short order.
Again, this is off topic, but this made me laugh. You must be a solo far point pusher the entire match.
Frequently people say, “If I have a good thief on my team? Then I’m happy. If I have a bad thief on my team? Then facepalm, we’re doomed.”
Don’t facepalm.
Your whole statement makes me facepalm. If you’re not talking about assaulting a point, then the thief isn’t the one who is maintaining a presence on the point to begin with, so the whole idea of “stealth doesn’t let you cap” can be thrown right out. Along with your statement of course.
If you’re not talking about assaulting a point, then the thief isn’t the one who is maintaining a presence on the point to begin with
Well I hope I never get paired up with you on a thief in soloque then. :/
There is a reason why a home defender is a staple of all teams. I suggest you learn why people always take them.
(edited by Chicago Jack.5647)
If you’re not talking about assaulting a point, then the thief isn’t the one who is maintaining a presence on the point to begin with
Well I hope I never get paired up with you on a thief in soloque then. :/
Likewise…nice rebuttal btw.
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
^ This
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
It just scares me because we are like supposed to be a huge game out at the moment… there is no way we are this small.
The PVP is starting to look like DIABLO2 PVP after 10+ years. Seeing the same people in pubs etc.
How is this possible? This game came out last year…
This never happened in WoW.
How can we POSSIBLY be at a state worse than D2 that came out like 13 years ago?
It just scares me because we are like supposed to be a huge game out at the moment… there is no way we are this small.
The PVP is starting to look like DIABLO2 PVP after 10+ years. Seeing the same people in pubs etc.
How is this possible? This game came out last year…
This never happened in WoW.
How can we POSSIBLY be at a state worse than D2 that came out like 13 years ago?
The speed and quality of their patches, as it relates to pvp.
As much as I love the PVP in this game, and what it could be, the state of the game after months is just crap.
Patching is too little and too far apart. I remember before PAX, the excuse was PAX itself and how they didn’t want to upset the meta for the teams doing the tournament. Then it comes and goes, and finally we get the patch and nope just more garbage. Warrior is still ezmodefaceroll after months of the same crap meta. It gets old, really old.
Add to the fact that Skyhammer is still in soloque and we still only have one game mode. Not to mention the lack of incentive. They added a glory vendor for us to dump all our glory into but the stack of glory boosters in my bank are just going to be a complete waste.
There are 18 people that participate in SPVP
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
There are 18 people that participate in SPVP
I trust those numbers and I am prepared to get behind them.
[url=https://] [/url]
The pvp community is so small that i fight same team every time in Team Arena.
Best Mercenary Guardian you can find to fill your last slot.
Keep Calm and PVP Hard.
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
There’s actually DRAMA and COMPETITION in wvw atm.
It’s amazing
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
There’s actually DRAMA and COMPETITION in wvw atm.
It’s amazing
Drama? Yes…Competition? WHA???
this game is not what I hoped it would be, so I stopped playing it 2 weeks after I bought it. Talk about money well spent. I’m prolly not the only one. That may be the reason why there are not many people playing it, because it really has not caught on as it was hoped it would.
I played off peak and got matched with the same 9 people for 5 or 6 games before I saw a new face.
Anet needs to pull something out their kitten , and soon.
this game is not what I hoped it would be, so I stopped playing it 2 weeks after I bought it. Talk about money well spent. I’m prolly not the only one
. That may be the reason why there are not many people playing it, because it really has not caught on as it was hoped it would.
Gw2 is actually one of the handful of games I bought last year that I played more than a couple hours before dropping and never touching again.
(edited by Myst.5783)
There’s literally like 30 people who play tpvp. You can’t even count hotjoin as the majority of people who play that are trying to game or are pve’rs who want daily achievment points. Game has been on a big decline for a while, it’s sad but its reality…
5 main issues with pvp atm as I see it:
1. Lack of game modes. Sure we have different maps but it is the same form of basic game play – conquest. This is the main issue I believe.
2. A total disconnect between the pvp dev. team and the pvp community. I do think the pvp devs actually listen to the community to a degree. However either they A. Completely disagree. Or B. They do not have the resources, time, or do not care to act.
3. The player base. Peruse these forums and mainly all you see are complaints and rants. Some justified but most are not. As a whole it would seem that no matter what the devs do “we” will never be happy.
4. The matchmaking. I can’t fully comment upon this except to say that as the pvp population declines this issue will only get worse.
5. Balance. The amount of time it takes to correct obvious problematic specs is another major issue. See point 2.
The general negativity being expressed, whether rightly or wrongly, will only breed more negativity in the form of results, perceptions, and experiences. Ask yourself this – if you were a new player or new to pvp and you came to this forum would you be encouraged to play?
In the end the pvp devs are not solely to blame for the rapidly declining pvp population. We as a community share much of the blame. But as it stands atm pvp in GW2 has become rather bland due to us only having conquest mode.
Per the OP’s question (and I qualify this because when I play I play at random hours) the pvp community after NA “primetime” is abysmal.
tl/dr – pvp in GW2 is kittened.
Haiku FTW
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
Not even a year When I played paid tournaments there were only like 10 teams worth competing against. This game never even started, at no point during its lifespan has GW2 ever been competitive nor will it be competitive. At least not in the capacity the devs envisioned or what they had in GW1.
It did alright for an MMO I suppose. But we all know the devs expected way more than just another generic MMO with mediocore pvp playerbase.
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
The guild wars franchise has a cycle that has been around since the beginning.
Game Release with high numbers – game slowly dies – games dead – expansion – game explodes – game slowly dies – games dead – repeat
With this trend it is obvious that the weakness is maintaining the numbers after the new releases. I personally think the new pvp system will be the solution to that issue much like the fortnightly release is for the pve guys.
(edited by aussieheals.6843)
So it took like 1 year for gw2to have a smaller pvp than gw 1 currently has after 8+ years of neglection, such quality.
The guild wars franchise has a cycle that has been around since the beginning.
Game Release with high numbers – game slowly dies – games dead – expansion – game explodes – game slowly dies – games dead – repeat
With this trend it is obvious that the weakness is maintaining the numbers after the new releases. I personally think the new pvp system will be the solution to that issue much like the fortnightly release is for the pve guys.
Except Anet isn’t planning any expansions for gw2.
So, yeah
Except Anet isn’t planning any expansions for gw2.
So, yeah
I know that Anet tries out stuff outside of live servers and I heard something about an expansion (autumn/winter), I am not sure how authentic it is though.
This game will at least be released in China, Brazil and Russia among others later on this year, according to a Eurogamer article.
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
There’s actually DRAMA and COMPETITION in wvw atm.
It’s amazing
Drama? Yes…Competition? WHA???
Team RIOT (I think they Spvp) vs TM (mostly a WvW roaming guild?). Drama + a competitive fight to come.
Except Anet isn’t planning any expansions for gw2.
So, yeah
I know that Anet tries out stuff outside of live servers and I heard something about an expansion (autumn/winter), I am not sure how authentic it is though.
This game will at least be released in China, Brazil and Russia among others later on this year, according to a Eurogamer article.
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
There’s actually DRAMA and COMPETITION in wvw atm.
It’s amazing
Drama? Yes…Competition? WHA???
Team RIOT (I think they Spvp) vs TM (mostly a WvW roaming guild?). Drama + a competitive fight to come.
Not seeing it..
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
There’s actually DRAMA and COMPETITION in wvw atm.
It’s amazing
Drama? Yes…Competition? WHA???
Team RIOT (I think they Spvp) vs TM (mostly a WvW roaming guild?). Drama + a competitive fight to come.
Not seeing it..
If you call that competitive, you never experienced real competition.
For me, gw2 is if not the best, one of the best money-wise games i’ve ever bought. The number of hours i’ve got for the money is just amazing.
But, i didn’t play only pvp, i’ve played the 3 modes. If i had bought the game to play it’s pvp, i would think like you (i’m a moron for buying this thing), but i played the 3 modes till i got somewhat bored, after many many hours.
If u are bored of it’s spvp, try wvw and pve, there is so much content to see, and wvw is an unbalanced open world mess, but it can be a fun mess.
spvp is not where anet makes their money, its wvw/pve. How many of you (formerly me) that ONLY spvp spent actually money on gems, gold, whatever? For the first 9 months I played only s/tpvp I maybe spent $20. For the last 4 months Ive been doing pve/wvw, ive spent over $100.
Follow the money trail..you’ll see why so much effort is being spent developing pve/wvw content and why spvp is just a tiny, insignificant fraction of the game. And this is why i still play the game, because the wvw/pve is so dynamic, content rich and i always have something to look forward to.
That’s because, in my opinion, sPvP is the least fun or original aspect of GW2.
Even less people would play it if it wasn’t for the achievement points.
very small, with this QQ community, meaningless rank, leaderboard and also reward. nothing to small profit to the company. i would rather play pve or wvw instead of spvp, but lucky me i enjoy all aspect of the game. so dont bother me if one aspect lacks updated i just go play the other one with new patch just came out
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
If you’re not talking about assaulting a point, then the thief isn’t the one who is maintaining a presence on the point to begin with
Well I hope I never get paired up with you on a thief in soloque then. :/
There is a reason why a home defender is a staple of all teams. I suggest you learn why people always take them.
Nice edit…What does your edit have to do with what we were discussing? What does a home point defender have to do with stealth not allowing for a cap in the context of our discussion? I’m going to safely assume, you have no idea what we are talking about. So I will break it down for you:
If we are not discussing a thief pushing far point to assault it, as you stated earlier, then we are going to safely assume that the thief’s role in a team fight is NOT to maintain the primary presence ON POINT. So, now that we have gotten that out of the way…you can facepalm yourself until you understand.
Again, I implore you to figure out why people take home defenders on a team. Then maybe you might stop saying silly pants things like “all you have to do is stealth and kill the guy on node, then neut the node”.
You go ahead though and run your silly pants 30 shadow arts perma stealthbuilds in soloque. I only pray to god I don’t get you on my team.
(edited by Chicago Jack.5647)
According to this survey…
…roughly 11% of the player base partake in sPvP on a regular basis.
…and roughly 20% every once in a while.
However it’s consistently regarded as the weakest aspect of the game.
276536 players
spvp is dead, this is coming from a rank 61. WvW is where it’s at. Sad, but true.
There’s actually DRAMA and COMPETITION in wvw atm.
It’s amazing
Drama? Yes…Competition? WHA???
Team RIOT (I think they Spvp) vs TM (mostly a WvW roaming guild?). Drama + a competitive fight to come.
what the hell is this kitten?
Again, I implore you to figure out why people take home defenders on a team. Then maybe you might stop saying silly pants things like “all you have to do is stealth and kill the guy on node, then neut the node”.
You go ahead though and run your silly pants 30 shadow arts perma stealthbuilds in soloque. I only pray to god I don’t get you on my team.
Too bad I never said, “all you have to do is stealth and…” GG on misquoting and having an entire conversation with yourself. Looks like all those facepalms didn’t help you. Keep at it and maybe you’ll catch up with the actual conversation.
The funny thing is, I think you really think you know what you’re talking about.
5 main issues with pvp atm as I see it:
1. Lack of game modes. Sure we have different maps but it is the same form of basic game play – conquest. This is the main issue I believe.
2. A total disconnect between the pvp dev. team and the pvp community. I do think the pvp devs actually listen to the community to a degree. However either they A. Completely disagree. Or B. They do not have the resources, time, or do not care to act.
3. The player base. Peruse these forums and mainly all you see are complaints and rants. Some justified but most are not. As a whole it would seem that no matter what the devs do “we” will never be happy.
4. The matchmaking. I can’t fully comment upon this except to say that as the pvp population declines this issue will only get worse.
5. Balance. The amount of time it takes to correct obvious problematic specs is another major issue. See point 2.
The general negativity being expressed, whether rightly or wrongly, will only breed more negativity in the form of results, perceptions, and experiences. Ask yourself this – if you were a new player or new to pvp and you came to this forum would you be encouraged to play?
In the end the pvp devs are not solely to blame for the rapidly declining pvp population. We as a community share much of the blame. But as it stands atm pvp in GW2 has become rather bland due to us only having conquest mode.
Per the OP’s question (and I qualify this because when I play I play at random hours) the pvp community after NA “primetime” is abysmal.
tl/dr – pvp in GW2 is kittened.
good post, rare objectivism in these forums
I rarely see the same people … happens now and then, but not very often at all.
I’m usually playing about the same time each day too.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
I rarely see the same people … happens now and then, but not very often at all.
I’m usually playing about the same time each day too.
I had the same guy in 7 of my games in a row. If we really have a lot of people playing, the match algorithm doesn’t randomize enough. If there isn’t a lot of people playing, then it explains itself.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass